
yes a good day, spent quite a bit of time outside in the sun because it was 73 degrees but it's supposed to get colder so I didn't know but today might have been the last nice day for quite awhile. How cold is it there?

Not so cold,.... 37°and thunderstorms, transitioning to snow overnight and snow most of the day tomorrow but not huge accumulations. It will make for some slippery travel conditions though. Glad I don't have anywhere to go.

oh, I'm glad you don't have to go anywhere either! I bet you guys usually have a white Christmas thought don't ya?

Odds are we will have a white Christmas but there have been many times lately that we don't. The weather is so undependable these days

really? dang. If you guys can't depend on a white christmas who can? lol. what are your plans for tomorrow?

Tonight's leaderboard.... I'm slackin'


oh you remembered! good you think this one is accurate? hey that's still alot of comments!People just aren't doing over a hundred a day if this is supposed to be a 24 hour count. Usually in the League they do 3 or 400 near the top spots I think, I guess I'd have to go back and make sure. I think smithy had about 400 last time and I had 945 or something.

I'm not certain if it's accurate at all. Their voting bot appears to be down at the moment and has been for several hours so I don't know if this is tied to that or if it runs independently. We'll just have to keep monitoring it and see if it's useful to us!

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