
Well we still in fascist governments democracy is an illusion

Wow, lo del volcan me impresionó!

I love your cover image

really? Thank you.

Yw...:) Yes shows some very wise people. Have you ever listened to Jordan Peterson?

There are 11 parts to the series and although they are long (and very deep) after listening to his explanations it gave me a better appreciation for our founding fathers. The philosophical deep, deep thought that they must have gone through together. The serious study of every form of government known to mankind trying to figure out which would be best for us as a Nation. The rich belief in God and the divinity that's in all of us. Then creating a whole new, unheard of before government which would protect individual rights? Omg they were brilliant!

And now we have a bunch of snowflakes, 40% who can't even tell you one right listed in our 1st amendment..and they think they have a better way than this 'bigoted patriarcy'? O..m..g

I have always admired the work done by the founding fathers of America, making what is the first constitution, and as far as I am concerned, the most liberal and least positivist constitution of all, I have had the pleasure of reading and studying it Despite not being an American, El Libertado Bolívar admired Washington a lot and in fact the 1st Constitution of Venezuela, which was the third in the world and the first in Spanish, was not at all like the one we have today, now we have a positivist constitution in the style of the Soviet Union, and we plan to go even deeper into that mistake with the Constituent Assembly, sadly we do not retain those republican values that tried to establish our institutions in the institutions.

Our government has been taking us down a horrible path as well. Obama's presidecy has been completely lawless. He's subverted our Constitution with presidential memorandum. Whatever he couldn't pass through Congress he simply decreed through executive orders of that which he's even bastardized. He changed the name to 'memorandum' so the press could tout him as having written less executive orders than Bush when in reality he has written more. Changing the name does not change fact. But half our Nation now is brainwashed with pro-Socialist ideology and no clue as to the damage they are doing. And the Republican Party has been spineless in stopping him. Trump has been reversing alot of these executive orders which makes me happy. But the Leftist (including main stream media) simply smears everyone on the Right calling us all Nazis. Our first black president has put race relations back 100 years. We are now the most divided we've ever been. It's a shame.

I use Venezuala to argue why we should not be allowing our government to take so much power. I don't know alot about your Country but I see that things are getting worse for you. Is there anything the people can do?

Yes, I noticed that during the Obama administration the progressive left managed to misrepresent the institutions, which is very sad, in Venezuela there is not much or practically nothing to do, Venezuela is a petro-state, and today we fear a state dominated by politicians Arab origin, declared enemies of our natural ally that is the United States, main buyer of Venezuelan Petroleum, and are now mortgaging the country to the Chinese and the Russians. The executive branch allied with the Supreme Court of Justice left the opposition-majority parliament without power (they are really Social Democrats, since all parties are left-wing in Venezuela), and twisted the constitution to convene a Constituent Assembly without consulting the people , now have the absolute power to do and undo politically everything they want.

but that is the way of operating on the left, they end up undermining the institutions, they must be very careful, because once they manage to acquire an irremovable power, they will end up totally destroying the United States.

That's exactly what we're fighting here. The Left has taken over academia and 'had' the Federal government. Trump won and now they're scrambling to save their asses and destroy him. Fortunately the Democrats have been losing State & Local seats throughout Obama's 8 years so....if we can continue the trend we may be able to save the Country. Now they use the so-called peaceful protests (riots) to attempt dividing us into Nazi Trump supporters vs the 'caring' Left. They pit us all against eachother to create chaos. The Democrats (and msm) are in big trouble though. All their corruption is slowly coming to light and I'm hoping enough of us are waking up. It's scary to see the global reach of it all.

God bless you viera. I hope things change for the better for you.

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