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RE: Anthropocene - The Agricultural, Industrial Revolution & Great Acceleration

in #history7 years ago

The problem of assigning a specific date for man's "causing fundamental shifts in the state and functioning of Earth Systems" is that the tools and methods we currently utilize for such endeavors are built upon cruder and less efficient tools of a previous era. I recall reading something from an old game "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri" along the line of, we don't simply take a handful of sand and produce microchips; we make simple tools, which lead to ever-increasing complex tools and every iteration of this process must be followed.

The first instance of man harnessing fire was the moment of his realization that he can shape his surroundings by the force of will alone. One could argue that manipulation of fire was the germ of the conceptual framework that shapes our world-view today.


Good point. Without man's discovery and subsequent control of fire, there would be no further social and collective developments, especially in terms of domestication and sedentary life. There would certainly be no industrial revolution, let alone a Great Acceleration. Then again considering our warlike nature, it would have been an interesting development to see these counter trends.

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