Wacky Facts by Agent K #22: Did You Know Being a "Human Alarm Clock" Used to be a Legitimate Job?

in #history7 years ago (edited)

We keep hearing today how machines and robots are replacing human employees at an extremely fast rate, but make no mistake: THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE! A simple look at military history will easily convince you. 

Guns and bombs gradually replaced bravery and physical battles, but you will never hear anyone (especially  imperialistic governments) complaining about that. HECK, even robots ended up using other machines. 

So, I don't see why someone who takes alarm clocks for granted for example, should even complain about a robot replacing him at the office. Did you even know that being a "human alarm clock" used to be a legit profession before these little noisy things became a trend? 

The Menu of the Day 

Now that you're ready to accept the fact that mankind's astonishing technological achievements have replaced (and will keep replacing) many jobs that humans once used to do, let me introduce you to a long-forgotten profession; this of the "man alarm clock." 

Wait a minute...I GOT IT ALL WRONG! What I meant to show was this hard-working gentleman right here...

This job was extraordinarily popular in the UK, where it started at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and lasted until the early days of the 20th century. 

Did "Human Alarms" Need Batteries to Work? 

Of course, a "human alarm," also known as a KNOCKER-UP, needed no batteries or electricity to work; just a full English breakfast and a cup of tea before work, and maybe a couple of beers in the local pub after duty. 

So, how exactly did the whole thing work you wonder? The "man alarm clock" used a super-long stick made of bamboo, which helped him to knock even the highest windows on the upper floors. He wouldn't stop to knock until the customer opened his/her window to tell him to Shut the F$$$ Up! After all, old habits die hard...

Did He Make a Lot of Money? 

Each client had to pay several pennies a week in order to wake up on time, which meant big business for the "human alarm clock," especially if he was really popular in the neighborhood and had many satisfied customers.  

The specific  job became mostly popular in London and Birmingham, where it was mainly "executed" by older retired males and police officers on their morning patrols, in order to make some extra cash...Well, before they discover that as a cop there are way more profitable ways to make some "extra cash." 


Human Alarm Clocks


The “human alarm” was a legitimate profession called a “Knocker up”

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I can say with all certainty that I officially became a human alarm clock when my daughter started going to school. I have to wake her up every morning! Worse, I do not get paid for it, and I even get abused with complaining and groans!

You should feel privilleged waking up the drama queen though 😂😜

Seriously, is quite interesting to see what people can do in order to make a living!

Cleaning the shit of others (LITERALLY) can make you some money in India nowadays. If someone can find me a worse "job" I will shut up for the rest of the day ;) LOL

GOOD GOD!!!!!!!!
I don't think you can find anything worse lol!!!!

I used to work on the road. I lived in hotels. A new one every week. I'd always order a wake up call as a backup plan in case the power goes out or I don't hear my own alarm. Some of those places were old school. Instead of hearing a voice recording about how it's time to wake up, sometimes I'd be greeted by a human. "Good morning sir. This is your wake up call. Would you like to order breakfast?" ... my breakfasts never looked as good as the one in the photo up there though. Damn, I'm hungry now.

I have done a total 17 jobs (15 of them being part-time) and I am still 36. I always saw "work" as a hobby I guess. Maybe that's why I never made any real money ha ha. Btw, English breakfast is the best thing ever coming from this country.

I spent a couple of years working in England and I can say from the bottom of my heart that other than my son (I have a 4-year-young toddler with a British woman, which makes him Greek, Irish, English and French...Can you imagine his accent when he grows up? LOL ), fish n' chips and breakfast are the BEST things ever coming from this bloody country with the horrible weather (I won't say a word about teeth LOL).

Thanks for passing by and commenting, mate. Always a pleasure having you in one of my posts...

PS. The Prodigy and The Smiths too!

lol, damn machines

Very interesting and good content.

Danke schon :)

Haha, I would need to hire a human alarm clock to wake me up on time for my human alarm clock job :)