Summer "Tour de Un-Schooling" Tour Stop #3

in #history6 years ago (edited)

20180614_141745.jpg20180614_134410.jpgToday, was our 3rd Tour Stop of our Summer " Tour de Un-Schooling." We are super excited to be seeing things in person we have only read in books, and enjoying new experiences. For tour stop #3, we rode the Ferry from Delaware City to Pea Patch Island, home of Fort Delaware. Fort Delaware was a Harbor Defensive facility, situated on the Delaware River. It was placed there to defend the coastline. Its most famous for its use during the American Civil War, as a Confederate POW camp. It is said that over 2000 men have died there. ( Explains, the very weird energy I read while visiting there.) They call it a living history site, because they have reinactors throughout the camp, doing demonstrations and tours.
If you are in the area, and want to check out an interesting historical site. (Not necessarily the best part of America History, albeit history of the 20180614_145032.jpgcountry, it's definitely worth the trip.
You can tell by the smile on her face, the ferry ride was a ton of fun!
Feel free to follow us on our tour of unschooling through our Senior year of high school!💜

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