Tuanku Abdul Hamid, The first ambassador of the kingdom in Southeast Asia to the Europeans

in #history7 years ago

Tun Abdul Hamid duta besar pertama Kesultanan Aceh Darussalam kepada Bangsa Eropa.jpg

The glorious achievements of Aceh’s international diplomacy took place in the 16th-17th century. Prince Maurits the founder of the Oranje dynasty requested the assistance of the Sultan Darussalam Sultanate, the Sultan welcomed it by sending his envoys from Aceh to the Netherlands. The envoys are led by Tuanku Abdul Hamid, Sri Muhammad, Laksamana Aceh, and Mir Hasan as members. They were known as the first Southeast Asians to come to the Netherlands and Aceh became the first kingdom to recognize Dutch sovereignty after being free from Spain.

Tuanku Abdul Hamid was sick and died on August 10, 1602, in Amsterdam, on his headstone in Middleburg written: Here is buried, Abdul Hamid, head of the delegation of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah, Lillah Fil Alam. The ambassador who met His Majesty Prints Maurits with two Zeeuw ships, who had seized a Portuguese warship.

Souce: https://tengkuputeh.com/2017/11/14/tuanku-abdul-hamid/
More article in https://tengkuputeh.com/2017/04/27/aceh-the-first-sovereign-country-to-recognize-the-independence-of-the-netherlands/

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