The Blue Eyed Portuguese-Aceh Descents

in #history7 years ago

Aceh is one of Indonesia province which is located at the end of Sumatera Island. The characteristic of Acehnese (The resident of Aceh) is similar to other Asian types. However, there is a region in Aceh called Lamno that produces some half Aceh-European descent with blue eyed, brown long hair, pointed nose and high posture. The local people of Lamno named them as Acehnese-Portuguese family because they believe that they are the descents of Portuguese military which stranded to Aceh area at 15th century ago.

The History of Portuguese-Aceh Descents

There are various types of history about Portuguese descents in Aceh. One of them is informed that around 1492 to 1511 Portuguese Warships which commanded by Captain Pinto after they lost war to Dutch in strait of malacca and on the way from Singapore they got a machine damaged which made the ships stranded to Daya Kingdom Beach. Moreover, the Daya King asked his troops to drown the ships by bombing them. Later than, Portuguese Millitaries admit defeated and ask for safety or protection from the king. Portuguese Millitaries were jailed while waiting for the help from Portuguese government. However, the help that they were waiting were not accomplished so that they decide to hand over the king. In this case, the king which was known as the wise king release the Portuguese prisoners unconditional.

Afterward, the Portuguese Militares which just released by the king fixed to socialize with local people of Daya District or Lamno. They were taught about farming, Acehnese language and also introduced to Aceh Culture at the moment. Besides, the they were also allowed to propose the native girl with the term of changing the belief into Islam or being Muslim.

Another form history of Portuguese descents in Aceh stated that they did not stranded into Aceh Beach, except they visited Aceh with the intention of trading with Daya residents since Daya was a great base trade that moment, so that many visitors from different countries such as China, Arab, Europe and India were interested to do business in Daya region. Nevertheless, Ali Mughayat the king of Lamuri Kingdom from Banda Aceh was not happy about a great relationship which had been created between Daya King and Portuguese and that he wanted Daya King to ended up their connection for he believed that Portugese had a bad intention to colonized Daya zone by trading way. Besides, since Portuguese had different belief to Islam was another cause King Ali Mughyat desired Daya King to parted company with Portuguese. Furthermore, King Ali Mugahyat decided to capture those Portuguese in Meunaga, two years later the king succed dominating kingdoms; Pasee and Kedir or Pidie kingdom. Then he established Aceh Darussalam Kingdom and declared himself as the king around 1511 to 1530.

Lamno which located in Daya region was not too far from Portuguese trading strip since the position of the srip is close to Portuguese-Atlantic, Strait of Malacca and Pacific. In that way, the well known Daya as a great base trade was easy to find for trading business. Also, Marco Polo on his book titled Far East claimed for he had eve docked in North Sumatera, such as Ferlec, Ocean and Lambri or Lamuri. An old history note reported that the global trading in Aceh had already started since 6th century. The evidence of the note statement could bee noticed from Chinese traders who left some great notes that discussed about the Kingdom in North Sumatera that they named it Po-Li.

In 1511, the tade ports in Aceh was so developed since Portuguese succeed beating Mallaca. In this case, the traders from Asia And Arab were bothered to Portuguese and chose to head to Aceh harbor to continue trading business instead of staying in Malacca. Since then, the domination of Aceh in business trading along with politics strengthened, especially around 1610 to 1640. in this case, they lived the life in limited community for about hundred of years so the Portuguese blood still run in some Lamno residents, particularly for those who lived in Kuala Daya, Lambeuso and Ujong Muloh region.

Recently, the Portuguese descents whose eyed-blue and got a posture like a European native are already decreased since half of them were killed by Tsunami disaster which hit Aceh in 26 of December 2004. Besides, many local males are so interested to propose those blue eyed girls. Some succeed in proposing while some other are not for they only want to get married with males who inherit the same Portuguese blood in them. In addition, the language they produce in everyday conversation is Acehnese language.

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