Attack Turtle; The World’s First Attack Submarine. Attack Turtle:世界第一艘攻击性潜艇

in #history8 years ago

Attack Turtle was invented in 1776 during the Revolutionary war with England.
Attack Turtle在1776年美国与英国的革命战争重被研发出来。

The technology used in the original design is still in being used in today’s most advanced submarines.

“The one-man vessel submerged by admitting water into the hull and surfaced by pumping it out with a hand pump. Powered by a pedal-operated propeller and armed with a keg of [gun] powder, the egg-shaped Turtle gave Revolutionary Americans high hopes for a secret weapon.”单人潜水艇通过使水涌入船身直到大部分船体淹没在水下,上浮时用手泵将水抽出。这时候的潜水艇的动力来源于脚踏船桨,并用一桶火药来武装自己。这种蛋形的潜水艇给予了处于革命期的美国人厚望,并把他当作秘密武器。

Those same concepts are the very basis of modern submersibles. Technology today has allowed for nuclear powered subs that never need to surface except to resupply.

The Turtle however was slow, hand powered and rather awkward to use. The plan for this secret weapon was to use it in the cover of night and creep up to the British ships. Connected to the outside of the Turtle was large keg of gun powder. A device inside allowed the pilot to screw it into the hull of the British ship.

**The plan failed but the Turtle submarine was a total success. ** Once the Turtle arrived at the stern of the ship the pilot began to screw in the keg. For some baffling reason the screw was not strong enough to drill into the hull of the ship.

After many failed attempts and with the sun about to rise he gave up and went back to shore. Having not attached the device and having it detonate by timer, the mission’s goal of disabling a British ship failed.

However the Turtle proved its value. The first attack submarine actually did what it set out to do. He dove under water and resurfaced by pumping water into and out of the Turtle. Success and the path to total nuclear domination had started.


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