HBC - I wanted to write about Asgard ...

in #history7 years ago (edited)

HBC - I wanted to write about Asgard ...

Disclaimer: I wanted to make a translation of my posts on history, but I realized that I can not translate it. Difficulties and peculiarities of translations make themselves felt, Nevertheless the text will be in English and the guarantee that it will be understood or understood will not be true, but there will be a link to the Russian version, for those who still want to understand the meaning of the text.


I wanted to write about the Asgard ...

And even know where to start...

In the photo the main types of Omsk. Collage of the author.

But it was a long time ago, almost at the Asgard when more debts. And I'm all about him it was clear, understandable. And all this knowledge gathered the crumbs in the pre-Internet era did not contradict the story.

No, but what can contradict anything missing history of Siberia.

Of course taught in school that Ermak example sailed past, Marco Polo is somewhere near ... And rode ...

Maybe, of course, smart Western historians know something about these areas. But looking at old maps is the whole world was better known than Siberia. It simply is not in the geography of the 16th century. This, incidentally, has already discovered America, and Asia - not.


Although historians knew exactly what in the 13th century from here come evil Genghis Khan did everything ay-ay-ay ... and three centuries later and there is Mongolia on maps as areas that for some reason did not like Chingiz Khan and he very quickly galloped past them, and no one I not say a word ... Apparently he was very smart and knew that he stopped at the site of the mythical Asgard ~ ~ Omsk, about it would just write: "he tried to leave Asgard", and no invasion and oppression would not have happened.


Okay jokes, jokes ... although some is this a joke?

So. I wanted to write about the Asgard, and in search of it, I realized that did not even know where to start. Subject Asgard pulled him the whole story, the official history, like a blanket, and pulled it. And under this veil it was a completely different story, a different chronology and geography of the other.

And the problem is that we can not in all seriousness to take any piece of it and tell. Because he did not fit into what I was taught in school and college. And that does not fit is half the trouble, even a clear and well-known concepts, names, dates, ... almost everything in this story has a different meaning and means a little more ...

So the years go by, and I am silent. And if you had known where to start, then did not know, is now gradually comes to mind understanding the meaninglessness of writing all this. After all, there of. a story that everyone is happy and nafig still someone's imagination?

Bottom line do not know how to start a meaningless story that perhaps was once ...

But ... This story already sounds ...

P.S. I just went out for a smoke on the balcony with the phone, the room came the "Megahit" - Burito and began poking at the screen Smart ...

Оригинал - Я хотел написать про Асгард...

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