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RE: Butch and Sundance: Harry Starts To Get Famous Around Sundance

in #history6 years ago

I'm so glad he picked Sundance for his first crime. The Deadwood Kid would just not have had the same ring to it! When I was a kid the cabin that my grandparents had up north in the woods had an outhouse. My grandmother discreetly had a covered chamber pot tucked under each of the beds. No one was expected to go out in the dark to use the outhouse. In the morning we would each be expected to carry our own chamber pot out to the outhouse and empty it if we had used it during the night. You tried very hard to never have to use it!


haha! The Deadwood Kid! are so right! That's a great point. oh how interesting about the outhouse thing. I doubt if anyone else had to use one. That cabin was quite primitive for the year wasn't it? But I can see if it was just a place that wasn't lived in much except hunting trips or something. very interesting stuff!

They bought it in the 50's. Most summer cabins in the Northwoods were much the same. Even in 80's when we bought a cabin up north it had very primitive indoor plumbing that could only be used in the summertime and had to be winterized as soon as it started getting cold but all of the neighbors cabins had outhouses. Must be a Wisconsin thing!

oh boy, an outhouse in Wisconsin! lol. talk about freezing your tail off! lol. I'm so thankful for our modern conveniences!

They were summer cabins! The pipes had to be drained in the winter, and the only heat source was usually a wood burning stove or fireplace. Heck, the roads back in to the cabins were usually gravel and never got plowed during the winter because no one needed to drive down them!

wow that sounds very interesting, I was going to say cool...that would be a great place to get snowed in if you were hiding out. I bet it's beautiful back there in those woods.

God. Just think if it were the Belle Fourche Kid? Or the Beulah Kid? Just sayin'

Haha! I can imagine Butch shouting 'Hey Beulah, bring the horses'! It would have been an entirely different movie!

so true Melinda, that's a good one! lol.

Haha! that's hilarious sir bigtom! lol. Well the newspaper reporters were more skilled than that, they were the ones who gave him the nick name, not yet but later in his career.

We went up once during the winter and stayed for a few days. There was no running water, and it was really cold, hut the snow was not deep. This just gave me an idea about what to do a post about for my something about me challenge. Stay tuned!

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