After 21 years of 'treatment' I terminated my HIV medications almost five years ago and I'm thriving.

in #hiv8 years ago (edited)


My name is John Robert Wilcox and yes, you read that correctly: HIV/AIDS is fiction and fraud, and I will prove that to you with the details of my personal twenty one year experience within the medical system that ‘treated’ my partner and me for two decades, and how we walked away from our doctors ‘care’ over four and a half years ago, and thrived in the absence of their empty but expensive medications. 

What you are about to read is the absolute truth, and there is nothing ‘fake’ about my experience.   

There needs to be an end to this evil meme that has seen the ongoing extortion of billions of dollars from the people, and the deaths of millions of people who fell and still fall victim of this genocidal medical system including my first boyfriend who was one of the early victims tested who was murdered with toxic doses of AZT.   

My current partner and I received our HIV+ test result on May 10th 1991, and as a result we would endure two decades of HIV theatre and medications before on April 20th 2012, we would view a video on YouTube from Dr. Peter Duesberg that would snap us out of the hypnosis our minds were under, with factual information that allowed us both to walk away from our doctors and terminate their ’treatment’ without reservation or hesitation.   

 The truth was: HIV was only in our minds.   

Since we terminated our medications, we have saved the Alberta Tax Payer 118,800.00 at 2012 prices, and at 2016 prices $162,000. just for the cost of meds alone.   

I understand that with this declaration I have outed myself as a heretic, and as a dangerous threat to the greatest drug cartel on the planet, with their multi-trillion dollar medical fraud that the Medical Establishment is still extorting humanity and destroying lives every day so; I must therefore state for the record that: I have no plans to commit suicide, and I do not participate in unnecessary dangerous activities, so any attempt to terminate, injure or legally frame me will immediately focus and magnify the attention directed upon the existence and perpetrators of these outrageous crimes.  

 Here is an estimate of the kind of money the HIV hoax is being used to extort billions from the masses, in this quote from The AIDS 2031 Cost and Financing Working Group’s estimation of future AIDS costs followed the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS):  

Quote:  ''Of the four scenarios “rapid scale-up” is the most expensive requiring $35 billion in 2031 with a cumulative cost of $722 billion over the next twenty-two years; “current trends” and “hard choices” will cost $24 billion and $19 billion in 2031 respectively, with cumulative costs of $490 billion and $397 billion. The “hard choices” scenario is the most cost-effective, achieving almost the same number of infections averted with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $1,429 for each HIV infection averted. “Rapid scale-up” averts the most infections but is the least cost-effective ($7,594). “Current trends” and “structural change” are in the middle with $6,225 and $6,803 respectively.’’ Un Quote

 Some of those billions that are collected is spent on highly toxic AIDS drugs that kill and sterilize the unwanted populations in Africa and other third worlds who are in the way of large corporations who want their resources, as depopulation under the guise of philanthropy, like Bill and Melinda Gates spending their billions on vaccines or hypodermic genocide, yet in the first world HIV is used to farm fake patients for expensive placebo consumers for life.   

The false HIV meme began In 1983 when ‘news’ stories ran on TV reporting that some men in the gay community in L.A. were suffering an unexplained immune collapse, and while completely ignoring the obvious: self induced health degeneration from a lack of sleep & food, due to drug and alcohol abuse, the notion was propagated and promoted in the mainstream media that there must be some kind of microbe that is responsible.  

This led to some ‘gay rights activists’ protesting In the streets demanding the medical community to find the cause of the ‘disease’.   

Now that we have witnessed the kind of bought and paid for ’protestors’ that George Soros has provided in several countries including Black Lives Matter in The U.S., it now makes the concerned gay protests in 1983-84 all too convenient for Dr. Gallo’s crime and highly suspect n retrospect.   

On April 23rd 1984 Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler appeared on TV with Dr. Robert Gallo where they cast the spell on the unsuspecting public by lying directly into the camera declaring that Dr. Gallo had found the virus that had been breaking down the immune systems of some gay men in L.A. 

It’s name is HTLV3 and Dr. Gallo had already spent over nine years trying to pin HTLV3 on cancer but failed. With that failure, he also lost the millions of dollars in royalties he would have made for the test he had patented for the virus. 

 Dr. Gallo was a doctor with a virus he had a test for but no disease to connect it to for his fortune, and all it took was Margaret Heckler and TV cameras to create a FAKE disease that only exists in the minds of those who believe it. The general public who watch TV.    

The simple lie that would make him a millionaire was that he had completed every stage of clinical discovery, and he lied about attaining purification of the virus stage in the process. 

It appears on the surface that Dr. Gallo was only responding to the opportunity that presented it’s self in the news to introduce his golden retrovirus that he already had patented a test for, but I now suspect that the made for TV stories were fabricated and staged to create the pretext, with the intended response from Dr. Gallo waiting in the wings with his pet virus and create the Medical Industry’s golden goose called HIV/AIDS. 

But there was a challenge from France from Dr. Luc Antoine Montagnier who claimed that Dr. Gallo received his HTLV3 retro-virus from a delivery of retroviruses sourced from them years earlier. 

The courts granted Dr. Montagnier and Dr. Gallo equal shares of the royalties to come from the HIV test from which they made millions.   

The first waves of patients who were unfortunate enough to get tested in the early years for ‘HIV’ were put on toxic drugs like AZT that mimicked immune system collapse, killed the patients and created the optics of a pandemic by poisoning the first waves of patients to death.    

When they wanted to create the appearance of progress being made with the drugs, they gradually made the medications less toxic, until finally they were and are now providing placebos to lifetime pill consumers at $1600.00 per month. (current prices)   

The media has been absolutely complicit in this psychological operation by brainwashing the public to believe in the HIV fiction and staged fear porn, with stories like that of Kimberly Bergalis who had supposedly been infected by her dentist David Acer in 1987, where they later had ‘her canvass congress’ to make it law to force medical professionals to be tested, as well as permitting doctors to test their patients with out their consent, in order to force large numbers of new victims to get tested, where an average of one third tested will carry and test positive for the harmless passenger virus.   

They then reported Kimberly was dead in December of 1991 just four years after infection , and propagated her story everywhere on TV and in print in order to drive the spectre and threat of HIV into the heterosexual population’s consciousness to maximize potential consumer base.   

 I will point out that my partner and I have exceeded the same length of time since successfully abandoning our treatment, as the entire length of time that Kimberly Bergalis survived from her alleged infection to death.   

Bergalis’s story has all the hallmarks of the hegelian dialectic: Problem Reaction Solution and in retrospect, it is highly improbable that it could have actually been an organic event, and her story was created in order to justify the unconstitutional laws that would force thousands of victims to be tested.   

For the purpose of allowing my story to be vetted, I am detailing my medical history within the system in Calgary Alberta Canada, and I am using my real name and the real names of my doctors.

Our medical history with HIV began on May 10th 1991 when we received our HIV positive test result from Dr. David Megran who worked the STD clinic.   

A few weeks later we were referred to the Southern Alberta Clinic under the watch of Dr John Gill, and Dr. Martin La Brie.   

They put my partner on AZT from the beginning because his T4 count was only at 550, but mine was 880 so they kept me off medications and encouraged me to participate in a study for a new treatment involving a protein called GP160. 

 I spent two years of monthly visits to the Foothills Hospital, where I was administered a shot that was either GP160 or a placebo, and take blood samples to monitor. 

It was a double blind study so neither I or the doctors knew which I was getting. The results of the study turned up inconclusive and was a complete waste of time and money.    

For twenty one years, my partner and I were treated at the Southern Alberta Clinic. Every visit was virtually identical: Nurse would take Blood Pressure, temperature, and weight measurements.   

We would then be asked the ritual list of ‘do you have….’ side effect symptoms, to which our response to all questions was always ‘no’.   

The doctor would then see us individually, and I would always report: ‘I’m HIV positive by definition only.’ because I never had any symptoms or side effects. 

There also was never any dramatic ups or downs in our lab results like T4 count or viral load despite the fact that they changed our medications a couple of times.  

My partner was taking AZT for a couple of years, while I was on the GP160 study, and a short time after the study was over, we were told that there was some amazing success being made with a triple ‘cocktail’ of three meds: I was put on AZT 3TC and Sequinavir, where my partner was put on AZT 3TC and Indinavir.

The Sequinavir required fatty food to help the body metabolize the drug and Indinavir had the opposite requisite of no fatty food making dinner for two a little more complicated.   

Beyond a little bit of exaggerated dreaming, we had nothing for side effects from the drugs, despite the crazy lists that exist on the side of the box on the meds; and we had a suspiciously stable variant on our lab results that suggest the only way this is possible is that we were receiving placebos at an enormous price to the tax payer, and we have no active virus causing harm.   Here is the list of side effects for Indinavir:   


Major Side Effects

You should check with your doctor immediately if any of these side effects occur when taking indinavir: More common:  

  • Blood in the urine
  • sharp back pain just below the ribs

Less common:  

  • Abdominal or stomach pain
  • chills
  • clay-colored stools
  • dark urine
  • dizziness
  • fever
  • headache
  • itching
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • rash 
  • unpleasant breath odor
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • vomiting of blood
  • yellow eyes or skin


  • Confusion
  • dehydration
  • dry or itchy skin
  • fruity mouth odor
  • increased hunger
  • increased thirst
  • increased urination
  • pale skin
  • troubled breathing with exertion
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • vomiting
  • weight loss

The TRUTH is: 'side effects' are EFFECTS.  As you can see: the drugs being administered for HIV have side effects that emulate AIDS.

At the time we encountered the truth about HIV on April 20th 2012, the doctors had us both on the same meds: Truvada and combivir (AZT/3TC) at a cost of $11,00.00 a month each. Since we left the system we have saved the Alberta Tax Payers over $118,000.00 in meds alone.    2016 prices per month are now at $1600.00. per month per patient. 

April 20th 2017 will be five years to the day we terminated our medications and treatment for HIV, and I am 57 years old working as a bike messenger with a 10 km commute, and I attend Wing Chun Kung Fu classes after work three nights a week adding another 12 km ride to the equation.

I’m an unusually healthy human that seldom succumbs to colds. 

I can confidently tell everyone to never get tested for HIV and if you already did, to abandon your HIV treatments because it is all BULLSHIT.   

But I am not the real expert. That is Dr Peter Duesberg, the worlds leading retro-virologist and and I will leave it to him to prove it to you just as he proved it to me with this video:  

 HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud? A Stephen Allen film


I will be posting more on this subject in the near future.  



So nice to here. Every thing is changing in this world. Same with the human body. There is no such thing as chronic because everything is changing all the time and expanding.

And they will keep reminding you every year to donate for the cause because you know...they don't make enough money from it. They will also tell you to run a marathon to support the cause. But really these promotions and events serve only one purpose, make you believe HIV is a death sentence and that they need to handsomly tax you in order to tackle this "dangerous life threating killer disease".

First of all, HIV/AIDS is not a conspiracy nor is it a fraud or a hoax.

This post is irresponsible to a highest degree. You may in fact carry HIV without symptoms or even having it to turn into full blown AIDS, but that doesn't mean others share your luck.

What you are doing is irresponsible to the highest level, and if people believe you it will lead to deaths. Immunodeficiency viruses are not a laughing matter, humans have them, cats have them, koalas have them, so do a lot of other species on this earth, and it's a real concern in the real world.

If you start claiming HIV/AIDS aren't real and advocate for HIV patiens to drop their medications, you are at worst committing a manslaughter.

I know of a trial here in Finland, where a guy was being charged for knowingly transmitting HIV to multiple women, and he got a verdict of attempted murder among others. This is what you are doing now with this post of yours.

So long story short. I am flagging your post now, since what you did is entirely inappropriate, irresponsible and indefensible act.

In fact, you may not care about yourself anymore, but don't bring it down on others. If you have HIV is of your own doing, and not anyone else's fault.

You are an IDIOT who didn't even read my article!
You are a SHILL for the Medical Establishment afraid to loose money!

I read it, and it spells a baseless conspiracy theory. Do you really think a hoax illness would be actually studied all over the world for over 30 years and no-one would notice it's a hoax? You are the one who is stupid. In a matter of fact I've been letting my computer help with the HIV studies by folding its proteins on the World Community Grid FightAIDS@Home (Some info also on Wikipedia, the project has even produced its first results and is now in Phase 2.

Since HIV/AIDS are so widely studied diseases, they are not likely to be a hoax, not even by a long shot.

Again. What you are doing is advocating that HIV patients should stop taking their meds, and act like they were not carriers. This is what I consider thoroughly irresponsible. You are actually advocating people to take their chances with the disease developing into AIDS. That's like claiming playing Russian Roulette isn't going to kill you.

WHY AM I WALKING 25 YEARS AFTER TESTING POSITIVE and TERMINATING MY MEDS ALMOST FIVE YEARS AGO?!! Am I a ALIEN? OR IS HIV BULLSHIT?!! Dr. Duesberg, the Worlds Leading Retro-virologist will tell you in the video of his I posted that 'THERE ARE NO SLOW ACTING VIRUSES.' People are being robbed and murdered with this LIE called HIV and YOU are being recorded by the UNIVERSE protecting such EVIL that killed people I know, millions of others, and the continuing GENOCIDE in Africa.
Also: you should stop using the old and tired CIA term: 'conspiracy theory' because it gives you away when you attempt to use mind control like that to turn eyes away from THE TRUTH.
THE TRUTH will invariably deliver REALITY with brutal karma attached.
Good luck with that.

You have outed yourself as a biased observer, as you describe your personal investment in HIV. My very existence as a five year WALK AWAY from treatment and medical extortion threatens your enterprise.

"You have outed yourself as a biased observer, as you describe your personal investment in HIV. My very existence as a five year WALK AWAY from treatment and medical extortion threatens your enterprise."

LOL. Maybe I really should invest into HIV/AIDS medicine and vaccines next since you and people like you are the ones who really make it profitable. And as soon as you die from it, perhaps even earlier, more patients you likely infected yourself will be flocking in to get more meds and I will become filthy rich. [Insert demonical laughter here.]

Perhaps I should. Your walking away from a perfectly working treatment will inevitably cause more disease and more people getting the treatment. I wouldn't count that as "threatening the enterprise" not by far. Thanks for the tip.



These are one of the stupidest claims I have ever heard. I can't even comprehend how stupid you sound. I mean I'm sorry I didn't read the whole post because that first picture told me enough already. HIV is a real disease.

You are either an IDIOT who didn't comprehend what I have stated, or you are a MEDICAL FRAUDSTER who is threatened by your loss of BLOOD MONEY. GO BACK TO HELL!

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