Sex discrimination

in #history7 years ago

We hear it all the time.

In England


Discrimination is still in the news but it is mostly related to pay and dress.

Women not allowed to wear trousers in winter.

Men not allowed to wear shorts in summer.
But usually going to work or school in a skirt sorts this one.

In Russia.


This is the country that had a revolution in 1917 to make everyone equal.

1917 rev.jpg
Votes for women

1917 rev lenin.jpg

Lenin did do a lot to balance things out.

In the west we always think of men and women doing the same work in Russia.

They did put a farmer's daughter into space. Valentina Tereshkova. Probably one of the most famous women in the world

It is not really true that equality made it from early 1920 through to today.

I do see some things in Russia that look good for women, but reading about it, I am not now sure it covers everywhere in Russia.

Russian equity started well, after the Revolution and under Lenin, but things went backwards during Stalin and then further backwards after.
When the USSR folded, new rules were introduced to stop women doing jobs that could hurt them during pregnancy. Women spend their whole lives pregnant no doubt.

I have read two stories of two Russian women who are suffering due to new discrimination.

Case 1
Evgenia Magurina.


She was an air stewardess with Aeroflot but when they introduced a new pay scheme based on dress size, she soon found herself on low wages and also moved to internal flights only.

She took Aeroflot to court.

Aeroflot’s lawyers actually said that every extra kilo of weight cost them fuel so reducing her bonus equalled this out.
They also said narrow corridors and crew’s health influenced which flights they were put onto.

Evgenia had worked for them for 7 years.

Evgenia has just won her case against Aeroflot. What that means in Russia I am not sure.

Case 2
Svetlana Medvedeva.


She wanted to do her job as a river boat captain but due to rules introduced in 2000 which banned women from 439 professions, she could not take up the position.
This list was produced in 1974 and is designed to force women back into the home and motherhood.
It does not take into account what the women want.

She is also fighting it in court and a verdict is due very soon.

The first two images are my own.
Other Images are from google.
Info from the BBC


I can understand your point of view; very nice post and nice information to share.

Some things that are an issue just look so easy to solve.

Good story. I enjoyed reading it!

Really interesting. I didn't know about women in England not being allowed to wear trousers in winter - why not? And why are men not allowed to wear shorts in summer? Neither of those "rules" make sense in 2017.

Its a couple of issues that have been brought up this year with some companies. Flat shoes were another issue. Some lads at a school wanted to go in shorts but the uniform rules didn't allow it. They turned up in skirts borrowed from sisters and friends. They won and the rules will change.

LOL, good for them!

Here we are in the 21st century and the rights of women are still lagging behind. Everything looks good on paper, but in reality, it is harder to put in practice. Some people remain small minded and are not forward thinking.

Amazing article
Thanks for posting @s0u

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