Thieves Elite in The USSR: Birth, Formation, Annihilation.

in #history7 years ago

Hello, my dear friend!

Today we will dive into one of the dark rivers of the past... into a river that flows to this day, but for a simple and honest person, it often remains unnoticed, invisible. But the more a person is "further from all this" and the less he knows about it, the more harmful the consequences can be...


Man - weak and vulnerable! He is weaker not so much physically, as morally / spiritually - call it as more habitually for you. Since ancient times, some have been earning their livelihood, others - killing and stealing... and it is quite natural that with the development and the emergence of new benefits, the thirst for easy prey is not eradicated in people, but only strengthened! With technical progress, not only convenience and comfort come to us, but also new ways of deception, theft, and concealment of crimes!

But if now schemes of crimes and methods of combating them are known to us (I certainly do not think that we - the "mere mortals" knows all, but we live in the information age), then how things were in the age of "information void", in the USSR closed by the iron curtain?

Part I.

Even under the tsarist regime (~ 1720), the criminal world of Russia "blossomed"! It has already been a clear division into specializations, but while not having centralization and control... But a holy place is never empty. Within about 150 years there was already a division into castes - with own criminal government inside the real state! All this "joy" went to Nikolai II.

In its turn, during the revolution of 1905-1907, and after 1917 the Bolsheviks (the birth of Soviet power) have taken this load. But not immediately... On start, the future "Soviet Power" actively used criminal authorities. And they showed interest - it was a chance to take revenge on the hated tsarist regime. Therefore, in the ranks of the "Red Army" during the seizure of power, there were many "not the most law-abiding citizens"! As it usually happens - those who were "at the top" in a criminal environment, began to occupy high posts in the army...

In fact, the following happened: thieves, traitors, and murderers from different "spheres of activity" joined together to achieve a common interest - gaining even more power and money! But in such a "slippery business" as a section of a loot, there is a completely rational and reasonable rule - the less a person, the greater your share! Therefore, it's not at all surprising that after the end of the revolution and the final seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, "mopping-up operations" began.

For the criminal world, 1920-1930 years became "a turning point". The formation of the thieves' codex began, the most important items of which were:

  • No cooperation with the government and politicians!

  • The thief should not work!

And these were not just recommendations or something like that. These were strict rules. Own laws! Proceeding from this, the most authoritative became not just thieves, but "thieves in the law"! There was a certain rite of "coronation"... everything was very serious. Also serious were the consequences for the violation of these laws. Most often, of course, it was killing, but were more severe punishments - the offender was made a "bitch", slave. Then the Soviet Power was for real faced with the problem which was created...

About those times - half the country in prisons, half the guards! But since after the revolution came the time when the new government had to prove in every possible way that they are much better than the tsar, and the country was in poverty, with absolutely destroyed production capacities, anyone who got into prison was bound to benefit - work! But thousands of prisoners "thieves in the law" did not work, casting a shadow on the legitimacy of the new government!

Part II.

In reality, for a very long time, "thieves in the law" lived in prisons no worse than at free. The prisons worked for their benefit... "bitches" and prisoners not from the higher castes worked for thieves and gave them their rations. From freedom, narcotics, cigarettes and other "exclusive" things were transferred. The government took all further attempts to change the situation, but the World War II prevented the completion of the case.

However, among "thieves in the law" is also a real war broke out! After all, the state provided an opportunity to atone for sins through serving in the army, and there were those who agreed. This was contrary to the thieves' laws, as you well understand! But despite this, everything went on as usual and remained in their places. "Thieves in the law" still did not work and felt great in prisons. But everything changed in 1955...

This year, the Soviets decide to strike the final blow against the thieves, who were separated by the "civil war". All thieves are taken to one special prison, rations are reduced in half and policy "divide and conquer" starts. Trapped in the hard conditions "thieves in the law" were forced to violate their own codex! It goes without saying that the more persistent and faithful immediately "removed the crowns" from the fallen thieves...

At this stage, it was the end - this measure of struggle was mega effective! The "thieves' world" did not recover from such hit. In fact, this special prison has become a can with spiders! The codex played against them, and they did all the dirty work...

The time of criminal romance was over, "thieves in the law" lost respect and trust of the young. No more "common fund", no more support of authorities, no more centralization! In such conditions, the country was expecs a strong decline in crime and increased the interest of young people in obtaining education and honest/legal earnings...


What are your personal feelings/opinions about such a solution to this issue? Do you think that such actions would not be hampered in the modern liberal and tolerant world?

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

Image source

Information sources: historical films and articles, wiki.


A powerful account of history and some realities of life many would rather not care about and blindly walk passed it. An excellent piece that calls me to reflect on restorative justice for criminals of all kinds, which actually applies a sort of "Divide & Conquer" mentality toward the criminals/wrong-doers, while maintaining and strengthening the public at large as they assert of the wrongs to the individual and then top it with messages to the person as to what they can do to help instead of hindering the process of unity and strength within the community. The goal is always to try to find the gift each and every individual has and raise to the consciousness of the individual as well as to the group, thus promoting healing on for concerned.

Thanks again for your great piece, I just started following you less than 12 hours ago and am far from disappointed.

Namaste :)

Hi, Eric!

Thanks for your feedback! It is the feedback that motivates us like nothing else :) I'll try not to disappoint you in the future!

No worries about me, just keep doing what your heart is compelling you to do! Thanks a lot and see you soon, namaste :)

very complete accounting of Russia, and as I think back on my recent trip to Alaska, where Russia only came to grab what wealthy it could steal and take back to Russia, they had no intention of ever colonizing the land there. Russia has been through lot, but much brought on themselves, unfortunately.

From personal experience - Russia does not learn from its mistakes, nor from others... as a result - problems are not solved, but only "postponed for tomorrow", why then these problems will be acquired by nightmarish consequences!

I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

Thank you for motivating feedback! I will try to justify your trust, and do my best!

The USSR regime has produced many inhumane actions to their citizens and enemies ...lets hope that such will not happen again in modern Russia and formwer Soviet Union States

Certain actions can and should be justified. But when some thieves and murderers with the help of others seize power in the country, and then repair the massacre on them - this is lawlessness! This should not be!

Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!

International court should react actively to implement justice in the world.

Hello I am from Russia. Is it all so interesting to you? Russian prisons in Siberia is a real hell !!

Prevailing of justice in all over the world is the solution of all types of crime. International court should react actively to implement justice in the world.

Highly informative, and intriguing. The authorities did what they had to do at that time, and maybe it was the right action. However, i don't believe such actions by anarchist men are going to be tolerated in democracies of today.

Good post. You gave me and idea for a new post, not at all the same tobject but still, thank your for sharing and make me think out of the box.
May I follow you my dear @terrycraft?

Glad to help :) Good luck with your future post!

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