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RE: 📷 The Victory Day! Happy holiday! Photos of the war years

in #history6 years ago

Я рада, если понравились мои фотографии.
А выставка на самом деле - отличная.
Многое сама узнала впервые.
Сейчас в музеи люди мало ходят, к сожалению.
А ВЫ - молодец! Пишете всё лучше и лучше!
Успехов вам и в дальнейшем!
С Днём Победы!

I'm glad if you like my pictures.
While the exhibition is really excellent.
I much she learned for the first time.
Now in museums people little trek, unfortunately.
And YOU - well done! Write all better and better!
Success to you in the future!
With The Victory Day!


Thanks a lot. I'm learning slowly as I am taking my time. I only move on when I don't have any problems in what I've learned so far. 😉

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