Somapura Mahavihara (Paharpur Buddhist Bihar)

in #history7 years ago



Somapura Mahavihara (Paharpur Buddhist Bihar)   an important archaeological site in Bangladesh, situated in a  village named Paharpur (Pahadpur) under the Badalgachhi Upazila of  Naogaon district. The village is connected with the nearby Railway  station Jamalganj, the district town Naogaon and Jaipurhat town by  metalled roads. It is in the midst of alluvial flat plain of northern  Bangladesh. In contrast to the monotonous level of the plain, stands the  ruins of the lofty (about 24m high from the surrounding level) ancient  temple which was covered with jungle, locally called Pahar or hill from  which the palace got the name of Paharpur. The site was first noticed by Buchanon Hamilton in course of his  survey in Eastern India between 1807 and 1812. Westmacott next visited  it. Sir Alexander Cunningham visited the place in 1879. Cunningham  intended to carry out an extensive excavation in the mound. But he was  prevented by zamindar  of Balihar, the owner of the land. So he had to be satisfied with  limited excavation in a small part of the monastic area and top of the  central mound. In the latter area he 'discovered the ruins of a square  tower of 6.70m (22 ft) side with a projection in the middle of each  side'. The site was declared to be protected by the Archaeological  Survey of India in 1919 under the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of  1904.  


 A number of monasteries grew up during the Pāla period in ancient  Bengal and Magadha. According to Tibetan sources, five great Mahaviharas  stood out: Vikramashila, the premier university of the era; Nalanda, past its prime but still illustrious; Somapura Mahavihara; Odantapurā; and Jaggadala. The monasteries formed a network; "all of them were under state  supervision" and there existed "a system of co-ordination among them ...  it seems from the evidence that the different seats of Buddhist  learning that functioned in eastern India under the Pāla were regarded  together as forming a network, an interlinked group of institutions,"  and it was common for great scholars to move easily from position to  position among them.The excavation at Paharpur, and the finding of seals bearing the inscription Shri-Somapure-Shri-Dharmapaladeva-Mahavihariyarya-bhiksu-sangghasya, has identified the Somapura Mahavihara as built by the second Pala king Dharmapala (circa 781–821) of Pāla Dynasty. Tibetan sources, including Tibetan translations of Dharmakayavidhi and Madhyamaka Ratnapradipa, Taranatha's history and Pag-Sam-Jon-Zang, mention that Dharmapala's successor Devapala (circa 810–850) built it after his conquest of Varendra.  The Paharpur pillar inscription bears the mention of 5th regnal year of Devapala's successor Mahendrapala (circa 850–854) along with the name of Bhiksu Ajayagarbha. Taranatha's Pag Sam Jon Zang records that the monastery was repaired during the reign of Mahipala (circa 995–1043 AD).

 The Nalanda inscription of Vipulashrimitra records that the monastery  was destroyed by fire, which also killed Vipulashrimitra's ancestor  Karunashrimitra, during a conquest by the Vanga army in the 11th century. Over time Atish's spiritual preceptor, Ratnakara Shanti, served as a sthavira  of the vihara, Mahapanditacharya Bodhibhadra served as a resident monk,  and other scholars spent part of their lives at the monastery,  including Kalamahapada, Viryendra and Karunashrimitra.  Many Tibetan monks visited the Somapura between the 9th and 12th centuries. During the rule of the Sena dynasty, known as Karnatadeshatagata Brahmaksatriya, in the second half of the 12th century the vihara started to decline for the last time. One scholar writes, "The ruins of the temple and monasteries at Pāhāpur  do not bear any evident marks of large-scale destruction. The downfall  of the establishment, by desertion or destruction, must have been  sometime in the midst of the widespread unrest and displacement of  population consequent on the Muslim invasion."A copperplate dated to 159 Gupta Era (479 AD) discovered in 1927 in  the northeast corner of the monastery, mentions donation of a Brahmin  couple to Jain Acharya Guhanandi of Pancha-stupa Nikaya at Vata Gohli, identifiable as the neighbouring village of Goalapara.


 Archaeological survey of india, varendra research society  of Rajshahi and University of Calcutta jointly started regular and  systematic excavation here in 1923. In the beginning the joint mission  carried out the work with the financial help of Kumar saratkumar ray  of Dighapatia Zamindar family and under the guidance of DR Bhandarkar,  Professor of Ancient History and former Superintendent of Archaeological  Survey of India, Western Circle. The work was confined to a few rooms  at the south-west corner of the monastery and the adjoining courtyard.  RD Banerjee, who excavated in the northern part of the central mound,  resumed the work in 1925-26. From the next season (1926-27) onward  excavation was carried out under the supervision of KN Dikshit with the  exception of seasons of the 1930-32. In these two seasons GC Chandra  conducted the excavation. In the last two seasons (1932-34) the work was  carried out at satyapir bhita,  a mound at a distance of 364m east of the central temple. During  Pakistan period Rafique Mughal excavated lower levels of a few monastic  cells on the eastern wing, but the results were never published. After independence (1971) the department of archaeology  of Bangladesh brought the site under further excavation. The operations  took place in two phases. The first phase was initiated in 1981-82 and  continued in every season up to 1984-1985. The second phase was started  in 1988-89 and continued in the next two seasons up to 1990-91. The  first phase of excavations was aimed at establishing the three major  building phases of the cells that Dikshit mentioned in his excavation  report and discovering the information of early levels. But in the  second phase the works were confined to clear the cultural debris from  the courtyard of the monastery. After a long gap a small-scale  excavation was conducted in the temple area and nearby courtyard in  2007-08.


   Pre-1971 expeditions have revealed the architectural remains of a vast Buddhist monastery, the somapura mahavihara,  measuring 274.15m N-S and 273.70m E-W. This gigantic establishment with  surrounding 177 monastic cells, gateways, votive stupas, minor chapels,  tank and a multitude of other structures for the convenience of the  inmates, is dominated by a central shrine, conspicuous by its lofty  height and architectural peculiarities. It is distinguished by its  cruciform shape with angles of projection between the arms, its three  raised terraces and complicated scheme of decoration of walls with  carved brick cornices, friezes of terracotta plaques and stone reliefs.  

 The monastery  The entire establishment, occupying a  quadrangular court, has high enclosure walls, about 5m in thickness and  from 3.6m to 4.5m in height. Though the walls are not preserved to a  very great height, but from their thickness and massiveness it can be  assumed that the structure was storied commensurate with the lofty  central shrine. In plan it consists of rows of cells, each approximately 4.26 x  4.11m in area, all connected by a spacious verandah (about 2.43 to 2.74m  wide), running continuously all around, and approached from the inner  courtyard by flight of steps provided in the middle of each of the four  sides. There are in all 177 cells, excluding the cells of the central  block in each direction; 45 cells on the north and 44 in each of the  other three sides. The central block on the east, west and south sides  is marked by a projection in the exterior wall and contains three cells  and a passage around them, while in the north there stands a spacious  hall. In the monastic cell No. 96 three floors have been discovered.  Here the level of the last one (upper) is within 30cm from ground level,  that of the second 1m, while the third (lowest) is about 1.5m from the  surface.  



 It appears that this sequence has been generalised in all the cells  of the monastery. However, the top most floors were removed while the  second floor has been preserved. It is interesting to note that over  this floor ornamental pedestals were built in as many as 92 rooms.  Originally the main purpose of the rooms was to accommodate the monks of  the Vihara, but the presence of such a large number of pedestals in the  rooms indicates that they were used for worship and meditation in later  construction phase. Besides the main gateway to the north, there was a  quadrangular subsidiary entrance through the northern enclosure near its  eastern end. There was no arrangement of ingress on the southern and  western sides, but possibly a small passage in the middle of the eastern  block was provided for private entrance. Apart from the central temple in the courtyard of the monastery  there are many other small building remains, which were built in  different phases of occupation. The important ones are a number of  votive Stupas of various sizes and shapes, a model of the central  shrine, five shrines, kitchen and refectory, masonry drain, and wells.  Still there are some structures whose features could not be ascertained.  The miniature model of the central shrine is located in the south of  the central block of eastern wing of the monastery. In this model the  plan has been perfected and made more symmetrical. Another important  structure in this area is a flight of stairs, 4m in width, projecting  for a distance of 9.75 m towards the courtyard of the frontage of the  central block of the eastern wing. The last 6 steps are covered with  stone blocks. In the southeastern part of the courtyard, near rooms 73  and 74, there are five shrines of varied shapes with a highly ornamented  super-structure and a plan with a number of projections in which bold  torus and deep cornice mouldings are prominent. The most interesting  thing in this group is a structure showing the shape of a 16-sided star.  All the shrines are enclosed within a compound wall. To its north there  is a big well with the internal diameter of 2.5m.  


   The kitchen and the long refectory hall (bhojanashala) of the  monastery are also situated in this area. A masonry drain in between the  refectory and the kitchen has been traced to a length of over 46m  northward. To its west there are three large wells in a row, which  probably used to serve both the kitchen and refectory. There are some  important structures enclosed within a regular brick wall that runs from  the verandah against rooms 162 to 174 (in the northwest part of the  courtyard). There are rectangular weep-holes at regular intervals  through the enclosure wall, so that the water may flow out from inside  the enclosure. The most important structure in this area is a square  brick structure in which the lower part consists of three channels  separated by walling and closed on the top by corbelled brick work; the  purpose of the corbelled channels is not clear. Further west there is a  well preserved well. A lofty shrine, the central temple, occupies the central part of  the vast open courtyard of the monastery, the remains of which is still  21m high and covers 27sq.m of area. It was built on a cruciform plan  which rises in three gradually diminishing terraces. The shape of the  terminal structure is still unknown to us. A centrally placed hollow  square right at the top of the terraces provides the moot point for the  conception of the whole plan of the spectacular form and feature of this  stupendous monument. In order to relieve the monotony and to utilise  the colossal structure to serve its basic purpose, provision was made in  the second as well as in the first terrace for a projection, consisting  of an ante-chamber and a mandapa on each face, leaving out a portion of  the whole length of the square at each of the four corners. The  ambulatory passage with the parapet wall was made to run parallel to the  outline of this plan. This arrangement resulted in a cruciform shape  with projecting angles between the arms of the cross. An enclosure wall  strictly conforming to the basement plan, with only a slight deviation  near the main staircase, runs round the monument. There is ample  evidence that this complete plan, from the basement to the top, along  with different component elements, belonged to a single period of  construction, but the later repairs, additions and alterations did not  fundamentally affect the general arrangement and plan.  


 The basement wall of the temple is embellished with 63 stone bas  reliefs which were inserted at most angles of the projection and at  intervals in specially built recesses in the middle. The walls of the  temple were built of well-burnt bricks laid in mud mortar. The plainness of the walls is relieved on the outer face by  projecting cornices of ornamented bricks (twisted rope, chess board  pattern, stepped pyramid, lotus-petal etc.) and bands of terracotta  plaques, set in recessed panels, which run in a single row all around  the basement and in double rows around the circumambulatory passage in  the upper terraces. The temple-type at Paharpur has been frequently described as  entirely unknown to Indian archaeology. The Indian literature on  architecture, however, often refers to a type of temple, known as  sarvatobhadra - a square shrine with four entrances at the cardinal  points and with an antechamber on each side (chatuhshala griha). The  temple at Paharpur, as now excavated, approximates in general to the  sarvatobhadra type.  

 Structures outside the monastery area :

  An open platform measuring 32m x 8m is situated at a distance of  about 27m from the outer wall of the southern wing. It runs parallel to  the monastery. It stands about 3.5m above the adjoining ground level and  is accessible from a raised pathway across room 102. This gangway is 5m in width. In between the gangway and the wall  of the monastery there is a vaulted passage running parallel to the wall  probably for the free passage of people outside the enclosure from one  side to another. Its vaulted construction is of utmost importance. To our knowledge, it is one of the earliest and very rare  examples of this type of construction, proving that vaults were known in  ancient India before the advent of the Muslims. The entire southern  face of the platform is marked with a series of water-chutes, each 30 cm  in width and 1.30m in length occurring at interval of 1.2m. The  channels are provided with fine jointed brickwork. It was used probably  for the purpose of both ablution and toilet. Bathing ghat  There is a bathing ghat at a distance of 48m  from the outer wall of the monastery towards the southeastern corner of  the monastery. It is not parallel to the south wall of the monastery,  but is slightly inclined towards the north. On either side of it there  is a parallel wall paved with brick-on-edge and concrete. The head of  the ghat is laid with huge stone blocks along with brickwork, 3.6m in  length. It descends in a gradual slope to 12.5m, where occurs a band of  lime stone slabs. The bed of the ghat is also covered with sand which  shows the existence of a stream close by. A tradition in relation to the  ghat is still current among the local people that Sandhyavati, the  daughter of a king named Mahidalan, used to bathe at the ghat every day  and she is supposed to be the mother of Satyapir through immaculate  conception. Accordingly this is known as Shandhabati's Ghat.  




 Gandheshvari temple to the southwest of the ghat at a distance of about  12.2 m there is an isolated structure locally known as the Temple of  Gandheshvari. The lotus medallion and bricks with floral pattern used in  the front wall as also the mortar used between the joints of bricks  sufficiently indicate that this building was erected during the Muslim  period. It is a rectangular hall measuring 6.7m x 3.5m each side with an  octagonal brick pillar base in the centre. There is a projection in the  middle of the western wall which contains a small room, about l.5m  square. It was used as a shrine and the four small niches on the  sidewalls contained other objects of worship. In front of the door there  is a circular platform, 7.3m in diameter with a brick-on-edge floor.  

 Post-Liberation excavations  Apart from confirming Diskhit's  findings in the cells, the post liberation period excavations brought to  light two new unexpected facts. Firstly, the remains of another phase  of the monastery, probably the monastery of an earlier period, was  discovered below Dikshit's original (?) monastery. From the newly  exposed evidence it appears that in the earlier phase the monastery was  of the same size and the alignment of the enclosure wall and front wall  was also the same. They used the original monastery for quite some time  and subsequently removed the earlier floors and destroyed the earlier  partition walls, and built new ones and thus they changed the  arrangement of cells. In course of this reconstruction either at places  they entirely destroyed the earlier partition walls and built completely  new ones or they removed the earlier ones at their upper levels and  kept the basal parts undisturbed over which they built the new ones. The  earlier cells measured 3.96m internally. It clearly indicates that  cells of the original monastery were larger than those of the upper  monastery or k n dikshit's first phase monastery. Thus in later periods the number of cells was increased. Secondly, in some limited areas (north-east corner of the  monastery, northern half of the eastern wing and north-eastern side of  the central shrine) the remains of structures (brick walls and brick  paved floor, terracotta well) and cultural objects (a terracotta  head of Gupta period, huge number of ceramics) were brought to light  underlying the monastery as well as the temple. Alignments of the walls  bear no relation with those of the monastic plan or central temple. Due  to very restricted exposure of these remains their nature could not be  ascertained. It is worth noting that Dikshit discovered 3 occupation  periods (floors) in the monastic cells and 4 occupation periods in the  central temple. The recent excavations have discovered one more period  in the monastery. Hence total 4 periods of the monastery correspond with  those of central temple. Now, the question arises: which monastery did  Dharmapala build? Is it the recently exposed earlier monastery or the  monastery discovered by Dikshit? Here it is interesting to note that,  Dikshit believed that originally there was a Jaina Monastery at Paharpur  of which no traces have survived. The Somapura Mahavihara founded by  Dharmapala in the end of the 8th century would then have succeeded this  Jaina institution. Many subsequent authors have accepted Dikshit's  hypothesis. Therefore, it could be suggested now that these recently  discovered remains underlying the monastery excavated by Dikshit belong  to this former Jaina establishment. However, the assertion of it shall  have to await further extensive excavation inside and outside the  monastic complex.  

 Movable objects :

  Among the movable objects discovered from the site the most  important ones are stone sculptures, terracotta plaques, copper plate,  inscriptions on stone columns, coins, stucco images and metal images,  ceramics etc. Stone sculptures  As many as 63 stone sculptures were  found fixed in the basement of the temple. All the images represent  Brahmanical faith excepting the only Buddhist image of Padmapani. It  appears rather strange that such a large number of Brahmanical deities  were installed in this grand Buddhist establishment. The occurance of  Brahmanical sculptures in a Buddhist temple indicates that they were  gathered from the earlier monuments at the site or in the neighborhood  and fixed up in the main temple. These sculptures belong to different periods and can be  classified into three distinct groups with respect to their style and  artistic excellence. In the first group a considerable number of  sculptures depict scenes from the life of krishna.  There are some other panels, which depict the most popular themes of  the Mahabharata and Ramayana and various other incidents from daily life  of the rural folk. Their features and appearances are heavy and  sometimes crude, without any proportion or definition of form. Though  the art is technically crude and imperfect, but its social content is  intensely human, highly expressive of liveliness, and therefore  artistically significant. Despite a general heaviness all through in the sculptures of the  second group, there are some panels which are marked by lively action  and movement. Thus it is a compromise between the first and third group,  which maintains the eastern Gupta traditions. The soft and tender  modelling, the refinement and the delicacy of features, which are  generally associated with Gupta classicism, mark the third group.  Besides, there is a huge difference in attitude, subject matter,  temperament and general technique between the first group and the other  two groups. The sculptures of the other two groups generally depict cult  divinities conforming to the dictates of the Brahmanical hierarchy. The  stones used in them are greyish-white-spotted sandstone or basalt. Of  all the loose stone images found in the excavations the most interesting  is the fragmentary image of Hevajra in close embrace with his Shakti or  female counterpart. Terracotta plaques  play the most predominant part in the  scheme of decoration of the walls of the temple. There are more than  2,000 plaques that still decorate the faces of the walls and about 800  loose ones have been registered. Majority of these plaques is  contemporaneous with the building. No regular sequential arrangement has  been followed in fixing these plaques on the walls. The sizes of the  plaques vary in different section of the walls. Some are unusually big,  measuring 40 x 30 x 6 cm and some are manufactured in a special size of  about 18 square. cm, but most of them are of a standard height,  measuring 36 cm x 22/24 cm. The representations of divinities of hierarchical religion are  few and far between. The Brahmanical as well as the Buddhist gods are  equally illustrated in the plaques. They are the principal varieties of  Shiva and other Brahmanical gods like Brahma, Visnu, ganesha  and Surya. Buddhist deities, mostly of the Mahayana School, including  Bodhisattva Padmapani, Manjushri and Tara are noticed here and there.  Well-known stories from the Panchatantra are represented with evident  humour and picturesque expressiveness. The fancy and imagination of the terracotta artists at Paharpur  seems to be revealed mostly in the various movements of men and women  engaged in different occupations. The artists were fully responsive to  their environment and every conceivable subject of ordinary human life  finds its place on the plaques. Similarly animals - snake, deer, lion,  tiger, elephant, boar, monkey, jackal, rabbit, fish, and duck goose -  have been presented in their typical actions and movements. But the  representations of the flora are comparatively poor. The lotus and the  common plantain tree are represented in the plaques. It appears that  this art must have been very popular in Bengal and through these plaques  we get a glimpse of the social life of the people of that period. Inscriptions  discovery of an inscribed copperplates and some stone inscriptions  has helped us to determine the chronology of the different periods. The  copperplates found in the northeast corner of the monastery is dated in  159 Gupta Era (479 AD). It records the purchase and grant by a Brahman  couple of a piece of land for the maintenance of the worship of Arhats  and a resting place at the Vihara, presided over by the Jaina teacher  Guhanandin. This Vihara, which was situated at Vatagohali in the 5th  century AD, must have been an establishment of local celebrity. It is worth mentioning here that the same name Vatagohali is  found on a mutilated copperplate found at Baigram dated 128 GE (448 AD).  The mention of the name Vatagohali in a record from Barigram, which is  about 30 km to the north of Paharpur, indicates that the two places  Vaigrama and Vatagohali may not be far away from each other. The  Guhanandi Vihara at Vatagohali must have shared the fate of other Jaina  establishments in Pundravardhana, when anarchy reigned supreme in Bengal  in the late 7th century or early 8th century AD. At last peace was  established and the Pala Empire was securely founded in Bengal in the  8th century AD and dharmapala  at Somapura established a magnificent temple along with a gigantic  monastery. Dikshit believes that the monks in the new Buddhist Vihara  might have been given the royal permission to appropriate the land  belonging to the Jaina Vihara and kept the original charter in their  possession. According to him 'this supposition can alone, explain the  find of the plate among the ruins of the Buddhist Vihara'. A number of stone pillar inscriptions were discovered from the  site, which contain the records of the donation of pillars referring to  either Buddha or the three jewels. The dates assigned to them belong to  10th and 12th century AD. All the donors have names ending in garbha,  viz, Ajayagarbha, Shrigarbha and Dashabalagarbha, excepting one which  shows a fragmentary record of some person whose name ended in 'nandin'.  It is possible that these indicate continuity or succession of monks at  Paharpur Vihara. Stucco  A few stucco heads have been recovered from  Paharpur, but this art was not as developed as in the Gandhara period.  The common feature of all the Buddha heads found at Paharpur is the  protruding eyelids and in some of them the hair is shown in ringlets. Metal images  Only a few metal images have been found. The  ornamental image of Hara-Gouri, a standing naked Jaina and the bronze  figures of Kuber and Ganesh are the only important images that have been  discovered at Paharpur from pre-Bangladesh period excavations. But the  post-liberation excavation (1981-82 precisely) discovered the torso of a  large and highly important bronze Buddha image. Due to damage by fire  only the upper half down to the thighs has been preserved. However, it  is still possible to make out that the figure once represented the  Buddha in a standing posture. The surviving part of the image measures  roughly 1.27m, so that total height of the original must have been about  2.40m. In view of its style and the layer in which the bronze was  discovered the sculpture can be attributed to about the 9th or 10th  century. The only other known bronze Buddha figure from about the same  period and of roughly equal size is the famous image from Sultanganj in  Bihar, now in the Art Gallery of Birmingham Museum. Coins  As many as five circular copper coins have been  discovered from a room close to the main gateway complex of the  monastery. Of them three are of a unique type showing a rather clumsily  depicted bull on the obverse and three fishes on the reverse. A silver  coin belonging to Harun-ur-Rashid, the Khalifa of Baghdad bears the date  127 AH (788 AD). Another series of six coins issued by sher shah (I540-45 AD), two of Islam Shah (I 545-53 AD), three of Bahadur Shah (16th century AD), two of daud karrani, one of akbar  (1556-1605 AD) and one of Sultan Hussain Shah Sharki of Jaunpur. All  these coins are fabricated on silver excepting the last one, which is of  copper. But we are not yet sure how these coins made their way into  this vihara. Pottery  The pottery discovered from the excavation at  Paharpur was numerous and varied. Most of them belong to the middle or  the late period roughly from the end of the tenth to the twelfth century  AD. One class of ware, which may be attributed to the early Pala period  (about 9th century AD). These are decorated with cross lines in the  lower surface only or on the sides as well. Only a few large storage  jars (one inside the other) were found in situ in some monastery cells.  These large jars were set in the corner of the room by cutting the floor  of the third period (Diskshit's second period) monastery. But no food  grains or any other object was found in the jars. These were full of  soil. A number of complete saucers could be recovered from the  pre-monastic level. This pottery may be attributed to the pre-Pala  period (c 6th to 7th century AD). Generally the pottery is well burnt to  a red or buff green on which red slip was applied either in bands or on  the entire surface except at the bottom. Almost all the vessels had a  broad base and a protuberant centre while the large storage jars had a  pointed or tapering bottom. Besides a number of vessels shaped like  modern handis and spouted vases or lotas, there are also vessels with a  narrow neck and mouth with a cylindrical body. A number of lids of  pottery, dishes, saucers and lamps, which include a large variety of  circular shell vessels with or without a lip at the rim near the wick,  have been found. Other common antiquities are the terracotta crude  female figures, the model of animals, parts of finials, dabbers of  truncate cone shape, flat discs, sealings and beads of cylinderical  shape. A number of ornamental bricks have been found in the pattern of  the stepped pyramid, lotus petal, the chessboard, rectangular medallion  with half lotuses etc. Preservation During  the discovery of the monastery  complex (1934) it was not in a very bad state of preservation. But  within the last half a century its condition has deteriorated to such an  extent that the very existence of this monument was threatened by some  dreadful problems primarily due to water logging and salinity. The water  logging was undermining the foundation of the central temple and  contributing towards the decay and disfigurement of the terracotta and  stone sculptures adorning the base of the temple. There was extensive  salting or efflorescence all over the monument. The attempt made by the  Govt. for preservation of the monument was insufficient to cope with the  progressively deteriorating situation. So the Govt. of Bangladesh made  an appeal to UNESCO in 1973 to safeguard this monument and the Mosque  city of Bagerhat as part of World Heritage. Accordingly a Master Plan  was prepared in 1983 by an international mission and both the sites were  included in the World Cultural Heritage List in 1985. Subsequently a  project was initiated in 1987 to implement the recommendations of the  Master Plan, which continued in three phases and was completed in 2002.  Under this project many issues including preservation of the structural  remains of Vihara, drainage problem, construction of a museum  and other infrastructures etc, were addressed. In order to arrest those  partly solved problems as well as to face some other issues like  tourism pressure, heritage management, safeguard the ancient landscape  etc. Govt. has recently undertaken another project. 

 Integrity  :

 At present, only the archaeological boundaries have been established  at the site, which could be regarded as the boundaries of the property.  These boundaries include all required attributes to express its  Outstanding Universal Value. However, the potential of mining activities  in the vicinity of the property, as noted by the Committee at the time  of inscription, highlights the urgency of establishing the boundaries of  buffer zone for the property, which would need to take into account the  natural environment surrounding the monument to maintain visual  relationships between the architecture and the setting. Provisions for  the management of the buffer zone need to be identified and implemented. Concerning to the material integrity of the property, the still  uncovered part of the central shrine, as well as some terracotta  plaques, are gradually deteriorating due to environmental element such  as salinity and vegetal germination. This constitutes a threat to the  physical integrity of the fabric and needs to be attended to. 

 Authenticity  :

 The authenticity of the property in terms of materials and substance and  character has been compromised by interventions, including  consolidation, substantial repair and reconstruction of the facial  brickwork of the walls, which have prioritised presentation. In  addition, the introduction of slat laden bricks and mortar as far back  as in the conservation works of the 1930’s has further aggravated the  situation. Vandalism, theft and increasing decay of some of the  terracotta plaques have been the reasons for their removal from the main  monument. The interventions can no longer be reversed so all future  conservation and maintenance works shall focus mainly on the  stabilisation of the monument to ensure that it is preserved in its  present form. To ensure that authenticity is not further compromised,  conservation policies need to be developed and implemented, to ensure  that structural conservation meets current standards and promotes the  use of traditional materials and local craftsmanship. 

 Protection and management requirements :

 The whole complex, perimeter along with lofty central shrine, lies  within an area protected by the government and supervised regularly by  the local office. National legislation includes the Antiquities Act  (1968, amended ordinance in 1976), Immovable Antiquities Preservation  Rules, the Conservation Manual (1922) and the Archaeological Works Code  (1938). Management and conservation of the World Heritage property and other  related monuments in the vicinity is the responsibility of the  Department of Archaeology. Besides, for the regular maintenance of the  site, the responsibilities of the site management is carried by an  office of the custodian under the overall supervision of a regional  director guided by director general of the Department of Archaeology,  People´s Republic of Bangladesh. A comprehensive management plan including conservation policies and  provisions for a buffer zone will be drafted under the project "South  Asia Tourism Infrastructure Development Project- Bangladesh portion  2009-2014". Adequate human, financial and technical resources will need  to be allocated for the sustained operation of the identified management  system and for the continuous implementation of the conservation and  maintenance plans so as to ensure the long term protection of the  property. 

 The Importance of Somapura Mahavihara:

 The Somapura Mahavihara shows the traditions in this region during the  Pala dynasty. It indicates the architectural capability of the people of  this region in the ancient period. It is also a significant sign of the  existence of Buddhist religion and the practice of Buddhist culture  within this region. 

 Major Attractions of Somapura Mahavihara :

 In this ancient architecture, you will find Terracotta Plaque in the  walls especially at the base of the temple which is very attracting. You  will also find Balrama Stone, Buddist God Havjara with Sakti stone and a  bronze sculpture of Buddha. Other statues of stones include Chamunda,  Standing Seetala, Keerti, Gouri, Visnu, Nandi, Sun, and Mansaha statue  of claystone. 

 Nearest Tourist Attractions:

 There are many famous tourist spots nearby which you can visit at the  same time. The most prominent nearby tourist spot is Mahastangarh  archaeological site which consists a lot of ancient remnants. The other  major tourist attractions include Bairagir Bhita, Khodarpatar Bhita,  Parasuramer Prasad, Mankalir Dhap, and Govinda Bhita etc. 

Transportation and Communication:

 One can go to Somapura Mahavihara, Naogaon from Dhaka by Bus. The  tourist spot is about 282 kilometers far from Dhaka and may take up to  6. 5 hours to reach there by bus through Panchagarh- Bznglabandha  highway. The route shall be Dhaka- Savar- Chandara- Tangail- Jamuna  Bridge- Bogra- Naogaon- Badalgashi and finally Paharpur.
One can  also visit this spot through air route. A lot of local Airline companies  give special packages to visit this tourist spot. In this case, the  airplane will land in Hazrat Shah Makhdum Airport, Rajshahi. From there  the visitors will give to go to Naogaon by bus or car. 

 Hotels, Accommodations and Foods:

 There are many hotels and restaurants  near the Somapura Mahavihara. Some of them include Archaeological Rest  House, Motel, and Restaurant of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation.
Location of Sompura Mahavihara
Sompura Mahavihara
Rajshahi, Naogaon- 6500
282 kilometers away from the capital, Dhaka.

Somapura  Mahavihara in Paharpur, Badalgachhi Upazila, Naogaon District,  Bangladesh. It is 5 km west from Jamalganj railway station in the  greater Rajshahi district, and it is important and the largest known  monastery south of the Himalayas and Buddhist viharas in the Indian  Subcontinent and archeological spot.

 Information for Traveler:

 Sompur Paharpur  Bihar is about 282 km by road from Dhaka, and it will need about 6.5  hours to arrive at Paharpur by bus/taxi/private. From Dhaka, the  direction shall be Dhaka – Savar – Chandra – Tangail – Jamuna Bridge –  Naogaon – Badalgachhi – Paharpur

Place / Location / Area / Other important Notes:

District -Naogaon
282 km from Dhaka
Travel from Dhaka: Mainly bus and private car
Postal code Badalgachhi-6570




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