
haha! that's the first time I've ever made anyone jealous by mowing! lol. Well, I never made anyone jealous about anything really. lol. But yes it's been a typical Texas March, sunny every day, got warm enough to just wear a sleaveless t shirt today.

HaHa! I am so jealous of your warm sunny weather too!

It's beautiful. Just gorgeous every day. I also picked up more ammo for my snake gun and hope I don't have to use it!

I also hope you don't have to use it. I hate snakes. I know that hate is a strong word and I don't use it lightly but the 3 things I hate are spiders, snakes and fleas.

haha! howdy again Butterfly! The three things I hate are snakes, ticks and mesquitos. I see no reason to have any of em. especially ticks and mesquitos, what is their purpose?

Exactly. They have no purpose except to make animals and people sick. I forgot about ticks and I don't know how I forgot about them because I have Lyme disease but it has been in remission for 3 years now. And thankfully my cat doesn't get any. Mosquitoes don't bite me and I am very happy about that.

Howdy back Butterfly! oh, lyme disease..well did that just start going into remission on it's own?

After months of treatments, yes it did. They say that once you have it, you always will and it can flare up again at any time. Thank God that has only happened once.

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