Perang Diponegoro,Eropa Tak Akan Pernah Melupakannya (Bullingual)

in #history6 years ago


Because the rainy season arrives and spread dysentery and malaria. Many Dutch troops are reduced. Although talah increase the supply of troops from the Ivory Coast of Africa. Until his troops doubled to 5,000 personnel, the Dutch still had to swallow the bitterness of defeat and loss with the death of 1,000 troops when faced with the Forces Dipanegara often called Laskar Dipanegara. The war that involves almost all the power in Java really faced the Dutch seriously. Up to bring more troops based in Sulawesi until the total strength reaches 23,000 personnel under the leadership of General De Kock. Making the Java War (another War pronounced war) as a great war for European size.

Sebab musim hujan tiba dan merebaklah disentri dan malaria. Pasukan Belanda banyak yang berkurang. Kendati talah menambah pasokan serdadunya dari Pantai Gading Afrika. Hingga pasukannya berlipat ganda menjadi 5.000 personil, Belanda tetap harus menelan pahitnya kekalahan dan kerugian dengan tewasnya 1.000 pasukan ketika berhadapan dengan Pasukan Dipanegara yang sering juga disebut Laskar Dipanegara. Perang yang melibatkan hampir seluruh kekuatan di Jawa ini benar-benar dihadapi Belanda dengan serius. Hingga mendatangkan lagi tentara yang bermarkas di Sulawesi hingga total kekuatannya mencapai 23.000 personel di bawah pimpinan Jenderal De Kock. Menjadikan Perang Jawa (sebutan lain Perang dipanegara) sebagai great war untuk ukuran Eropa.


Prince Diponegoro revolt after the resident of the Netherlands named missaert occupy the throne in the Sultan Palace which is actually owned by Hamengkubuwana V. Dutch spread slander that Prince Diponegoro intend to ascend the throne after the death of Hamengkubuwana V. In addition, the Dutch also attract a lot of taxes and road construction in eating his ancestors. And many more arbitrary rules. Coupled with his disappointment in the palace family which is pro in the Netherlands.

Pangeran Diponegoro memberontak pada setalah residen dari Belanda bernama missaert menduduki tahta di Keraton Yogyakarta yang sejatinya milik Hamengkubuwana V. Belanda menyebarkan fitnah bahwa Pangeran Diponegoro berniat ingin naik tahta sepeninggal Hamengkubuwana V. Selain itu, belanda juga menarik pajak yang sangat banyak dan pembangunan jalan di makan leluhurnya. Dan banyak lagi peraturan yang semena-mena. Ditambah lagi dengan kekecewaanya pada keluarga keraton yang justru pro pada Belanda.

****War tactics****

In addition to open war, Diponegoro also guerrilla and seize strategic places such as taking Goa Selarong. Also recruited many soldiers from among the peasants and called for the war of Jihad Fisabilillah. Until approach to the people of Java. Thanks to the support of the Javanese community, Prince Diponegoro won the battle against the Dutch and Keraton coalitions. Laskar Dipanegara also benefited from the rainy season in which the Dutch weapons were difficult to use, especially gunpowder for bombs also could not function properly. Tropical diseases such as malaria often haunt and cause much of the Dutch soldier jam sick and eventually died.

Selain perang terbuka, Pengeran Diponegoro juga bergerilya dan merebut tempat-tempat strategis seperti mengambil Goa Selarong. Juga merekrut banyak tentara dari kalangan petani dan menyerukan perang Jihad Fisabilillah. Hingga melakukan pendekatan kepada masyarakat jawa. Berkat dukungan dari masyarakat Jawa, Pangeran Diponegoro memenangi pertempuran melawan koalisi Belanda dan Keraton. Laskar Dipanegara juga diuntungkan oleh musim hujan yang mana senjata Belanda susah digunakan terutama mesiu untuk bom juga tidak bisa berfungsi dengan baik. Penyakit tropis seperti malaria kerap menghantui dan menyebabkan banyak selai serdadu Belanda sakit dan akhirnya meninggal dunia.


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