Most Mysterious Objects Ever Found

in #history8 years ago

We humans have been on the planet for a long time and throughout our history, thanks to our explorative and creative nature, we have created a multitude of tools to serve our various requirements over the eons. 

We have also been recording our discoveries and inventions in many different form since times unknown. Cavemen used to do it by making simple drawings on the walls of the caves and today we do it on the internet among other means. 

The fabric of human history, though well recorded, has countless holes in it, meaning, there is a lot of missing information and every now and then we come across objects that were lost in time about which we have little idea or no idea as to their history or purpose. 

Let’s take a look at 3 such objects that have left us completely baffled. 

1. The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious book, the writer and origin of which is unknown. Not only that, it is written in a language that nobody knows and has been indecipherable till now owing to the fact that it’s writing system is unlike any other language in our recorded history.

The mysteries do not end there. It also contains lots of illustrations and symbols that nobody has been able to make sense of. Also, it contains numerous drawings of what seem like plants that again, no one has been able to identify.

Researchers have determined that the parchment used in the book is made of calf skin and using carbon dating, have suggested that it was written in the early 15th century, possibly in northern Italy. 

The best cryptographers have unsuccessfully tried to break the code behind this book leading many to believe that the book might be a hoax. A meaningless and purposeless book that just exists. Others disagree. In any case, it certainly is one of the most interesting objects ever discovered. 

2. The Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism is an analogue computer of sorts that dates back to the ancient Greek period, possibly around 200 BC. It was discovered in the early 20th century when it was recovered from the Antikythera shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera. 

It was only in the late 20th century that researchers were able to identify the object as an analog computer which was used for astronomical purposes like determining the position of sun and moon and the movement of other planets in the sky along with predicting solar and lunar eclipses. 

The mystery regarding this object is that the mechanism used in it is very much like a clock which was invented more than a thousand years after the object invention. Based on what we know about the ancient Greeks, the object shouldn’t even exist in the first place. 

So, how did the ancient Greeks manage to create such a sophisticated piece of machinery? No one knows. Also, it’s mentions are no where to be found in the writings of that period. 

Recreation of the antikythera mechanism

3. Ancient Aircraft Figurines

Image Credits

In the 1950s, the Columbian government sent North American researchers some 2500 year old ancient artefacts to analyse them and possibly provide answers to many pressing questions. 

Out of all these gold artefacts, some were really peculiar because they looked like aircrafts. After some careful analysis, researchers dated these artefacts to around 800 B.C. so it seemed really strange that people from back then would make anything that resembled the design of a plane. 

This was also shown on History channel’s ‘Ancient Aliens’ series which suggested the idea that maybe those ancient civilisations were visited by aliens who were flying in similar machines. In 1996, two German model aircraft constructors built an exact replica of this artefact by increasing the size by a factor of 16 and surprisingly, the model flew which showed that aerodynamics was understood by the ancient people. 

Many people however, disagreed with this conclusion and stated that it was a mere coincidence and that the aircraft like artefacts may just be based on fish or birds, but then fish and birds don’t have a rudder shaped part. Who knows how these artefacts came to be. It remains a mystery till today.


This is made from a lot of diamonds! I took the photo when I was at SteemFest!

I like your post so much, and I only knew about The Voynich Manuscript!

Cool photo man! That looks really cool! :D

I saw your photo and I remember that I have a similar photo and I wanted to share it. You always made great posts @sauravrungta and you still do great work! Cheers man!

Yes...antikythera, that is amazing stuff. Scientist assume it as first advanced astronomy invention in human race. Nice !

Yeah, it's cool that ancient people had advanced know-how too!

In regard to the "aircraft" artifact. Some new theories regarding UFOs Has been touted that they were not UFOs but time travelers. These "travelers" may have come upon a devise that can move objects in it's proximity through time. If this were true, world leaders would have much more reason to try and keep it secret than "Aliens" visiting our world. They might even allow or feed such conjectures so as to keep the real truth from coming out.

You have spiked my interest. Gotta do some research on it.

The idea of time travel has been around for millennia. However, recent revelations (old photos of people with devices, clothes, hairstyles etc...not consistent with those times ) have shown that time travel is a possibility, and that some people may actually be trapped in time.

I believe the Hopi Native American tribe has said that the world has been restarted 5 times i think, so in my eyes what happens is that the world gets to a certain technological point every time and then is inevitably restarted. These unknown objects could be from the past, when societies were as advanced if not more advanced than we are now, or the information on how to make them was found by the people of the older days and were mimicked. The other thing that comes to mind is the access to the akashic record of the collective unconscious. Since cultures of old all seemed to use psychedelics which allow access to the unconscious mind and probably the akashic record, then those cultures could have discovered the technology through ritualistic trance states. If things were restarted 5 times then the information would still be in the collective unconscious simply waiting for rediscovery. Nothing is really new, inventions are imitations of collective thoughts waiting to be accessed and interpretted to the current cultures standards of understanding, or so it seems. Shiva will be back to do the dance of destruction once again and things will restart again. It keeps things interesting. If i had to bet i'd say the breaking point is when machines take over the human mind by human choice. Digital limits it's own progress and when people turn away from spirituality the restart becomes inevitable. Who knows though, but my old past 4 or 5 lives tell me this is so :) When humans rely on digital for too long their minds circle themselves and become restricted in a sphere of understanding to where the only solution becomes creating a new flat perspective to rebuild on, thus flat earth versus sphere earth. The data becomes compressed into a frequency changing from a point sphere to a flat wave frequency only to restart again with the new stored information that is in the new akashic record when things become 3D again...maybe. Oh you provoke such fun thoughts in my mind, thank you.

For a long time I have held similar beliefs too. It is very much possible that we discover, from time to time, artefacts that belonged to ancient civilisations that were highly advanced too but which were lost due to an apocalypse. Even science says that there has been many apocalyptic events in the past. This is very interesting stuff. Thanks for the insightful comment :)

I think people back then were way smarter. We think we are smarter because we have computers as aids.

Yeah they were I think, only in a different way, which is natural. Also you can check out @thechurch 's comment above to get more insight on the matter.

A little late to the party here regarding this but there is a fantastic 1 hour documentary by the BBC covering The Antikythera Mechanism and how it was ultimately painstakingly decoded and reverse engineered with some interesting approaches and innovative technologies.

The 2000 Year-Old Computer - Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism

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