in #history7 years ago

King Conchobar of ulster had a retinue or 150 boys who were training to be warriors. His nephew, Chuchulain, wanted to be a part of the band, but the boys mother insisted that he was too young. Angry and being left out, Cuchulain set off to join the other boys, but ridiculed him for being too small, and attack him. Cuchulain went berserk, his head grow so hot that a red glow sorround it, and hebegan to snarl fiercely. His attackers ran away quaking with fear. Conchobar 8mpressed with his young nephew power, and he reccuited the boy into his service at once. As a young man Cuchulain wooed Emer's father Forgall, did not approve of macth he wanted someobe better for his daughter. Forgall persuaded Conchobar to send Cuchulain to scotland to study the art of war from a famous warrior woman called Sgatha. When Cuchulain returned, Forgall barred him from entering his fortress, but the warrior scaled the wall and carried Emers away.

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Queen Maeve of connaught owned a great whute horbed bull which was obe of her most prized possesion. One day it depected to the herd of her husband king Ailill, so she stole the brown bull of Cooley, one of finest creatures in ulster. The men of ulster wanted to retaliate but they were suffering from an ancient curse tha made them ill at time of difficulty. Only Cuchulain remained immune to the curse due to his divine birth his father was the sun god Lugh.He took on some Connaught best warriors in single combat and they fell one by one. Then he climed into his chariot and ran among the rest of the rival army, killing many others.

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Queen Maeve contenue to send reinforcement, including Cuchulain friend Ferdiad who was fighting on her side. The hero prepared for a battle again, but this time the sign were ominous. His wine turned to blood and he saw a girl weeping and washing bloodstained clothes. Cuchulain knew then that his death was imminent, but he killed many of the enemy, including Ferdiad, until spear pierced his body. He dragged himself to a standing stoned and bound himself to it, so that he would die on his feet.A crow said to be Morrigan the death godess landed on his shoulder and he died.

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added information sir @melvinlumacad though it's a myth still nice to read stories like this one 👍❤️❤️❤️

Tnank you ma'am @zephalexia

Piccata? Titicaca! I am Cornholio! I need piccata for my bunghole!

piccata, is a kind of food or souce? @cornholio

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