Hitchhiking tales #4

No more chicken buses, you get robbed on those. I´m back to the roots and hitchhiking my way down Central America.

I have to admitt hat after the last time I traveled in Guatemala and got robbed atu gunpoint I didn´t feel safe on the road nor on a chicken bus. But getting lost, robbed, sleeping poorly sometimes, meeting people and saying goodbye in a matter of days, they are all part of the job and you have to take the best out of every situation.

Besides, I don´t have the money to be paying for transportation every time I move from one city to another <- Checkmate, hitchhiking it is from now on when doable.

This Tale will be short because I just travelled for a few hours and no more than sixty miles.

From western Guatemala to not so western Guatemala
I had to get out of Xela, everytime I tried to write I thought about the robbing. I didn´t want to go out because I couldn´t find anything to do that didn´t involve a little danger so I got bored pretty fast on that town full of spanish learners and nightlife - I already know spanish duh and I am done with the nightlife for a while -

But that would be running right? At least for me it is not the way I roll so I forced myself to write there and to be able to cope with my situation. Outcome? Seven days lost in a town I didn´t like but two posts I liked very much how they came out: Why do I travel solo and Low Budget Travel Tips.

I was done, my work there was finished and I came out of the challenge with another small win which I needed after the last days. I met two Israelis who were at the hostel I volunteered for that week and we decided to hitchhike together; Israelis love to save money and also everytime I tell people I hitch rides every time I can they get curious. We attacked the road very early on the next day I wrote the articles and it took us like 10 minutes to catch a pick-up truck that got us half the way, he dropped us in the next town where my friends were staying.

I didn´t feel uneasy, Isrealis are hardcore and when they travel they have all the army training and war very fresh so they don´t take crap from anyone, and I also consider myself a bit hardcore so we were safe, I think.

After that I continued I went on by myself and it took me no more than two minutes to find this pick-up parked on the street with a fifty year old woman on the back. I asked in spanish to the driver if they were going to San Pedro La Laguna, my destination. He replied that in fact they were, if you are going there hop on he said and I could already feel my luck changing.

She told me her name but it was a difficult one to pronounce because it was in Quiché, a language derived from Maya, so let´s call her Linda. On a broken spanish Linda told me all about her life - or maybe it was her daughter´s life, I had some trouble understanding - but I guess she liked me because she gave me a hug when we reached San Pedro.

Finally, I was there. I reached my destination without any trouble and somewhat early so I was able to search for a hostel without any haste.

Oh my, how could I forgot!?!?

This is mop - as in mopping the floor - and he was my travel partner alongside Linda. The best beahved dog I´ve seen behind a pick-up truck crossing the Guatemalan Forest (Yes, unlike the north, in here is more of a forest.

Mop was a good dog, I am glad I met him.

The selfie were proudly sponsored by Hen´s phone, the israelí girl and with my camera Canon, which I didn´t want to take out but Linda and Mop were worth it.

Remember, Be Here Now


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