History and Origins of Lovebird Birds

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Origin of lovebird birds -As a lovebird lovers or lovebird lovers, do you know the origin of lovebird birds, where did lovebird birds come from, why can they be called lovebirds? Perhaps this has not been thought of by you, or it may have long been the subject of your unanswered question.

Before discussing at length about tips and how to care for lovebird birds , the site Kicau-Burung will first review about the origin of lovebird birds. So by reading this review I hope you will not only be lovebird lovers without knowing the origin of the birds you care for, you care about, and you take care of every day.

History and Origin of lovebird birds in Indonesia

Lovebird birds are not native birds of Indonesia, birds with a variety of beautiful colors is actually derived from Africa. Dihabitat origin of lovebird birds live in groups or colonies, it would not be surprised if the African bird became one of the symbols of harmony in pairs. If two lovebirds (male and female) are made into one cage, they will be lovers who love each other and love, always close together and do not want to be separated. That is why birds with beautiful colors and become symbols of love for the couple are called lovebird birds. [1]

If a pair of lovebirds is separated or one of them is dead, the other bird will feel sad and become stressed, it can even lead to death too, or the term lebaynya died following his lover in heaven. hehhee .. The

history of lovebird is derived from the word lovebird derived from the Greek language and included in the Agapornis species, AGA which means love, while ORNIS which means bird, and if the union be love bird "Lovebird", beautiful name as beautiful as the color of its shape.

In addition to his voice that can ngekek long that became a mainstay of the race, the color of feathers and the behavior of lovebird birds are also a special attraction for people who see it. So not infrequently if the bird lovebird pet birds and ornaments to enjoy his voice, the beauty of the fur color, cute shape, and his adorable behavior. So not only made as a birds chirp, but also as an ornate bird.

Birds lovebird is a breed of breeds / breeds, birds that have good quality usually will also produce good offspring. No wonder if the bird lovebird that has a nice fur color and long ngekek sound can reach tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

There are so many types of lovebird birds that we often encounter around us, ranging from the cheap range of one hundred thousand dollars to the expensive price that is millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. Some even say that love bird "kusumo" the price reaches billions of dollars, because lovebird birds have often won the national championship.

Kinds and types of lovebird birds

In Indonesia, lovebird mania recognizes a wide variety of lovebird birds that are named by color and size, while for sound, almost all species of lovebirds have the same voice character, only the duration or length of sound is different, and that is which became one of the plus values ​​of lovebird birds, where the lovebird birds could have a long ngekekwill definitely have a pretty fantastic price.

Here I will review some kinds and types of lovebird birds most often we encounter, both at the time of the race and at home as a pet bird (chit kalagenyan cicemnyan) only.

  1. Lovebird LUTINO
  2. Lovebird Face Salem (Agapornis roseicollis)
  3. Lovebird Red face (Agapornis pullaria)
  4. Lovebird Mask (Agapornis personata)
  5. Lovebird Nyasa (Agapornis lilianae)
  6. Lovebird Black cheeks (Agapornis nigrigenis)
  7. Lovebird Fischer (Agapornis fischeri)
  8. Lovebird Abisinia (Agapornis taranta)
  9. Lovebird Madagascar (Agapornis cana)
  10. Black collar lovebird (Agapornis swinderniana)
  11. Lovebird Pastel
  12. Lovebird Cobalt
  13. Lovebird Batman
  14. Lovebird Red
  15. Lovebird Albino
  16. Lovebird Olive
  17. Lovebird Parblue
  18. Lovebird Blorok
  19. Lovebird Halfsider
  20. Lovebird Australian Cinnamon, And
  21. And many more

That's a little review of the history and origin of lovebird birds , hopefully this article can add our insight as bird lovers or chirping mania indonesia.


that good That's a little review of the history and origin of lovebird birds .

I like this love bird

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