1921 - Krondstadt RebellionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history5 years ago

red army kronstadt.jpg

The Krondstadt Rebellion was unsuccessful uprising against the Bolsheviks by sailors, soldiers and civilians unhappy at the economic situation and the direction the Russian revolution was taking.

It was a rude shock to the Bolsheviks when the red sailors of Kronstadt went into open rebellion in March 1921. The sailors saw themselves as loyal to the Soviet cause, if not to the Communist rulers. That bitter winter saw Kronstadt, like most other cities in Russia, hungry and discontented. Anger at material deprivations was compounded by the authoritarian regime the Bolsheviks were building, which seemed to violate the spirit of the revolution that the sailors had helped win. Popular unrest finally grew into strikes, which led to riots, lockouts, arrests. Finally on February 26, local Communist authorities declared martial law. A pattern of sharp protest and response escalated rapidly from here to a state of mutiny.

Trotsky was sent to Petrograd to organize the armed response. He assembled as many loyal troops as he could and on March 7 began the bombardment of the island by the great guns of Petrograd. Over the next ten days three bloody assaults were launched against the fortress. Troops marching across the ice were slaughtered, but they gradually depleted the strength and supplies of the rebels.


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