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RE: When does a myth become truth Pt10a - The Giants.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

Great work my friend!! Isn't it interesting how the concept of demi-gods has transcended time, belief and religion, are some of them simply altered perceptions of the same story?

Ok so I'm going to leave the demi-god aspect alone for a while! :D But lets look at it from a different perspective. Many of the animals and birds we see around us have in their distant past gigantic forbears, crocodiles, elephants, tigers, birds of prey even bloody rodents (and yes I'm talking bigger that the coypu).. I could go on!

Operating from this basis is it really such a stretch to think that somewhere in our distant history (amongst the sea of fakes) we ourselves have(relatively) giant ancestors? Perhaps they were an evolutionary niche whose size became too prohibitive to ensure a prolific distribution. Indeed the modern "giants" (gigantism) whom have walked amongst us are known to be beset by numerous health problems and never live to see an old age .. could they hold within them some form of rare genetic throwback? A throwback to a species that became a genetic bottleneck or perhaps were indeed wiped out in the biblical flood?

On a seperate note did you see that archaeologists potentially discovered the gate of Garth a few years back?

Like so many of these ancient stories I'm more than prepared to look beyond the metaphor, myth and into an element of truth. Indeed on the opposite end of the scale I'm also reminded Indonesia's lost pygmy tribe and indeed there have been skeletal remains of such tribes unearthed in the last few years, before that they would have been myth! As with much in this world we may never know for sure and so I keep an open mind .. "but not so open that my brains fall out"! :D (Carl Sagan I Think)

Thanks for sharing this excellent post @tremendospercy I really enjoyed this and it's given me lots of food for thought .. which is a bonus as I'm always hungry on a Monday ;)


Thanks mate.
I mentioned in the comments below that it has been hypothesised that the gravitational forces affecting us has changed throughout the billions of years of our history and the giant creatures you speak of couldn't live with our current gravitational pull.
The Indonesian people you mentioned are interesting too as it has been proven that these so called Hobbit people lived in isolation but at the same time as many other hominids including Homo sapiens. Maybe this was Homo Gigantus or just Homo sapiens living under different gravitational forces.
It's also interesting that the Annunaki were considered giant although they were depicted with 6 digits on their hands and feet, if this was the case they couldn't be Homo sapiens as it takes superior brain power to control more limbs, digits etc.
We could chat forever on this subject, I hope we get some answers in my lifetime mate.
Thanks for your continuing support buddy, I await your next post with anticipation.

Yes that's a great hypothesis and indeed, could some form of asteroid strike have tilted the earth on it's axis and as such alter said gravitational pull? Equally the waxing and waning of universal cycles could have some profound effects that we are as yet unaware of.

As with the Anunnaki etc, it's amazing how certain connected threads seem to be woven throughout many myths and ancient historical accounts. Great stuff!

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