Joan of Ark : The Maid of Orleans...

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody.

My name is Jack.
Jack Minier.
I am 70 and I live in Orleans (France), on the side of the river LOIRE, in the area of the "Chateaux de la Loire" named "Kings Valley". (Yes I'm lucky, I know ;) )

I'm a french author, a searcher about the mysteries and black holes in the "official" History... And they are numerous, especially when they touch or are talking about the religion!...

And as a Orleans inhabitant, from my youth, I was already puzzled by the Joan of Ark legend... But not only by Joan... especially since I've discovered that the famous "Order of ND of MOUNT-SION" was set in Orleans from 1154, and was still there in 1429 !... (this Order of Sion that we found in the other famous mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, the original Order, not the fake "Priory of Sion" imagined by Plantard and de Cherisey)

So, I begun to revise the "puzzle"... to move closer each brick with another...
And the result is a incredible book : "JEANNE D'ARCADIE ou la secrète couronne", set on real and historic arguments each one can verify. But the story that book counts is very far from the "official" legend...

  • Was Joan of Ark a fake ?
    No !... She had really lived and she had really done the things the History tells, but not for the reasons we think...

  • Was she really burned on a stake in 1431 at Rouen ?...
    Certainly NOT ! An other woman was burned in her place ! She lived until 1454 and had two children.

  • So, WHY the Vatican had make a "Saint" of Her, in 1920, 5 centuries after the Church had "officially" burned this figure ?...

  • And What link had Joan Of Ark with the TEMPLARS ? (officially abolished 100 years ago)... That's what this book will let you know.

I've written this book as a "novel" because I'm not a graduate historian from university and I didn't wish to write a boring thesis, then you can read it like you have read the Da Vinci Code, but ALL my assertions about the Maid of Orleans are authentic and verifiable.
I give in the 40 last pages the elements onto I have founded this new vision of the France History. And maybe not only the French History but the American too...

Sorry for my school english. All my work is in french, and I 'll not take the risk to translate by myself into an english version.
I am my own editor in french. If you are an anglo-american editor and you find my work attractive, let me know your interest. We'll certainly find a agreement... :)


Je ne l'ai jamais lu, honte à moi, mais je soutien ce livre qui ouvre à chacun des horizons historiques...

Merci pour le compliment, surtout si tu ne l'as pas lu... Rattrape-toi vite ! ;)

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