History of the Portuguese Arrival to Indonesia

in #history7 years ago

The motivation of the Portuguese began an adventure to the east according to the historian and archaeologist of Islam Uka Tjandrasasmita in the Indonesian-Portuguese book "five hundred years of historical relation ship (Cepesa, 2002):

  1. Feitoria: gold
  2. Fortaleza: glory
  3. Igreja: the church

In 1487, Bartholomew Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope and entered the waters of the Indian Ocean. Later in 1498, Vasco da Gama arrived in India. However, these Portuguese soon learned that the merchandise they were trying to sell could not compete in the sophisticated Indian market with goods flowing through the Asian trade network. Therefore, they are aware of having to do battle at sea to establish themselves.

After the agreement of Thordesillas (1492) portuguese seamen under the command of Bartholomeus Diaz tried to find a way out to discover the eastern world (the center of spices). But the voyage only reached the tip of south africa (1496). This is due to the large waves of the Indian Ocean, so that the ships brought by Bartholomeus Diaz did not make it through. By Bartholomeus Diaz this cape is called Tanjung Pengharapan (Cape oge Good Hope or Cape of Good Hope now).

In 1498, the Portuguese king sent his expedition under the leadership of Vasco Da Gama. This expedition succeeded in landing in Calcutta (India) in 1498. Then in 1511 the Indian nation of Portuguese sent its expedition under the leadership of Alfonso d'Alburquerque, following the journey of the Islamic traders. In that year also Portugal succeeded in occupying malaka, the center of Islamic trade in Southeast Asia. Then Portuguese arrived in Ternate (Moluccas) in 1512. Initially the people of Maluku welcomed and fought each other to infuse influence on Portuguese portugis so that portugis can buy spices and help the people of Maluku face the enemy.

The arrival of the Portuguese was well received by the sultan ternate are:

  1. Portuguese is regarded as a buyer of spices at high prices.
  2. Portuguese asked for help to jointly attack tidore.

At that time, the Malay sultanates of Maluku were ruled by Kaicil Darus asking for Portuguese assistance to erect a fortress in order to escape the attacks of other regions. In 1522 the Portuguese granted the request of the sultan ternate by establishing the castle of Saint John. The fortress must be paid handsomely with the spice trade monopoly agreement, the agreement was to cause misery people should not sell the spice at a free price because the price has been set portugis cheaply. As a result of his hostilities between Ternate and the Portuguese.

The causes of popular resistance against the Portuguese:
The Portuguese monopolized the spice trade in Ternate to the detriment of the people.
The Portuguese forced the sultan of Ternate to acknowledge his power in Ternate.
The Portuguese killed the sultan Hairun as king of Ternate.

Then the Spanish arrived in Maluku, a conflict arose between the Portuguese and the Spanish, the dispute was in line with the opposition of the sultan of Ternate and Tidore. To settle the dispute between the two white nations, the Pope intervened and in 1529 the Saragossa (Zaragosa) agreement was made.
The contents of the agreement include:

  1. The earth is divided into two influences namely the influence of the Spanish and Portuguese.
  2. Spanish territory stretches western Mexico to the Philippine archipelago and Portuguese territory stretches from Brazillia eastward to the Moluccan islands

Some Portuguese Figures

  1. In 1487 Bartolomeu Dias (the language was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and entered the waters of the Indian Ocean) King John II of Portugal appointed him on October 10, 1486 as head of an expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa in hopes of finding trade routes new to Asia.
  2. Vasco Da Gama. He was a Portuguese investigator who managed to find the sea lane to the eastern world (India) by walking around the African continent. Vasco Da Gama first unloaded on 8 July 1497. The path taken is the Cape Verde Islands, continuing southward through the Atlantic Ocean, turning eastward directly reaching the Cape of Good Hope, Gama continued the voyage along the east coast of Africa through Muslim territories Mombasa and Malindi (kenya). In 1498 Vasco Da Gama arrived in Kalikut (India). Another feature of this expedition is the carrying of a number of "padrao" smells of stone inscribed with the symbol of a "globe" image to be fixed on any place that Portuguese is found as its colony.
  3. Alfonso D'albuquerque. To get the spice-producing region of Portugal send two expeditions, namely:
  • Led by Diego Lopez de Sequera. This expedition failed to find the place of origin of spices
  • Alfonso D'abuquerque. This expedition succeeded in mastering Malacca in 1511

Resistance Against the Portuguese Nation

  1. Resistance from Demak
    In 1527, the Demak fleet under the leadership of Fatahillah / Falatehan could control Banten, Sunda Kelapa, and Cirebon. The Portuguese fleet could be destroyed by Fatahillah / Falatehan and he subsequently renamed Sunda Kelapa to Jayakarta which meant a great victory, which later became Jakarta.
  2. Resistance from Aceh
    By the time Sultan Iskandar Muda came to power, the Aceh Kingdom had attacked the Portuguese in Malacca in 1615 and 1629.
  3. Resistance from Maluku
    In 1570, the people of Ternate under the leadership of Hairun Sultan took the fight, but Sultan Hairun was killed. Subsequently passed his son Sultan Babullah in 1570-1575 and managed to expel the Portuguese.

The withdrawal of Portuguese From Indonesia
In 1533, the Sultan of Ternate called on all the people of Maluku to expel the Portuguese in Maluku. In 1570, the people of Ternate led by Sultan Hairun could again fight against the Portuguese, but could be deceived by the Portuguese until finally killed in the Castle Duurstede. Furthermore, the war was led by Sultan Babullah for 5 years (1570-1575), making the Portuguese had to leave the Ternate and expelled to Tidore and Ambon.

The Maluku people's resistance against the Portuguese was used by the Dutch to set foot in Maluku. In 1605, the Dutch managed to force the Portuguese to surrender its defense in Ambon to Steven van der Hagen and in Tidore to Cornelisz Sebastiansz. Similarly, the British fortress at Kambelo, Seram Island, was destroyed by the Dutch. Since then the Dutch managed to control most of the Maluku and Portuguese territories were driven to East Timor (since 1515).

The Influence of the Portuguese in Indonesia

  1. The rise of Christianity and Catholicism in Maluku spread by Franciscus Xaverius.
  2. The rise of keroncong music originating from Portugal.
  3. Heritage buildings in the form of Portuguese forts.
  4. The names of Indonesians who use the Portuguese name.
  5. Indonesian vocabulary derived from the Portuguese language ie party, soap, flag, table, Sunday, etc.
  6. Portuguese heritage objects are cannons placed in museums.

Thus the material about the history of the arrival of the Portuguese to Indonesia that we have given and do not forget also to listen to the material surrounding the history of the arrival of European invaders and VOC system in Indonesia that we have previously posted. hopefully the material that we provide can help to increase your insight so and thank love.


Portuguese People back in the discoveries time was a great country and have done a lot good and bad things for the humanity and to influence boarders and country relationships as we know them today. Nowadays no one even know about that country... unless You talk about Cristiano Ronaldo.

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