in #history7 years ago

Indonesia is one of the countries that have ethnic and cultural diversity. Each of these regional cultures interact and are affected by other regional cultures and cultures from outside Indonesia. One such culture is a culture of Aceh. The history and development of the peoples of Aceh also attracted the attention of anthropologists like Snouck. In terms of culture, Aceh has a unique culture and diverse. Aceh culture is heavily influenced by cultures wither, because the location of Aceh strategic because it is a trade lane then entered the Middle Eastern culture. Some cultures that exist today are the result of acculturation between the Malay culture, the Middle East and Aceh.

Tribes that inhabit Aceh are descendants of people wither and the Middle East this causes the faces of the people of Aceh are different from Indonesia who are in other regions. Aceh ethnic society system, the livelihood of most Acehnese is farming but not least also the trade. Kinship systems Acehnese people know the mayor, Karong and Kaom which is part of the kinship system.

Islam is the religion most dominating in Aceh Aceh therefore earned the nickname "Veranda of Mecca". From the structure of Acehnese society known village, habitation, nanggroe and so on. But at this present moment ceremonial ceremony were massive only as a symbol so that the core of the ceremony is not reached. The cultural value shifts occur because of colonization and other fakttor.

Of things that have been described above seems to me interesting, then I lifted the paper with the title "Tribal Culture Aceh".


Acehnese ethnic groups is one of the group "origin" in Aceh which is now the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Acehnese who used to call himself ureueng Aceh, according to the 1990 census records the amount of 3,415,393 inhabitants, where Acehnese certainly constituted the majority. The Acehnese are natives scattered population in Daerah Istimewa Aceh. They inhabit areas of the Municipality of Sabang, Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh, East Aceh, South Aceh, and Aceh Barat. The language used Acehnese included in the Austronesian language family that consists of several dialects, including dialects Pidie, Aceh Besar, Meulaboh, and Matang. In Aceh Province there are also at least seven other ethnic groups, namely: Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, Aneuk Jamee, Simeulue, Kluet and Gumbok Cadek. A common identity based on cultural and religious ties reflects the unity of ethnic groups in the province. In the association of tribal peoples are rarely natives of Aceh say they are Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, and so on. They prefer to call themselves as "People of Aceh", so that Aceh should be seen as a major ethnic group that is supported by a number of sub-ethnic groups with their own identity. These characteristics also were confirmed as Daerah Istimewa Aceh province.


  1. Livelihood
    Acehnese principal livelihood is farming in rice paddies and fields, the staple crops such as rice, cloves, pepper, nutmeg, coconut, and others. Bermukim_ communities along the coast in general to be a fisherman.

Alas Most people live from agriculture in rice fields, especially those living in villages (kute). Alas planting a rice barn in Daerah Istimewa Aceh. In addition, residents of breeding horses, buffalo, cows, and goats, to be sold or hired in the fields.

The main livelihood of the Aneuk Jamee is bersawah, gardening and farming, as well as for fish for the people living in coastal areas. In addition, there are activities to trade fixed (baniago), one way to peddle wares from village to village (penggaleh). Livelihood in Gayo is the dominant community gardening, especially the coffee plant.

Tamiang the main livelihood is farming rice in the fields or in the fields. The population living in coastal areas to catch fish and make aran of mangrove trees. Those that become plantation workers or merchants.

  1. Kinship System

In the system of kinship, kinship form the most important is the nuclear family with the principle of bilateral descent. Indigenous settled after marriage is matrilocal, ie stay at home parents and wife for some time. While the child is the father's responsibility entirely.

In the lineage Alas drawn based on the principle of patrilineal or by male lineage. Mating system in force is exogamy merge, which is looking for a mate outside their own merge. Indigenous applicable settled after marriage is virilokal, centered at the residence of the family of man. A combination of several extended families called stacks. Then a few stacks combine to form an indigenous federation called split (half of the community).

In the kinship system there seems to be a combination of Minangkabau culture and Aceh. Lineage calculated on the basis of bilateral, whereas settled after marriage customs are uxorilikal (living in a family environment of the woman). Paternal relatives have a strong position in terms of inheritance and guardianship, while the mamak ninik comes from his maternal relatives. The smallest is the kinship group called the nuclear family home tango. Father's role as head of the family who have the obligation to meet the needs of his family. The responsibility of a mother is the main parenting and set up housekeeping.

In Gayo community, lineage drawn based on the principle of patrilineal. Mating system in force by tradition is exogamy sides, with custom settled after marriage patrilocal (juelen) or matriokal (angkap). The smallest kinship group called saraine (nuclear family). Unity of several nuclear families called sara kitchen. In the past few sara kitchen living together in a long house, so called sara umah. Some houses were merged into a single long sides (clan).

Tamiang society in the kinship system used patrilineal principle, that is interesting lineage based garislaki male. Indigenous settled after marriage is commonly done is customary matrilocal, which reside in the female relatives.

  1. Social Coating System

In the past, the people of Aceh to know some social layers. Among them there are four groups of people, namely the Sultan family groups, group uleebalang, class scholars, and ordinary folk group. Class families are descendants of former sultan sultans who once ruled. Calls usual for this sultan descent is Ampon for men, and cut for women. Uleebalang group are the descendants of the sultan subordinates who controlled small areas under the empire. Usually they Teuku title. While the ulema or religious leaders or Tengku Tengku commonly called.

In the past, people Aneuk Jamee divided into three levels of society, namely Datuk class as the top layer; faction commanders and clerics, consisting of tuangku, priests, and the qadi as an intermediate layer; and the common people as the bottom layer. Right now the system of social stratification is no longer applied again in society. Who is now regarded as a respectable person is wealthy, educated, and power holders.

At the time of classification societies known Tamiang top three social strata of society, namely ughang nobility, ughang patoot, and ughang bepake. The first group consists of the king and his descendants. to use the title Tengku for men and for women's Wan; The second group is orangÂorang who acquire certain rights and powers of the king, who earned People (Rich); and the third group is the group of people most.


The shape of the local life of the smallest entity called village (kampung or village), which is headed by a geucik or kecik. In every village there is a meunasah (madrasah) led a imeum ​​meunasah. A collection of some of the village called Mukim led by a uleebalang, the commanders who contributed to the sultan. Social and religious life in every village is led by chiefs and religious customs, such as imeum ​​meunasah, teungku khatib, tengku bile, and tuha peut (custom advisors).

In the past, the Land Foundation is divided into two areas of power led by two people kejerun, the area of ​​Batu Kejerun Mbulan and Bambel Kejerun area. Kejerun assisted by a deputy who called Raje Mude, and the four elements of leadership is called Raje foursome. Each element of the leadership of Raje's Four in charge of several villages or village (Kute), while each led by a Pengulu kute. A kute usually occupied by one or several clans (merge). Each of these spacious family inhabiting a house panjanga.

Gayo people living in a small community called village. Each village is headed by a gecik. A collection of several villages called Kemukiman, led by habitation. Traditional governance system in the form of an element called Sarak Opat leadership, consisting of: reje, petue, imeum, and sawudere. At the present time some fruit Kemukiman is part of the districts, with elements of leadership consists of: gecik, vice gecik, imeum, and intellectuals who represent the people.


Aceh including one of the earliest accept Islam. Therefore, the province is known as the "Veranda of Mecca", meaning "gate" between Indonesian closest to the place where the religion originated. Nonetheless Acehnese culture does not go away, otherwise some elements of the local culture influenced and mingled with Islamic culture. Thus the culture acculturation gave birth to Islamic culture-Aceh is typical. In culture is still there are remnants of animism and dynamism.


The language used Acehnese included in the Austronesian language family that consists of several dialects, including dialects Pidie, Aceh Besar, Meulaboh, and Matang.

As an everyday communication tool the Foundation uses its own language, the language of Alas. The use of language is divided into several dialects, such as Hulu dialect, the dialect of Middle and Lower dialects. Thus the Foundation distinguished by the use of dialects of the language.

In terms of language, vocabulary Aneuk Jamee originating from the Minangkabau language more dominance than vocabulary Aceh. The use of language Aneuk Jamee divided into several dialects, among other dialects and dialect Samadua Tapak Tuan.

Gayo language is used in everyday percakapaan. The use of language Gayo divided into several dialects, such as Gayo dialect Sea is divided into sub-dialects LUT and series, and dialect Gayo Flexible covering sub-dialect Supple, Kalul, and Serbejadi.

Tamiang people has its own language, the language of Tamiang, most of its vocabulary is similar to the Malay language. Some even say, that Tamiang language is a dialect of the Malay language. Tamiang language marked by utter the letter r be gh, for example, the word "people" read into oghang. While the letter t often c, for example, the word "not" read "ciade".


The style of art Aceh was heavily influenced by the Islamic culture, but it has been processed and adapted to the cultural values ​​that apply. The famous dance from Aceh, among others seudati, seudati inong, and seudati Tunang. Another art is the art of Arabic calligraphy developed, such as that seen in a variety of carvings mosques, traditional houses, ceremonial tools, jewelry, and sebagainnya. Besides developing the literary arts in the form of Islam breath saga, like Hikayat Holy War.

Aneuk art forms Jamee come from two cultures assimilate .. Those familiar with the art seudati Aneuk Jamee, dabus (dabuih), and ratoh that combines elements of dance, music and sound art. Additionally known kaba, the art tells the story of a character who peppered with fairy tales.

A cultural elements that never flagging in the community Gayo is art, which almost never stagnate and even tend to thrive. Gayo famous art forms, such as tan saman and theatrical plays called Didong. In addition to entertainment and recreation, these art forms have a ritual function, education, information, as well as a means to maintain the balance and the social structure of society. In addition there is also art forms bines, Didong teacher, and melengkap (oratory customary), which is also not forgotten from time to time.


Acehnese are renowned as tough opponents prajuri-soldier invaders, armed with rencong, ruduh (saber), keumeurah paneuk (short-barreled rifle), peudang (sword), and tameung (shield). These weapons were generally made himself.


In the sixteenth century, Aceh holds a very important role as a transit area of ​​commodities from East to West. Commodity trade of the archipelago such as nutmeg and spices from the island of Banda, cloves from the Moluccas, camphor from Barus and pepper from Aceh gathered here waiting to be dispatched to the outside Negen. Aceh as the most important city in that time were visited by traders from various countries.

Aceh is also known as the first area of ​​the entry of Islam into the archipelago. The traders from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Gujarat and India Muslim layover in Aceh in their search for a variety of commodity trade from the archipelago. Aceh, which lies on the international cruise lines is the first area that they are flown in Southeast Asia. Then around the end of the XIII century in Aceh has established a huge empire of the Kingdom of Pasai who is not only the most important city for trade, but also as a center of Islamic religion either to the archipelago and abroad.

Once the first Portuguese landed in Aceh in 1509 visited the Kingdom of Pedir (Pidie) and Pasai to find silk. Then in 1511 the Portuguese conquered Malacca (now Malaysia) that causes the Sultan angry. Kingdom of Aceh then send the fleet to liberate the back of Malacca from the hands of the invaders, but it did not work and many royal army in Aceh who died and was buried there. According to a reliable source of Syech Syamsuddin Assumatrani that one of the great scholars of Aceh were killed in a battle with the Portuguese in Malacca and his tomb is there. -

Then, during the Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607 - 1636), then the Malacca can be freed again from the clutches of the Portuguese and trade lanes in the Straits re-mastered by the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. At that time, Aceh and Turkey have established a close relationship so much weaponry and shipping experts from Turkey came and settled in Aceh. Historical evidence remaining is mosques, monuments and tombstones Turks in the village Bitai (± 3 km from Banda Aceh).

On June 21, 1599 a Dutch merchant ship led by Cornelis De Houteman and his brother Frederick De Houteman mendarat in Aceh. However, because the people of Aceh have thought that Dutch Portuguese ship they attacked and killed Cornelis De Houteman and charming Frederick De Houteman.

Furthermore, in 1602 a Dutch merchant ship another led by Gerald De Roy sent to Aceh by Prince Mounsts in an effort to establish cooperative relations with the Kingdom of Aceh. The delegation was welcomed by the Sultan balk and signed the cooperation relationship. When Gerald De Roy returned home to the Netherlands, the Sultan sent two ambassadors to the Netherlands. One of the ambassador Abdul Hamid (other sources mention Abdul Zamat) died in the Netherlands and his grave is in Middleburg, Netherlands.

In early June 1602 British merchants sent to Aceh by Queen Elizabeth to establish cooperation in the field of trade. The delegation was also welcomed by the sultan and signed a cooperative relationship. This relationship terns continue until many years later.

However, because of the greed of the VOC, the Dutch declare the war on the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam and attacked on April 14, 1873. The war between the Netherlands and Aceh is the longest in the history of the world that is approximately 69 years (1873 -1942) who had swallowed millions of lives.

In 1942 the Japanese landed in Aceh and welcomed by the people of Aceh because at that time between the Netherlands and Japan Mutually hostile, and Acehnese hope the arrival of Japan will help to expel the Dutch from the ground in Aceh. But the reality on the contrary that the Japanese even more fierce than the Netherlands so that the Acehnese feel cheated by the Japanese and taken up arms fighting the Japanese.

Japan is in Aceh only 2.5 years, but a lot of fighting between Aceh to Japan. Among the many wars, there are two battles are hard to forget because the number of fatalities falling namely in Pandrah (North Aceh) and Cot Plieng (North Aceh). Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 Aceh somewhat freed from the shackles of that tragic war.

Baiturrahman mosque construction carried out by a subcontractor or contractor Sino called Lie A Sie oldest historical record and the first of the royal kingdom in Aceh, was found from the ancient sources of Chinese history. In historical records Liang dynasty (506-556), mentioned the existence of a kingdom located in North Sumatra in the 6th century called Po-Li and Buddhist. In the 13th century texts of China (Zhao Ru-cave in his book-fan Zhu zhi) said Lan-wu-li (Lamuri) on the east coast of Aceh. And in 1282, it is known that the king of Samudra-Pasai sent two people (Sulaiman and Shamsuddin) envoy to China. In a note Huan Ma (Ying-yai sheng-lan) in a voyage along with Admiral Cheng Ho, recorded completely about the cities in Aceh such as, A-lu (Aru), Su-men-da-la (Ocean), Lan- wu-li (Lamuri). In a note Dong-xi-the- kao (Research seas east and west) authored by Zhang Xie in 1618, contained a detailed account of the modern Aceh.

Samudra-Pasai is a kingdom and a bustling port city visited by traders from the Middle East, India to China in the 13th century -16. Pasai Ocean is located on the Silk Road Chinese marine contact with the Middle East countries, where traders from various countries dropped by advance / transit before going on a cruise to / from China or the Middle East, India. Perlak Pasai city and also once visited by Marco Polo (13th century) and Ibn Batuta (14th century) on the way to / from China. Key items the most famous of these is Pasai pepper and exported to China, otherwise a lot of Chinese goods such as silk, Ceramics, etc. Pasai imported into this. In the 15th century, Cheng Ho's fleet also stopped by on his voyage to Pasai and provide a large bell dated 1409 (Cakra Donya) to King Pasai at that time. Samudra Pasai also known as a center of Islamic empire (and Perlak) is the first in Indonesia and dissemination center of Islam throughout the archipelago at that time. The teachings of Islam is spread by traders from Arabia (Middle East) or Gujarat (India), who stopped or settled in Pasai. Samudra Pasai in the city's many live the Chinese community, such as the "hometown of China", as written in the Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai. So long before the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam stands, the Chinese community has been in Aceh since the 13th century. Because Pasai Ocean is located in international trade and shipping lanes as well as a center of international commerce, various other foreign nations settle and live there.

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