人类从哪里来?东方和西方答案尽如此相似(Where do humans come from? Eastern and Western answers are so similar...)

in #history5 years ago (edited)


Where do humans come from? This problem has been plaguing scientists and experts all over the world.


If you still believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution, you might as well try to reason for yourself. Evolution says that humans evolved from apes or monkeys, but in fact the apes we saw in the wildlife park haven't evolved for many years. If humans had evolved from apes, it would be ridiculous that the ancestors of apes did not evolve long ago, and that the genes that sustained them are still apes.


Now scientists have made a lot of efforts in this field, from various hypotheses to various speculations. Let's take a look at the relevant records of the origin of human beings in Chinese and Western myths.


Chinese Myth-Nuwa Created Man

女娲是中国上古时代的创世之神, 是古代传说中的大地之母。

Nuwa is the God of creation in ancient China and the mother of the earth in ancient legends.

女娲用黄土和水,仿照自己的样子造出了一个个小泥人,她造了一批又一批,觉得太慢,于是用一根藤条,沾满泥浆,挥舞起来,一点一点的泥浆洒在地上,都变成了人。为了让人类永远的流传下去,她创造了嫁娶之礼,自己充当媒人, 让人类得以繁衍生息。

Nuwa used loess and water to make a small clay man like herself. She made a lot of clay men one after another. She thought it was too slow. So she used a cane, covered with mud, waved it, and sprinkled little by little mud on the ground. All of them became human beings. In order to let the human being pass on forever, she created the wedding ceremony and acted as a matchmaker herself, so that human beings could multiply and thrive.


Western Myth - God Created Man


At first, there was no rain in the sky, but there was mist transpiration on the ground, breeding plants and moistening the land. God created man from earth, breathed life into the clay man, and created a spiritual living man. God named him Adam. But Adam was lonely at that time. God decided to make a spouse for him. He took off one of his ribs while he was sleeping and closed the flesh together. God used this rib to make a woman named Eve.


God brought Eve to Adam. Adam immediately realized the connection between this woman and his life. He was filled with joy and satisfaction. He blurted out, "This is the bone in my bones, the flesh in my flesh!" She can be called a woman because he was taken from a man." Men and women are originally one, so when they grow up, they have to leave their parents and combine with each other. They become one and human beings can multiply.

古希腊神话- 普罗米修斯造人

Ancient Greek Myth-Prometheus Created Man


Prometheus knew that the seeds of the gods were in the soil, so he picked up the soil and mixed it with the water of the river. In accordance with the shape of the gods, kneaded into shape. In order to give life to these clay men, he took good and evil characters from animal souls and sealed them into human chest. Among the gods, he had a girlfriend, Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Athena marveled at his creation, so she blew an air on the clay figurines he created, which made them all spiritual.


From these three different myths, we can draw a conclusion: Nuwa of China, God of the West and Prometheus of ancient Greece, all of them made people out of clay. Why are the methods and processes of creating human beings in three different cultures in the world strikingly similar? Perhaps in the ancient times, the cradle of human civilization was born at the same source. After the geological evolution of the earth's mountains and rivers, human civilization began to spread to the rest of the world. Although this is only speculation, I believe that in the near future, the mystery of human origin will be solved!

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