Did Hitler have a passion for the supernatural?

in #history7 years ago

“He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world.”

- Magic: Theory, History and Practice

In 1934, the year after he was appointed chancellor of Germany, Hitler hired a dowser to go over the Reich Chancellery in search of “death rays” that might damage staff in the building. He and Himmler held frequent conversations about “the World Empire of Atlantis, which fell victim to the catastrophe of the moons falling to Earth” and about a discredited pseudoscience called Welteislehre, or World Ice Theory, which taught that the cosmos was made of ice and which they saw as a “Germanic” counterbalance to the “Jewish” theory of relativity.

The Reichstag, 1939

A supernatural command

All across the Nazi high command, in fact, esoteric belief was rife. Goebbels read Nostradamus in bed. Rudolf Hess was into homoeopathy and herbalism, and employed a personal dowser and astrologer. Other advocates of “radiesthesia” – the supernatural capacity to locate objects with rods and pendulums – included Julius Streicher, governor of Nuremberg and editor of the Nazi paper Der Stürmer, and Richard Walther Darré, head of the Race Settlement Office.

All these men were also fascinated by biodynamic agriculture, a mystical farming concept borrowed from Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophist movement which the Nazis believed would provide “harmony between blood, soil and cosmos”. Many high-ranking Nazis were also enthusiasts for Eastern mysticism – Indian myths, Tibetan spirituality, Japanese warrior codes – which they saw as the lost teaching of an ancient, Aryan race.

Himmler, the head of the SS, went farthest, setting up the Ahnenerbe – the Institute for Ancestral Research – which combed Germany and occupied Europe for records and folklore to support his ideas of Aryan heredity.

The SS had a witch division, responsible for bringing home evidence of witch trials and wizardry: witches, Himmler argued, represented an old Germanic religion that had been cruelly wiped out by Judeo-Christian religion (with the emphasis on the Judeo).



Hitler was into esoteric teachings for sure - anyone can check out his attempts to hire Franz Bardon (Hermetics), and his study of Tibetan Magic. I was with monks in north India recently and some high monks told me of Hitler sending people out there in the 40s to check out ancient scriptures related to Jambudvipa etc. @waykiwayki

Yes @waykiwayki - he did indeed send out supernatural scouts all over the world as well as his spies.

This part of hystory is very painful for many people. My grandmother jad very hard time during IIW

Hi Ilona, yes, Eastern Europe suffered terribly in WW2, but also afterwards with the Iron Curtain and Communism too. Thanks for passing by. Nice to meet you :)

Good post. i like the history topics. Upvoted you :-)

Thanks @stefen - I do love to delve into the #history tag from time to time :)

I am very into supernatural stuff and a few programs/film have brushed on this concept.
Example Raiders of the Lost Ark, The red Skull in Marvel comic/films.
Also season 12 episode 5 of Supernatural. Just to name a few.
Good post :)

The theme in those films did not escape the @mindhunter eye Kathie ;) Thanks for your compliment too

that's interesting man!

i don t understand that man, sorry :D

I've heard this before, it's interesting, I don't think we know half of what he was up to...

Good afternoon from a sunny bonnie Scotland Tishya - I think you might be right.

Hitler was in the esoteric stuff big time but in no way different than the illuminati. My favourite story was when the allies doctored a Nostradamus prophecy saying that Germany was going to lose the war and flew over the country dropping leaflets to decrease morale of the Axis soldiers.

Ha ha! That was a very interesting little side nugget @boodles17 :)

Intresting , i see this explayned in several movies :)

Thanks for popping in @patelincho :)

Its busy days :) Will try visit more often :)

Summer months are tough - you'll be back for Winter :))

Nice post :)) yes don't forget the Thule Society and like you said Himmler also Himmler had his castle were they stood in in the circle below and did rituals.

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