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RE: The Hitler Diary Entry Series Pt 1: November 10th, 1923- The Beer Hall Putsch

in #history8 years ago

Very well written abd very insightful. I will read the whole series of course.

I have two questions for you though: First if all, what are your sources of knowledge for the series, as you seem to be very knowledgeable? And secondly, why did you choose to write it in first person. I mean, it is much more engaging this way, but did you have other reasons?


Well I was in a course called "Hitler, his life and times" I had a writing assignment which called for several essays on events in Hitler life but had to be written in 1st person perspective to put the writer in Hitlers perspective which was weird I thought but I went with because I need a good grade. The books I used for sources were Ian Kershaws "Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris" and “Soldier of Destruction” The SS Death’s Head Division 1933-1945 By Charles W. Sydnor Jr.

Thank You for the kind words :) Part 3 is coming soon!!!

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