history of aceh housesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history7 years ago (edited)


Our ancestors have designed buildings that care about the surrounding natural conditions by making earthquake-resistant homes.
Aceh traditional house by local residents is called rumoh Aceh. The shape is uniform, ie rectangular extending from east to west. It is said that the elongated location was chosen to facilitate the determination of Qibla direction.
In terms of carvings, rumoh Aceh in each district in the province of NAD is not the same. Each has different carvings.
According to Mohammad Isa, a resident of Lamsiem village, the number of traditional houses in his village is decreasing now because the cost required to make rumoh Aceh is much more expensive than building a regular house / modern. The cost of care was no less drain pocket.
Residents who mostly live as workers, eventually chose to build a modern house. Such a reality has been happening since 30 years ago.
Whereas in the past the majority of residents in the settlement lived on average in traditional houses made of wood and thatched roof. Even those who are affluent, decorate their wooden houses with carvings and other ornaments. While people who live mediocre, enough to build a wooden house without carvings and ornaments.
Not strange, because until the 1980s people were still easy to get timber so that the cost to build rumoh Aceh was affordable. But, now the cost to build a traditional house is already double the cost of modern homes.
Main component
Although in each district / city the details are different, rumoh Aceh generally has the same main components. The main component of rumoh Aceh is revealed in the book Culture Society of Aceh. The components are:
-Seuramou-keu (front porch), which is a room that serves to receive male guests, and is located on the front of the house. This room is also at once a bed and a place to eat male guests.
-Seuramou-likoot (back porch), the main function of this room is to receive female guests. It's in the back of the house. Like the front porch, this porch can also be a bed and dining room for female guests.

  • Rumoh-Inong (the main house), the location of this room between the front porch and the back porch. Its position is higher than those two porches. The main house is divided into two rooms. Both are separated alley or also called a vine that connects the front porch and back porch.
  • Rumoh-dapu (kitchen), usually located adjacent kitchen or connected to the back porch. The kitchen floor is slightly lower than the back porch floor.
  • Seulasa (terrace), terrace of the house is located at the front. Terrace attached with front porch.
  • Kroong-padee (rice granary), located apart from the main building, but still in the yard of the house. It can be in the back, side, or even in front of the house.
  • Keupaleh (gate), in fact this does not include the general characteristics because that uses the gates in general houses of the rich or community leaders. The gate was made of wood and above it was sheltered by a cubicle.
  • Tamee (pole), power pole is the main pedestal of this traditional house. Wood-shaped pole with a diameter of 20-35 cm as high as 150-170 cm that can amount to 16, 20, 24, or 28 stems. The existence of these poles facilitate the process of moving the house without having to unpack it.
    In the past, the roof of Aceh rumoh was made of rumbia. In case of fire, the rumbian roof can be lowered only by cutting one of the ropes made of rattan or fibers.
    In the past, in front of the stairs to the house, usually the fastest jars. This object serves to store water for foot washing every time going into the house.
    One part that is also important in rumoh Aceh is the ladder. Typically, the stairs of the house are located under the house. Everyone should head the door with his head open and enter.
    The number of stairs, always odd. One more typical of rumoh Aceh is the building is made without nails.
    To link a wooden beam to one another is enough used peg or rope from rattan or fibers. Some people in Aceh, sometimes also make the yard as a burial place.

here's a little about rumoh aceh :

  1. Origins
    Individual or community beliefs and natural conditions in which individuals or living communities have a significant influence on the architectural forms of buildings, homes, created. This can be seen in the architecture of Rumoh Aceh, Province of Special Region of Aceh, Indonesia. Rumoh Aceh is a stage house with a pole height between 2.50-3 meters, consisting of three or five spaces, with one main room called a vine. Rumoh with three rooms has 16 columns, while Rumoh with five spaces has 24 columns. Modifications from three to five spaces or vice versa can be done easily, just add or remove the existing on the left or right side of the house. This section is commonly called sramoe likot or back porch and sramoe reunyeun or foyer bertangga, which is the entry into Rumoh which is always located in the east.
    The main door of Rumoh Aceh is always lower than the height of adults. Usually the height of this door only size 120-150 cm so that everyone who goes to Rumoh Aceh should duck. However, once inside, we will feel the space is very roomy because in the house no furniture in the form of chairs or tables. Everyone sits cross-legged on a ngom mat (from a kind of weeds that grows in swamp) which is covered with pandanus mats.
    Rumoh Aceh is not just a shelter, but an expression of belief in God and adaptation to nature.
    Natural use can also be seen when they want to combine parts of the house, they do not use nails but use pegs or ropes of rattan. Although only made of wood, with palm leaves, and no nails, Rumoh Aceh can last up to 200 years.
    The influence of the confidence of the people of Aceh on the architecture of the house building can be seen in the orientation of the house which is always in the form of elongated from east to west, ie the front facing east and the sacred inside or back in the west. The West's direction reflects the efforts of the Acehnese to build an imaginary line with the Ka'bah in Mecca. In addition, the influence of beliefs can also be seen in the use of its ever-numbering pinnacles, its odd number of rooms, and its odd numbered children.
    In addition to being a manifestation of community belief and adaptation to its environment, the existence of Rumoh Aceh is also to show the social status of its inhabitants. The more decoration in Rumoh Aceh, then the residents must be richer. For families who do not have excessive wealth, it is enough with relatively little or no decoration at all.
    Along with the development of the era that requires all things done effectively and efficiently, and the more expensive the manufacture and maintenance of Rumoh Aceh, the gradually fewer Acehnese who built this traditional house. As a result, the number of Rumoh Aceh is getting fewer days. The community prefers to build modern concrete-made houses that are easier to manufacture and procure than Rumoh Aceh, which makes it more complicated, the procurement of materials more difficult, and maintenance costs more expensive. However, there are also people who because of their love for the architecture of their ancestral heritage makes Rumoh Aceh which is affixed to their concrete house.

  2. Materials
    To make Rumoh Aceh, the necessary materials are:
    Wood. Wood is the main ingredient for making Rumoh Aceh. Wood is used to make tameh (pole), toi, roek, bara, bara linteung, horses, tulleueng rueng, indreng, and so forth.
    Board, used to make floor and wall.
    Trieng (bamboo). Bamboo is used to make gas (battens), floor mats, beuleubah (place for roofing), and so forth.
    Enau (temor). In addition to using bamboo, sometimes to make the floor and wall Rumoh Aceh using enau.
    Taloe tie (strap). The straps are usually made of rope, rattan, bark of waru tree, and sometimes use plastic straps.
    Oen meuria (leaf rumbia), used to make the roof.
    Leaf enau. In addition to using meuria oen, sometimes to make the roof using enau leaves.
    Peuleupeuk meuria (midrib rumbia). This material is used to make house walls, shelves, and sanding.

  3. Stages of Raft House Construction
    For the people of Aceh, building a house is like building life itself. That is why the development must meet several requirements and through several stages. Requirements to be undertaken such as the selection of a good day determined by Teungku (local ulama), procurement of kenduri, procurement of wood options, and so forth. Because the process of making Rumoh Aceh is done carefully with the basis of local knowledge of society, then Rumoh Aceh although made of wood can last for hundreds of years.
    The stages of Rumoh Aceh's development are: (1) deliberation, (2) materials collection, (3) materials processing, and (4) series of materials. The earliest stage to establish Rumoh Aceh is to conduct family deliberations. Then continued by giving the plan of establishment of the house to Teungku. The goal is to get suggestions on what to do in order for the built house to provide peace, tranquility, and prosperity both inward and inward to the inhabitants.
    After getting suggestions from Teungku, proceed with the procurement of materials. Procurement of materials carried out in mutual assistance. Good wood is wood that is not dililiti roots and if the wood is felled, the fall does not involve other wood. The wood is then collected in a place protected from rain. If the development time is still long, sometimes the materials are soaked first in the water, the goal is that the wood is not eaten babuk.
    The next stage is to process the wood in accordance with their respective uses. Once everything was ready, then the establishment of Rumoh Aceh began. The initial establishment of Rumoh Aceh was marked by the creation of a foundation for wooden planting. The first wood is the main pole (pole of the king) and followed by the other poles. After all the poles are fixed, proceed with the manufacture of the middle part of the house, which includes the floor of the house and the wall of the house. Then proceed with the manufacture of the top of the house which ended with the installation of the roof. The last part of the construction of Rumah Aceh is finishing, namely the installation of ornaments support such as decoration and so forth.

  4. Parts of Rumoh Aceh
    In general, divided into three parts, namely: the bottom, the middle, and the top.
    a. Low part
    The bottom of Rumoh Aceh or yup moh is the space between the ground and the floor of the house. This section works for children's playground, chicken coop, goat, and ducks. This place is also often used by women to sell and make songket Aceh.
    The bottom of Rumoh Aceh
    This place is also used to store jeungki or pounder of rice and krongs or place of round rice with diameter and height about two meter.
    b. Middle part
    The middle part of Rumoh Aceh is the place for all Acehnese activities whether private or public. In this section, there are generally three rooms, namely: the front room, the living room, and the back room.
    The front room (seuramo reungeun). This room is also called Seuramou-keu (front porch). Called space or front porch because here there are bungeun or ladder to enter the house. This room is not roomed and the entrance is usually located at the end of the floor on the right. But some are making the door facing the courtyard, and stairs on the edge of the floor. In everyday life this room serves to receive guests, bed-nesting boys, and where children learn to study. At certain moments such as when there is a wedding ceremony or cerral ceremony, then this room is used to eat together.
    The middle room. This room is the core of Rumoh Aceh, therefore called Rumoh Inong (the main house). The floor in this section is higher than the other room, considered sacred, and very private. In this room there are two chambers or bedrooms located on either side and usually facing north or south with the door facing backwards. Between the two chambers there is a gangway that connects the front and back room.
    The gang that separates the left and right chambers
    serves to connect the front room
    and the back room
    Rumoh Inong's function is to sleep the head of the family, and Anjong for the girl's bed. If her daughter is married, she will occupy Rumah Inong while her parents move to Anjong. If the daughter is married two people, parents will move to the porch or seuramo likot, as long as not yet able to create a new house or add / widen his house. At the time of marriage, the bride is compared in Rumoh Inong, so also if there is death Rumoh Inong used as a place to bathe the corpse.
    The back room is called seuramo likot. Floor seuramo likot same height with seuramo rengeun (front porch), and this room is also no room. The function of this room is partly used for kitchens and dining places, and is usually located in the eastern part of the room. It is also used for talking places for women as well as performing daily activities such as weaving and embroidering.
    However, sometimes the kitchen is separated and located at the rear of the back porch. This room is called Rumoh dapu (kitchen). The kitchen floor is slightly lower than the back porch floor.
    c. Top
    This section is located at the top of the central foyer. Sometimes, in this section are given the (attic) which serves to store family items. Roof Rumoh Aceh is usually made of leaf of rumbia tied with rattan that has been split into small pieces.

  5. Decorative Variety
    In Rumoh Aceh, there are some decorative motifs used, namely: (1) religious motifs. Rumoh Aceh's religious decoration is carvings taken from verses of the Koran; (2) flora motif. The motif of flora used is stelirisasi plants either in the form of leaves, roots, stems, or flowers. Stylized carvings of these plants are not colored, if any, the colors used are Red and Black. This decoration is usually found on rinyeuen (ladder), wall, tulak angen, kindang, beam on the hood, and window of the house; (3) fauna motif. Animal motifs commonly used are animals that are often seen and liked; (4) nature's motive. The natural motives used by the people of Aceh are: the sky and its clouds, the sky and the moon, and the stars and the sea; and (5) other motifs, such as rantee, tongue, and so forth.

  6. Values
    The form of Rumoh Aceh architecture is the embodiment of wisdom in addressing the nature and beliefs (religiosity) of Acehnese society. The architecture of the stage-shaped house using wood as its basic material is a form of adaptation of the people of Aceh to its environmental condition. Collectively also, the structure of a traditional house in the form of a stage gives its own comfort to its inhabitants. In addition, the structure of such houses provides a positive value to the social security system to ensure the safety, order and safety of the villagers. For example, the structure of a stage-shaped house makes the view unobstructed and makes it easier for fellow citizens to keep each other's homes and the order of the gampong.
    People's intelligence in addressing the natural condition can also be seen from the form of Rumoh Aceh, which faces north and south so that the house stretches from east to west. Although in its development it is considered as an effort of the people of Aceh to create an imaginary line between the house and the Ka'bah (religious motive), but before Islam entered Aceh, the direction of traditional Acehnese house is already so. This tendency seems to be a form of Acehnese attitude towards the wind direction blowing in Aceh region, that is from east to west or vice versa. If the direction of Rumoh Aceh facing the wind, then the building of the house will easily fall. In addition, the direction of the house facing north-south is also intended for more easy sunlight into the rooms, both on the east side or on the west side. After Islam entered Aceh, the direction of Rumoh Aceh received religious justification. The value of religiosity can also be seen in the amount of space that is always odd, the number of stairs that is always odd, and the existence of a water barrel to wash the feet each time to enter Rumoh Aceh.
    Deliberation with the family, asking for advice to Teungku, and mutual cooperation in the process of development is an effort to foster a sense of kinship, instill a sense of solidarity among others, and respect for the prevailing customs. By working together, problems can be overcome and social harmony can be maintained. By getting advice from Teungku, the built house is expected to provide physical security and spiritual serenity.
    Spatial houses with various types of functions is a symbol for all people to obey the rules. The existence of the space that serves as private spaces, such as Rumoh Inong, public spaces, such as the front porch, and women's special space, such as the back porch is an attempt to instill and maintain the value of politeness and ethics in the community. The existence of the ladder to enter Rumoh Aceh not only serves as a tool to climb into the house building, but also serves as a frontier that should only be visited by guests who are not family members or close relatives. If at home there is no male family member, then "abstinence and taboo" for guests who are not close family (read: muhrim) to go home. Thus, reunyeun also has a function as a tool of social control in the interaction of everyday people.
    The main door of the house whose height is always lower than the height of the adult, about 120-150 cm, so that everyone who enters Rumoh Aceh should bow, containing the message that everyone who enters Rumoh Aceh, no matter how high the degree or position, should be bowed as a sign of respect to the one who owns the house. However, once inside, we will feel the space is very roomy because in the house no furniture in the form of chairs or tables. Everyone sat cross-legged on the floor. There is also a consider that the door Rumoh Aceh likened the heart of the people of Aceh. It is difficult to enter, but once we enter it will be accepted warmly and warmly.
    The ceremony of good ceremony when it is to build a house, is establishing, and after building a house not to show off wealth but is an expression of mutual respect for fellow creatures of God, and also as a form of expression of gratitude for rizqi that has been given by God.
    By knowing the values ​​contained in Rumoh Aceh, then we will be able to understand and appreciate the various treasures contained in it. It could be that, due to the changing times, the architecture of Rumoh Aceh changed, but by understanding and giving new meaning to the symbols used, the values ​​that the predecessors were trying to conceive and stay in accordance with the times.


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