
She has always been that. They went to private school, because public school could Not handle kids outside their normal. I told them both that I would pay their way to TCC (local jr college) but after that, they were on their own. She took only classes that would transfer to the Pharmacy school she had picked out. I expected 50 to 54 hours for an associate degree, and she left there, with no degree, but with 99 credit hours to transfer, ROFLOL! Joke was on me, she did exactly what I told her, and was close to her undergraduate degree, when she transferred.

She has a LOT of common sense too....


Ha! Smart on both of your parts, actually. That is awesome for her to have a solid start without the massive college loans many kids have to deal with when starting out.

Sadly the Doctorate was still another 4 years. She ended up wit a large school debt anyway. They are really focussed on paying it off, so it is halved already! I told them Both that they owe me nothing, BUT their kids must be sent to private school, and helped into college.


Oops...grad school. Forgot about that!

This system is designed to keep people in debt. If they were not accelerating the payout, this school loan would have rivalled their house loan on payout. But they are accelerating that payout.

This is big business these days! I get calls to refinance my school loan, which was paid off decades ago. The numbers are bad numbers, so they are vermin; and they try to get my personal information!

Another big business, identity theft; and I wonder how many people fall for the refinance shuffle?


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