IS the Curse of the Pharaohs reality or a superstition ?????

   The story of the tomb of Tutankhamun


On November 4, 1922, when the archaeologist and specialist in the history of ancient Egypt, the British Howard Carter, digs at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the Tomb of Ramses VI in Wadi  

The kings noticed the existence of a large cellar and continued to excavate carefully until he entered the room that houses the tomb of Tutankhamun.

On the walls of the room, which contains the mausoleum wonderful drawings to tell in the form of pictures of the story of the departure of Tutankhamun to the world of the dead and the scene was very impressive to the world 

Howard Carter who was looking into the room through a slot and holding a candle that his assistant asked him "Would you see anything?" Carter replied, "Yes, I see great things."

The first thing that caught the attention of them was inscriptions saying, "Death will kill the wings of anyone who tries to disperse the security and peace of the Pharaohs' shrine." This is the phrase found on the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was followed by a series of strange incidents that began with the death of many workers searching the cemetery. Scientists and people, including some archaeologists who participated in the discovery of the civilizations of the pharaohs, were puzzled by the fact that the ancient priests of Egypt poured their curse upon me. 

Anyone who tries to transfer these effects from its place .. It was said that a strong sandstorm raged around the grave of Tutankhamun on the day he opened and saw a hawk flying over the cemetery is known that the falcon is one of the holy symbols of the Pharaohs.


But there is a German scientist who opened the file of this phenomenon, which preoccupied many to explain to us in the mind, medicine and chemistry how forty scientists and scholars died before it was too late and why that young king, Tutankhamun .. Although this king has no historical value and may not have been governor Perhaps he was in the era of a counter-revolution against King Akhenaten the first club of unification .. But it is certain that this young king has derived great importance from 

That his tomb was untouched by one of the robbers .. Alina arrived after fifty-five centuries of complete safety and that this king also is the source of the curse of Pharaonic all those who touched or touched him chasing death one after the other recorded the most strange and strange what was known of the types of punishment .. The obvious thing is That these forty have died .. But the mysterious thing is that death for very trivial reasons and in circumstances not understood. 

The story of the curse began with the golden Canary bird that Carter carried with him when he came to Luxor. When the cemetery was discovered, they first called it the "Golden Bird Tomb." In his book 'Theft of the King' 

Cairo to receive Lord Carnarvon, put his assistant Kalender Alasfour on the balcony to receive air fresheners .. On the opening day of the cemetery heard Kalender rare distress as a cry of a signal faster to find a snake Cobra extending his tongue to the bird inside the cage .. Killer and the snake but the bird was dead .. and immediately It was said that the 'curse' began with the opening of the cemetery where the Cobra snake is located on the crown that is placed on top of the statues of the kings of Egypt .. This was the beginning of the king's revenge of those who disturbed him in his shrine .. On the other hand I think archaeologist Henry instructs that something terrible on the way Will happen ... but what happened next was strange 

Turned over time into a supernatural phenomenon and one of the mysterious things that raised a lot of controversy, which has not found an explanation for it to this day .. In the official celebration of the opening of the cemetery was injured Lord Carnarvon .. mysterious body did not find one of the doctors explanation .. In In the middle of the night, the Lord died in Cairo. The strangest thing is that the electricity was cut off in Cairo for no apparent reason at the very moment of death. The newspapers of the world highlighted the death of the Lord. The Cairo newspapers linked the death of the Lord and extinguishing the lights. Tut, some newspapers said that the finger of the Lord has been injured by a machine or free Of poison inside the cemetery and that the poison strong evidence that keep its influence three thousand years .. She said that the kind of bacteria grew into the cemetery carrying the disease and death, and in the Paris astronomer Ansilan said .. I have avenged Tutankhamun.  

Who have contributed in one way or another in the discovery of the tomb of insanity and some of them committed suicide without any reason, which baffled effects who found themselves in front of a puzzle for which there is no explanation scientists.
 Attempt to transfer the mummy of Tutankhamun 
The hands of the team began headed D.zahi Hawass, the world of Egyptian antiquities in the transfer of the mummy of King 'Tutankhamun' outside the cemetery to study X-ray after Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture decided to be in the cemetery on the West Bank in Luxor.
And suddenly it blew dust storm sharp covered the valley of the whole of the Kings .. and stopped work for the animation team and they looked terrified to D.hawwas who understood their eyes immediately and said a decisive tone, "Mavi needed .. Mavi Curse of the Pharaohs .. The first thing that ends the storm Nstgl immediately." '
The storm ended and the workers and researchers returned to work. They took the famous mummy out of the cemetery to install the x-ray machine, a very precise device sent by the National Geographic Society. Suddenly the device stopped working for an hour and a half.
Dr. Zahi's working eyes began to bear many words, but he decided to ignore their glances in the work to reveal the mystery of King Tutankhamun's death below the 20th century.
The cell phone rang in Dr. Zahi's pocket. His sister's voice was crying in a burning voice: My husband is dead !!
And began to feel constricted and pessimistic after the end of the work decided to travel to his hometown of Damietta to participate in the funeral of his sister's husband and a friend of his age.
Before he installed his car, he called the minister, Farouk Hosni, to inform him of the need to travel to attend the funeral. His secretary told him: The minister felt sudden exhaustion and irregular heartbeat .. The doctor decided to enter the heart hospital in October to check it 
And the phone fell from his hand.
It is known that Dr. Zahi Hawass is one of the scientists who reject the idea of ​​the curse of the pharaohs and consider it a myth that the journalists and the world has ratified.
Did the young mummy decide to teach him a lesson?
It is strange that the world began to recognize the existence of a curse for the Pharaohs with the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the western land of Luxor in 1922 has been known to those interested in the effects that the kings of the Pharaohs were always writing in front of their graves a severe warning of the presence of a curse will hit everyone approaching the buried mummy or treasures and money and existing foods In 1977, Archbishop Mohamed Mahdi assumed the presidency of the Antiquities Authority and agreed to travel to the treasures of Tutankhamun to Europe. He signed the contract and when he left his office in Tahrir Square he was hit by a speeding car and died instantly. A heart attack on the morning of approval travel artifacts abroad.
Since the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamun, the world's attention has not subsided because it is the first cemetery to be found complete without being extended by the thieves and may have been damned and because it contains treasures of pure gold peak in art and sculpture and wealth and because the hero is the king of the throne at the age of eight And died before reaching the age of twenty years and his life was full of tragedies and tragedy and is said to have died and that there is a wound in the skull indicates a huge brawl hit .. This year National Geographic Society of America asked to examine the mummy of the young king, who remained in his grave in Luxor since its discovery and until now And the importance of this His head to find out the real reasons behind the death of a young king, which reveals part of an important historical era .. agreed D.zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
In fact, the Egyptian and international newspapers published the event which will be held in Cairo and the king mummy will be transferred from Luxor to the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square in Cairo and the resurrection of the sons of Luxor and some of the archeologists working there. They asked why they were taking the mummy of the king from his city. 
Farouk Hosny responded and issued a decision to keep the mummy in its place and to go to the American Mission and its scientists accompanied by Egyptian scientists as long as it is important scientifically and historically to preserve the mummy .. And in fact moved the team there .. And strange that Dr. Saleh Bedair Dean of the Faculty of former medicine and director of draft Mummies He apologized for not taking part in the examination of the mummy and withdrew, stressing that he can not complete this journey and declared that he is opposed to the DNA experiments that are decided because the success rate does not exceed 60% and asked for the need to use a medical team specialized in reading the radiation and the basic rule in all these researches is preservation On our heritage and Htramna of the kings of the ancient pharaohs and appreciation for the history .. The withdrawal D.bdir a big question mark and told the press that he had asked the exclusion of the American world 'de Miller' from experiments or read the scan and recommend that his research, which was for it to be completed Mummies is the property !!
It is important that the results of the CT scan for the king's mummy will appear after about a month of the procedure, but the scientists confirmed that the preliminary results showed a historical surprise has confirmed that there are no traces of wounds or inhibitions in the skull of the mummy and this changes many theories that relied on the young king died Was killed before the age of twenty because of a conspiracy I loved him or because of falling over the wheel of war and that there is a fracture in his skull shows that it was hit by a stick or a baton, but confirms archaeologists who participated in the research that Carter when he extracted the mummy and wore the famous golden mask exposed to the sun even He dried the mask and then left it for a year in the Ceny cemetery. The researchers discovered that it was broken into 13 pieces and then collected inside the shroud cloth.
There was another theory in which scientists confirm that King Tutankhamun was ill and his death was normal. This was confirmed by preliminary CT findings, while his diseases or types are expected to be revealed by future research.
I was asked by an information at a conference: Do you still think it is a myth.
He answered laughing: Did you know that we discovered a cemetery in the pyramid and when we set a date for the announcement of the earthquake in 1992 and a month later I agreed with the artist Farouk Hosni Minister of Culture to be announced at a press conference and on my way to the press conference surprised me a heart attack and the driver immediately transferred to the hospital and postponed the opening Then I was hit by an electric shock from one of the graves of the workers, but I do not like to control these ideas. I love Pharaonic history and the kings of bones.
I asked him: Is the curse of the Pharaohs present or just a myth?
He said I seem to have to admit it now and prove otherwise! 


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