Old photos of famous personalities

in #history8 years ago

Benedict Cumberbatch with his rugby team

Brad Pitt, 1988

The car of Bonnie and Clyde, 1934

Audrey Hepburn, 1964

John Kennedy with an Indian delegation

Premiere of the first and last Harry Potter movie in London

Alfred Hitchcock and Sean Connery, 1964

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson on their wedding day, 1988

Opium Smoking Chicken, Shanghai, 1936

Led Zeppelin, 1977

Al Pacino and Marlon Brando

Mark Twain

Marilyn Monroe, 1946

Paul Walker, 1985

Coco Chanel, 1910

Elizabeth Taylor and James Dean, 1955

Sid Viches at a concert by David Bowie, 1973

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, 1916

Salvador Dalí with her anteater, Paris, 1969

On the shooting of "Titanic", 1997

Mohammed Ali with his winnings, 1964

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