
How about making a huge pile of stone resonate at 432 Hz.

And... that is just ignored.
Its called a tomb... although no corpses were found inside.

It has no writing anywhere in it, while everything else in the region has writing like the walls in gang territory.

Well, the thing was a power generator, but then we went and dynamited the thing in several places because... we couldn't even figure out how to move a big rock.

"...we couldn't even figure out how to move a big rock."

LOL, this and the rest of your comment, is more or less true. I am not confident it was a power generator, but it sure isn't a tomb, nor carved with copper chisels and rocks by stone age cave men. We could move each of the stones in the Pyramids today, but almost certainly not how whoever built them did.

Sonic vibrations is interesting. Water jet cutting is basically a combination of hypersound and abrasive particles, but that leaves a particular pattern of toolmarks not in evidence. Neither are we today able to bend such a cutting tool or it's cutting action to taper the holes. There are toolmarks, just of some tool we don't have.

Strictly sonic vibrations would seem unlikely to leave the spiral cut marks left on the stones. Those are similar to marks from drills, but drills that cut about 500 times deeper per revolution than drills we have today. However, the thin walls of the tool, or it's narrow width, creating a tapering cylinder, does not resemble any tool we are familiar with.


After watching that video, I was left with the impression that the guy who did it wants to believe, but isn't being intellectually honest here. He may be right, but not because of anything he said in that hour.
If it comes down to spiral striations in tube cores being impossible to recreate, all we need is clear evidence of spiral striations. So far, there appears to be only one such example, and nobody has been able to prove that the striations are indeed spiral. I would think there would be more examples of spiral striations, and that they would be more clear. Otherwise, I don't think there's any story here.
But like you asked (and it's weird that he didn't even mention it), are the cores tapered like cones? If so, that needs explanation.

There is a second video from that same account on that very issue, which I watched but did not link. My recollection is that many such holes, in other sites as well, feature these cores, and spiral grooves. The one that has been very well studied is in a British museum, which makes it accessible, and it is also a high quality artifact, making study of it revelatory.

I do not specifically recall the cores being described as tapering, and have to confess that I simply assumed that cores from a tapering hole would be tapered. The images shown of such cores do not seem to have been carved away by a tool that did not bend to fit a taper, however, and seemed to be well fitted to the holes, which would lend credence to their being tapered.

Good point!


Last I read, about 20 years ago, was that the drill bits wore out thus providing the tapering effect.

I love this subject and what I wouldn't give to go back and be a fly, or a locus, on the wall while this thing was being put together.

I also read they found a few thousand tuning forks near by, fascinating stuff!

Tuning forks turning up in the area in numbers is indeed fascinating.

Consider a hollow cylindrical drill bit. In the matrix of the material being machined, the bit can only act in a straight line. The profile of a tapering cylinder is not straight, but curved. No straight tool can make such a taper, because it would interfere with the material within and without the kerf of the tool.

The only way such a taper would not curve is if, rather than a cylindrical cutting tool, a thin tool was orbited around the center of the core at a slight angle. This is not likely, because the holes are of different depths in the material, and the angle of the taper would necessarily limit the potential depth of cut.

I am confident that there is some lack of necessary information regarding the taper, as there is no data regarding the angle or arc of taper provided, which is required to ascertain how such was cut into the material.


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Well, I appreciate your thought on the matter. Watching the video reveals certain details that exclude casting as a means of making such holes. For instance, some cores are known to have been drilled out of certain rocks. There are toolmarks, exactly like toolmarks from every process, that leave a record of machining operations.

When I use a circle saw on lumber, it leaves marks on the wood that reveal I used a circle saw to cut the wood. Marks on the outside of the cores, and inside the holes, reveal a cutting tool was used to machine the stone and make the holes. It's just a cutting tool that I have never heard of, and is able to machine stone in a way that is inexplicable given our current technology.


Not necessarily. If the stone was cast then that would explain the tool marks if the tool was used while the stone is still setting and that part had been left to be worked on while the material was still pliable. Look into geopolymers, they are more disruptive to society as a whole than blockchain, internet and airplanes combined in my opinion.
Here's something that you might not know about as well:

If you search for all the sites that link to that sentinel kernels project you should run over a Geopolymer blog and in the comment section (along with the above link) is a bunch of research/references to numerous tool markings which demonstrate without a doubt a high speed mill and perfect square precision milling, and that's from the "mistakes" that they made, whoever machined those things. If you're really looking for what ties all these megaliths together there was a documentary that @ura-soul linked in one of his post a while ago about basic mathematical concepts (while uncovering numerous mathematical truths) that are encoded in the monuments all over the globe culminating in the giza plateau and numerous mathematical truths hidden in the architecture of the pyramids.

Were it possible to cast granite composed largely of quartz crystals and similarly obdurate stone, such casting could indeed be able to reduce the forces acting on cutting tools. Other than that we have no evidence of casting involved in manufacture of megalithic structures. Despite the lack of evidence that casting, or other means of decreasing viscosity of stone, I do not discount the possibility of it being one aspect of the construction of megaliths.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and we do have significant evidence of stone being far more plastic, particularly in S. American archeology, during machining operations. How such materials as the range of stones used were rendered more pliable is limited by several features of extant evidence. While some vitrification of stone is provable, that vitrification cannot have occurred prior to assembly of structures, as vitrification has occurred in situ and on external faces of the assembled structures.

[Edit: that vitrification instead lends support to theories regarding catastrophic termination of the civilization that produced megalithic structures worldwide. Whether war or ET impactors, or a combination thereof, destroyed these structures has not yet been ascertained. The vitrification of such stone, combined with the extraordinary forces necessary to blast the structures composed of them apart with resulting scattering of the parts demonstrates that few other mechanisms are potentially explanatory of the end of that civilization.]

This indicates that stone was not melted and cast during construction, as it was not vitrified in the process of construction. Limited heating of worked surfaces would have caused expansion of the heated material, and caused it to crack and break away from material that was not heated. Only by heating entire pieces of material uniformly, but short of liquifying it, could such cracking have been prevented, unless extremely precise and non-invasive means, such as variably tuned EMF radiation, was used to mitigate such differentials to prevent destruction of blocks.

I have not fully explored links, and links from those links, from the source you provided, so my understanding will certainly evolve as those sources provide more information. One issue regarding such sources is that the physics are speculative as a rule, and incomplete or erroneous understanding often impacts conclusions reached by such researchers. For example, this demonstrates that principle on the sentinelkennels site you linked:

"...for a given external vessel dimension, the internal volume decreases."

This contradicts demonstrable principles of physics, and reveals potentially erroneous theories and conclusions compromising the research. Additionally, I have seen water hammers/ram pumps in operation in remote homesteads, and certain statements of the author regarding their features are not factual. The statements and conclusions of the author and similar researchers therefore need to be carefully examined and rejected where found to be erroneous, as that author himself does with Kunkel. Given that I do not have expertise in acoustics, for example, this involves considerable research, and the time to conduct it, rendering many such speculative theories too demanding to sort such kernels of truth as may be from matrices of misunderstanding.

Nonetheless, due to my interest in the subject, I plod along.

The incomplete mapping of tunnels under the Giza plateau, the misinformation and blatantly false statements of Egyptologists like Zahi Hawass, and repression of research - and support of research confirming insuperable biases, and the compelling nature of how ram pumps would have facilitated not only movement of megaliths, but powered equipment necessary to machine them, is very interesting and deserving of study. The possibility of cavitation and pizoelectric effects being aspects of the Pyramids' design and construction is intriguing indeed, and may better explain their purpose than provably false doctrines promulgated by Egyptology and archaeology in general.

The author is certainly correct to state that they were not tombs, were not constructed using stone age technology, and were not therefore built by the Pharaonic civilization that arose in Egypt, but predate extant estimates. Given the undeniable existence of hydraulic tunnels, and the simple nature of ram pumps, it is baffling that archaeology has heretofore not pointed out how hydraulics were used to move, at least, the megaliths used in Pyramid construction. Additionally, actual carvings revealing the use of water jets to carve stone in S. America exist. While Z. Sitchin falsely claims they show lasers, and early researchers were ignorant of that technology (because we hadn't discovered it yet), present failure of the field to incorporate that technology into the cultural environment propounded remains confounding.

The extraordinarily dramatic nature of the YD event and it's affects lend some urgency to such research. The Taurid Meteor Swarm is a yearly event, and if that is the source of the impactors that caused the YD, we face that level of existential threat every year. If ET impactors were not the source of the YD catastrophe, political forces may well have been, and the Mahabharata relates exactly this having occurred, making propaganda, censorship, corruption and military adventurism all the more alarming and necessary of limitation.

Thanks again!

Geopolymer alkaline reaction

Like I said, look search for what links to that link, just put the link into the search and look for a blog and a long comment section full of references.

Also, I thought that the evidence he presented of the obvious erosion in different places all consistan with the way water moves in such a pump and yes these ought to be recreated see if a ram pump actually works like he says it does but if it does then it is very hard to deny it anymore, especially with the consistent signs to support it. As for geopolymers, if it was like concrete, in that you can work it into anything, but it lasted way longer in terms of hot/cold cycles, and was way harder and 50 times stronger than cement, like the geopolymers of today, what signs or evidence would you find, and this is where you have to be careful, because like a great craftsman leaving absolutely no tool marks and carefully disguising the way it's put together, with casting and molding is infinitely easier to do that. These geopolymers are absolutely hands down what I'd invest big in, and many are rushing to them, there's even an university dedicated to them I think, with a huge beam building made out of a geopolymer.

The improved technology of the ancients likely allowed for unmitigated population expansion, resulting in their eventual collapse. There can be no infinite growth within a finite space. As the ancients collapsed, so too our world will collapse from ever-diminishing energy production within the context of ever-increasing (and wasteful) energy comsumption. All civilisations live its time and die.

Considering the immense forces that have blown apart some massive megalithic structures, that seems unlikely to result from starving hordes of angry people. Vitrified stone, commonly visible on sites as distant from one another as Peru and Europe, isn't really potential to such folks. The kinds of weapons and international conflicts detailed in the Mahabharata do seem to fit the bill - and also to very much describe jet fighters and missiles, potentially even nuclear, such as we possess today at state level.

None of that reflects on the tool that could have bored tapering cylindrical holes while leaving spiral toolmarks on both core and walls of the hole. It is an interesting engineering problem to consider how a toolhead could taper a cylinder without interfering with the walls or core, and then to consider the depth of cut was ~500 times what our modern tools are capable of, and the very thin material that cutting tool was made of.


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