The Story Of Badar War

in #history5 years ago


After Muslims experienced intimidation, hardship, and sorrow leaving their hometown in Mecca. Leaving property and family there. Rasulullah ﷺ planned an ambush of the Quraysh caravan. This was a response to the hostility they had been carrying out so far. The companions of the Emigrants and Ansar gathered together and prepared themselves for an ambush.
But careful planning and preparation is not something that is certain to happen. Humans in the class of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ were only able to plan, but Allah ﷻ did what He wanted. Ambush failed. The trade caravan led by Abu Sufyan bin Harb managed to escape. In fact, Quraysh turned around to prepare well for war. They want to give a lesson to a small group of Muslims so that the people of the Arabian Peninsula never underestimate Quraysh. As soon as Abu Jahal said.

The Prophet ﷺ with his companions came out of Medina on the 12th of Ramadan in the 2nd year H. He ﷺ did not oblige every Muslim to take part in Badr. Because this departure is only intended to ambush the Quraysh caravan not to fight. Only to block the caravan carrying 1000 camels, 50,000 golden dinars, and only guarded by 40 people. Of course this was in return for the actions of the Quraysh who had seized their property while in Mecca. But unfortunately, this plan was known to Abu Sufyan. He also changed the route of his caravan.
Knowing the movement of Muslims from Medina, Quraysh immediately prepared a large army to fight. They brought 1300 troops. 600 of them are armor. And 100 of them are horsemen. They also brought large numbers of camels. While the Muslims only numbered 314 people. Some say 319 people. 83 of them were Muhajirites.

The Prophet ﷺ sat solemnly in favor of his Rabb. Asking for help to the Helper. He prayed:
اللَّهِمَّ أَنْجِزْ لِيْ مَا وَعَدْتَنِي اللَّهُمَّ آتِنِيُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنْ تُهْلِكْ هَذِهِ الْعِصَابَةَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الإِِسْلاَمِ لاَ تُعْبَدْ فِي الأَرْضِ
"O God, fulfill your promise to me. O God, give what you promised me. O God, if you destroy this Islamic army, then no one will worship you on this earth. "(Narrated by Muslim no. 1763).
In another history
للهم هذه قريش قد أقبلت بخيلائها وفخرها, تحادك وتكذب رسولك, اللهم فنصرك الذي وعدتني, اللهالغداة م أحنهم
"O God, this is Quraysh. They come with all their pride and pride. They challenge You and belie Your Messenger. O God, give me the victory that You promised me. O God, destroy them this morning. "(Sirah Ibn Hisham: 3/164).

In another history
للهم هذه قريش قد أقبلت بخيلائها وفخرها, تحادك وتكذب رسولك, اللهم فنصرك الذي وعدتني, اللهالغداة م أحنهم
"O God, this is Quraysh. They come with all their pride and pride. They challenge You and belie Your Messenger. O God, give me the victory that You promised me. O God, destroy them this morning. "(Sirah Ibn Hisham: 3/164).
To the extent that he fell from his shoulders because of his height he raised his hand towards the sky. Seeing this situation, Abu Bakr felt that he was not up to heart. He put the Rida 'Nabi ﷺ back on his shoulders and put it in his arms. Then Abu Bakr said, "O Prophet of Allah, your intention to your Rabb is sufficient. He must have fulfilled what He promised you. " The Prophet dari came out of his tent, then recited the word of God ﷻ,

             سَيُهْزَمُ الْجَمْعُ وَيُوَلُّونَ الدُّبُرَ

"The group will definitely be defeated and they will retreat backwards." (QS: Al-Qamar | Verse: 45).
This first major war was won by the Muslims. 70 polytheists were killed in the battlefield of Badr. Among them were figures of Quraysh. Such as: Abu Jahal, Utbah bin Rabiah, Syaibah bin Rabiah, Umayyah bin Khalaf, al-Ash bin Hisham bin al-Mughirah. From the Muslim side, 14 people met their martyrs. 6 Muhajirin people. And 8 Ansar people. This war took place on the 17th of Ramadan 2 H (ar-Rahiq al-Makhtum by al-Mubarakfury, pp. 197-201).
This victory really had a positive impact on the Muslims. This is a 'gift' from Allah ﷻ for the patience of those who believe. The Arabs were reluctant to the state of Medina. As well as the Quraysh, they no longer underestimated the Muslims and constantly considered them weak.

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