The History Of Money And Its Development In The World

in #history6 years ago (edited)

The History Of Money And Its Development In The World

The history of money has experienced a very long journey in this world. Now money has taken a very vital role in human life in pthis modern age.

Everything is measured in money. Almost all the things in this world are now assessed with money.

Ranging from daily necessities goods or goods of primary necessity, secondary goods, goods needs tertier, and so on. Even now this service can diniai with money.

Various people or agencies service providers appreciate the services they offer by using the value of the currency. Money has entered into all aspects of human life.

The History Of Money Prehistory

Money starts the official tool we know as payments could be known by humans in modern times. At the time of pre history, the kind of money as we know it today was not known. Of course it does not mean human prehistory never make the process of buying and selling as we are now.

At first the man always trying to meet all the needs of her life such as eating, drinking, dressing, etc. But as time goes by, the number of human beings who more and more, causing also the development of human life will be needs which are becoming increasingly varied.

To meet the needs of his life that the more this man then began to feel the need of others to help him meet the necessities of life. A group of prehistoric man lived in a place for example.

At first he might make his own from tree bark or animal skins. And they might hunt animal as well to meet the needs of a meal. For a place to stay they usually lived in caves, or build a House from the trees in the vicinity.

Whereas elsewhere there may be also other groups of early humans ate fruit from trees in the forest. Well when the two human groups meet or socialize, chances are they are interested with what was eaten or worn by other groups. From there began the communication and chances are there is a sense of wanting to have that finally made them perform activities of barter or exchange of goods.

Important Stages In The History Of Barter Money

Bartering is an important stage in the history of money of the world. In ancient times, man has not known the money. To be able to get the goods they want, they have to Exchange items that they have with other people who have items they want.

The system of exchange of goods is called Barter system. It turns out this barter system proved to be very effective. The existence of barter, people become very be facilitated to have goods and meet his needs. They both feel benefited.

Constraint System Of Barter In The History Of Money

After all this time the system exchange or barter is walking very well, there are a variety of issues. In this system a few Parties are not getting a balanced exchange. The owners of the goods that the goods are not hers feel rewarded with. Meanwhile buyers are also equally feel not getting goods costing with which has been exchanged. Dissatisfaction began to appear between them. They were both found not valued properly.

Another problem that arises for example transportation problems. To be able to exchange the goods, of course they have to bump into each other. While in ancient times human beings have living quarters which are usually quite far apart. To be able to exchange their goods must carry their wares each to a meeting place. Often the problem that arises is that they feel the hassle of bringing goods to the amount of lots and far away. Not to mention the risk of damage to the goods during the journey.

From there, the longer their ideas appear to use a more definite means of payment. They need a means of payment which has a fixed value, easy to carry, applicable for all kinds of goods, and are not easily damaged.

The History Of Coins


After going through a long journey, ended the period barter system and begin currency virtue as his successor. One very important milestone is the emergence of other currencies as the official means of payment which came into effect at that time.

The emergence of these currencies do not simultaneously around the world. Different countries, cities, or even different from different places also the validity period of this money. Even with this second in some countries there are still a few tribes that still don't know or have not been willing to use the currency as a means of Exchange. There are still some specific tribes still use the barter system.

The history of money starting from coins. At the beginning of humans using special items or valuables as currencies such as stone, metal, and so on. Then in a couple of metal currency innocuous civilization. The coin is used because the metal is regarded as a valuable items. In addition the metal also assessed very easily formed, and could be taken more easily.

Then in some Nations start came the kind of coin that is made with the form and the specific image on both sides. At that time there were several types of metal used as gold, silver, bronze, iron, etc. Its form was not always a round, oval-shaped, square, triangle, etc.

History Of Paper Money

The history of the world's money has gone through a long period with the emergence of a system of barter, and the appearance of a coin. Now the next development money passing through a knockout with the emergence of other types of paper money.

History of paper money appeared from another perceived obstacle after the coin. At the time of the transaction with the amount many, people felt getting a little hassle with the amount of metal that must be the amount of money they bring. In addition to as many other problems, and weight are supplies of metal which is also limited.

Then came the idea of humans to make currency paper from materials. It turns out that paper money is very likeable, though more easily damaged paper money however it is lighter to carry everywhere. In addition to the lighter, the value can also be made with varied.


The History Of Modern Money

After the advent of paper money, the history of money continues with the presence of modern money. Modern money nowadays there are several types, such as deposits, check, checking, and others. Now this pembayaranpun tool is not always using money physically. When shopping an item now we can already use other payment such as a credit card.

The longer the history of money is getting a lot of progress. Money and means of payment are increasingly rapidly. Means of payment no longer uses physical money brought here and there. Many ways can already be used to replace the coin and paper money.

With the historical development of rapid money this man be easier in using it. Even with the existence of the Bank as a medium for saving money and sending the money, now this man no longer need to save money in great numbers in the House of each one still.

In addition, people can be easier to send money from one place to another in any part of the world that is still reachable. Surely it is our hope that the historical development of the day money will increasingly facilitate the human beings as the main user.

What is Bitcoin and how its history?


Bitcoin is a virtual currency that can be used to Transact online. If asked how form these currencies, which obviously in shape not unlike physical currency issued by a bank and neither the currency of a country. The shape of this unique currency is only a file like common files.

The file is enskripsi of unique codes which do not match one another. And as mp3 files or word that you have on Your computer, device file BitCoin can also be stored in a computer or a flash disk or software called Digital BitCoin Wallet. In addition a BitCoin can also be stored in the storage service BitCoin on the Internet that is shaped like a social cloud.

According to some sources, the history of the birth of the BitCoin beginning in 2007. A computer experts try to develop a new model of virtual currency that is in no way bound by the party or any authority. The man named Satoshi Nakamoto. The Japanese man claims to be developing a BitCoin for 2 years and start it off in the internet world in 2009 and eventually spread to the present.



Long journey to digital money. Thanks @rizkimuammar

Heloo @rizkimuammar
I'm asking permission for you to resteem the post you have. In our opinion, the post that you have historical value. Hopefully all other Steemit accounts also think so. thanks. #menulissejarah
(Aku meminta izin kepadamu untuk resteem postingan yang engkau miliki. Menurut kami, postingan yang engkau memiliki nilai sejarah. Semoga semua akun Steemit lainnya juga berpendapat demikian. Terima kasih. #menulissejarah)

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