in #history7 years ago

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Rest is sweet after Labour!

With great heart of joy that knows no bound, with unreserved gratitude to God for a success retirement, after so much life of hard, dedication and commitment to service and humanity; you have finally retired with good health of mind and body, I say on your behalf as a friend, a son and as a caring well wisher I say congratulations to you on your Retirement. It's Over a month now, continue to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Amen.

A Woman of Many Virtues

I'm writing to you from Nigeria, and by my time here is 3:36pm (15:36GMT), What can say about a woman of integrity, selfless love and passion for humanity.
Beyond your work, you are an accomplished woman of value, a passionate content producer, and historian; I love your work, I have been following your work for over two months now, I upvote, and comments on your posts whenever I have the time and opportunity to do. You write regularly on the following platforms: History, Travel, Photography, Food, Nature.

I know I may not know anything about your family history, but if I'm asked,I will tell people how greatly you've imparted humanity with your genuine love, unselfish acts for humanity in charity, and constantly doing her best to make the world a better place, you do not live for yourself alone. You are a woman, a mother and a grandmother who have accomplished so much, who out of giving to humanity never forget herself, you take good care of your health, you eat balance diets, younever go against the advice of your physicians.
You have done all your best to take care,train, educate your children, and you have impacted other people's children the same way you treated your own. How good can life be when become selfless, and lost themselves in the service of others, only through this, can they find themselves.
Life achievements consists of how many lives we have imparted, how many works of charity we have done, how so much we have cared about the aged, the less privileged, God crated the rich because of the poor, so that we can bring to them joy, happiness, solace, succour and hope when they have become hopeless and thought they are of no value to humanity, when we do this we do same to God; hence the words of Christ says:

Whatsoever you do,to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me; whenever I was hungry you gave me to eat, when I was thirsty, you gave me to drink, when I was homeless, you harboured me, when I was imprisoned, you came to visit me. Now enter into the hop of my Father.

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Now that you are Retired!!!

Draw strengths from the above words of Christ, embrace a life of charity, help the less privileged around you, give a helping hand to whoever you think are in need of it, whether they deserve it or not does not matter. Learn how to forgive yourself for the things you couldn't do, the things you wished you could have done, forgive yourself for the good deeds you failed to do especially when it was beyond your power, or because other things took your time, forgive all those who have ofended you in the past, and all through your life in active service, holding on to past grudges tie us down,it deters us from receiving from God, forgive all whether they deserve it or not, forgive yourself for the things,places and people you couldn't reach out to; embrace forever the vision of Christ's glory, his coming back in glory as the judge of the world.
I must not fail to tell you that at this time that you've finally retired, some of your friends we abandon, they won't keep in touch unlike before you pals can come together and do things, have fun, yes you will faced with loneliness, but never entertain any regrets of your past, learn how to spend more time with God, stand in the gap for your children and grandchildren, your husband and for all your friends, it is time for you to stand in the gap, interceding for all those who matter to you, and especially for those you do not know, have never met and you may never meet; pray for me too, I am a young man who is just climbing up the ladder of destiny, a lot of young people like mewho are just finding their feet in life, pray for us all that will find purpose in life, because you have fought the good fight of faith to the finish, what is left for you is the crown of glory.

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Your Vision; My Vision

I appreciate your passion,enthusiasm for so much you have done for humanity, continue to mentor young people the importance and value of hardwork, also learn to encourage those you think amongst your friends who probably.may not be as privileged as you are, continue to fight against poverty, unemployment, girl child abuse and discrimination, continue to build the self esteems of young people, use your life experiences to teach all those around you; young and old the value and principles with which you have achieved so much in your life.
Establish, startup business that will help end vices and promote virtues, invest into businesses that will help to empower the young people, and teach the adults you may have not found a life of purpose, many who are dissatisfied with their jobs, always complaining, feeling sad, regretting that they have failed especially has parents. Revive hope in all men, for you have the midastouch and not the magic wand, continue to embrace a life of simplicity, modesty and be thankful for all you've got, and all you never had, continue to believe, hope in God that the glory of your latter days shall be greater than your former.

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My name is Pinheiro Emmanuel Lanre, I am 26 years old, I am from Nigeria, the western part of Nigeria. I am a student of one of the prestigious Universities, University of Benin, and I am in my final year.
I am just starting my life, and I have a vision and a mandate to make the world a better place for all to live in,by doing all within in my power to do this by making the life of everyone around me,make sure that their life is meaningful. In light of this, I have a planned, a well articulated proposals on how best to combat, reduce or end poverty, unemployment in my country. I have two business proposals on ground with my cost and benefits analysis already done. One is tailored to be able to empower 50 young persons,majorly youths while the other is tailored to empower 75 young persons; but I need the support of people of high integrity and value like you, I do not mind keep up updating you as I make progress, I shall send proofs,pictures etc and all other things you ask of me.

I am soliciting for a support of $860 dollars to handle this project; I want to get the key tools for this business investments of mine, so that I can help to empower humanity; my major focus is on Youth and other minds.
My major tools of communication:
A Laptop (computer)
A Video Camer
A printer
A registration and processing fees with Corporate Affairs Commision
Office rent and furnishing
Other Materials for House Cleaning and Facility Maintenance
Other Materials for Ushering, Event Agency
Other miscellaneous expenses that are unforseen. If you want my detailed price estimates, I can send It to you via my blog. www.steemit.com/@pinheiroemmanuel
You can also visit my blog, I also have good contents.

I am an honest man, a man with integrity and transparency, I will not lie about anything I do. See it as a project and a way of reaching to persons from beyond your territory. Do not see me as begging for money,nor have a notion that Africans are always begging without doing anything or lifting a finger, but rather see me as you are entrusting me to reach out and give hope, salvage the critical and unfavourable situations, economic hardships that have ravaged humanity from this part of the world. I promise to be a faithful steward. Help me on this journey to make the world a better place. Thanks in anticipation, hope to hear from you soon.

Everything gotten from this post will be dedicated to this course. Rest is Sweet After labour. I say to you Well done Ma'am.

Congratulations once again @slowwalker.

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