History and origins of Hackers (Hackers)

in #history6 years ago

History and origins of Hackers (Hackers)


hackers are people who study, analyze, modify, break into computers and computer networks, either for profit or motivated by challenges.

Hacker terminology appeared in the early 1960s among members of the Tech Model Railroad Club student organization at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The group of students is one of the pioneers of computer technology development and they are struggling with a number of mainframe computers. The English word "hacker" first appeared with a positive meaning to refer to a member who has computer expertise and is able to create a better computer program than has been designed together.

Hack rate

  • Elite

Also known as 3l33t, 3l337, 31337 or any combination thereof; is the spearhead of the network security industry. They understand the inside outer operating system, capable of configuring and connecting networks globally. Be able to program every day. A very natural gift, they are usually efficient & skilled, using their knowledge appropriately. They are like stealth that can enter the system without being detected, although they will not destroy the data encountered. Because they always follow the rules.

  • Semi Elite

This hacker is usually younger than Elite. They also have extensive computer knowledge and skills. They understand the operating system (including the vulnerability). Usually comes with a small number of programs enough to change the exploit program. Many of the attacks are published by hackers of this level. Unfortunately by the Elite they are often categorized as Lamer.

  • Developed Kiddie

This title is mainly because the age of this group is still young (ABG) and still in school. They read about hacking methods and how on various occasions. They tried various systems until they finally succeeded and proclaimed victory to other hackers. Generally they still use the Graphic User Interface (GUI) and just learned the basic thing from UNIX, without being able to find a new weakness hole in the operating system.

  • Script Kiddie

As developed kiddie, Scripts usually do the above activities. Like Lamers, they only have very minimal technical networking knowledge. Usually not out of the GUI. Hacking is done using trojan to scare and troubles the life of Internet users.

  • Lamer

They are people without experience and knowledge who want to be a hacker (wanna-be hacker). They usually read or hear about hackers and want to be like them. The use of their computer is just to play games, IRC, exchange pirated software and steal credit cards. Doing hacking using trojan, nuke, and DoS software. Usually boasting over IRC channels. Due to many shortcomings to reach the elite, in its development they will only be up to the level of developed kiddie or script kiddie only.

  • White Hat Hacker

is an information technology term that refers to a hacker who ethically shows a weakness in a computer system. White hat generally protects against a system rather than launching its action, which is contrary to the black hat that focuses its action on how to break through the system.

White hat hacker is an information technology term in English which refers to hackers who ethically point out a weakness in a computer system. Indonesia also has a young White Hat that is Shaden Al Mahbbah Havi and Fahrey Ali Ghozali. He is 14, living in the father's hometown SBY (Pacitan Jawa Timur) This boy is the youngest white hat in the world. White hat in general focuses its action on how to protect a system, which is contrary to the black hat that focuses its action on how to break through the system. White hat or white hacker is a hero or a good person, especially in the computer field, where he calls the hacker ethics or penetration testers that focus on securing and protecting IT systems.

White hat hats or holy hackers, also known as "good hackers," are computer security experts, who specialize in penetration testing, and other methodological testing, to ensure that enterprise information systems are secure. These security experts can take advantage of various methods to carry out their tests, including social engineering tactics, the use of hacking tools, and the effort to avoid security in order to gain entry into secure areas.

  • Types and traits

Black hat SEO tactics like spamdexing, trying to direct search results to a specific target page in a way contrary to the search engines' terms of service, while white hat methods are generally approved by search engines. the white hackers tend to produce good and legal results, while black hats anticipate that their site may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently after search engines discover what they are doing. In the film industry, the white hat is someone in the west of the film where such characters will wear white hats in contrast to black hat villains. Examples of characters such as Red Ryder, Tom Mix, and The Lone Ranger. Some examples of famous white hacker names include nick names: COOL, SIX_WINGED_ANGEL, / i_c_u_s , LIGHT_WING, which play a role in suppressing the spread of viruses on the computer and remove attack sites that trap its users by using worms / viruses that strengthen the innate anti-virus system and help giant companies like facebook and multiply.white hackers are divided into 2 types: The aggressor team is called "red", and the Defense team is called the "blue" team .

  • Black Hat Hacker

In general use, a hacker is someone who breaks into a computer, usually by gaining access to administrative controls. Some argue that hackers, portrayed as a person who broke into the computer by way of breaking the security system.in the world there is a hacker community.This hacker community is a community of people who have great interest in computer programming, often creating open source software. These people are now referring to cyber-criminal hackers as "crackers". So clearly the difference in purpose and purpose between White Hat and Black Hat Hacker.

  • How to hack

Hacktivist; hacktivists are hackers who use technology to announce social, ideological, religious, or political messages. In more extreme cases, hacktivism is used as a tool for cyberterrorism.

Hacking the computer; hacking a computer is a common example of security exploits by way of SQL injection, through security holes that may be caused by sub-standard programming practices. Other exploits can be used via FTP, HTTP, PHP, SSH, Telnet and some web pages.

Vulnerability scanner; A Vulnerability scanner is a tool used to quickly check the computer on the network for known weaknesses. Hackers also typically use port scanner.port scanner is a tool to see ports on a particular computer to access the computer, and sometimes will detect the program version number. the firewall protects the computer from intruders by restricting access to ports

Password cracking; Password cracking is an application that captures data packets, which can be used to steal passwords and other data in transit over multiple networks.

Trojan horses; Trojan horse is a program that seems to be doing one thing, but actually doing something else. A Trojan horse can be used to set up a back door in a computer system in such a way that an intruder can gain access later. (Trojan horse names refer to horses from the Trojan War, with functions conceptually deceiving the soldiers to bring an intruder in.)

Virus; A virus is a self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or documents. Thus, computer viruses behave similarly to biological viruses that spread by inserting themselves into living cells.

Worm; Like a virus, the worm is also a self-replicating program. A worm is different from the virus it spreads through a computer network without user intervention. Many people confuse the term "virus" and "worm".

Spy Net; Is a program that automatically spy on the victim's computer, but only the Internet network is not a computer activity. Usually enter via message / e-mail from strangers through video chat and others.

Keylogger Is a program created specifically to spy on a particular computer in the form of sound, image or writing. Usually only in-inject via anlashdisk or USB (Universal Serial Bus).

  • Black hat hacker figure

Kevin Mitnick

Kevin Mitnick is a computer security consultant and writer, had previously become the most sought-after criminal in US history.

Eric Gorden Corley

Eric Corley (also known as Emmanuel Goldstein) He is the founder of the hacker community. He has been a part of the hacker community since the late 70s.

Gordon Lyon

Known as Fyodor, write about Security Scanner and also many network security books and websites. He is a founding member of the Honeynet Project and Vice President of the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Solar Designer

Solar is the name of the founder of the Openwall Project.

Michal Zalewski

Michał Zalewski is a leading security researcher.

Gary McKinnon

Gary McKinnon is a British hacker facing extradition to the United States to face allegations of perpetrating what has been described as "the biggest military computer hack of all time."

Many of the former black hackers are employed in the field of computer security. The opposite of black hat hackers is white hat hacker. Gray hackers are the designations of people who on one hand are helpful and on the other hand destructive. One of the white hackers who help (white hacker) nickname.

quite a lot of understanding about hackers from me

summarized from the link below



I @thomast say thank you.🙏🙏🙏😊

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