Nazi tanks, Blitzkrieg and the Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte

in #history7 years ago

A Nazi colonel-general once said, "Hitler's fantasies sometimes shift into the gigantic". There's no better evidence of that than the Landkreuzer P. 1000 "Ratte" megatank.

Nazi Germany's overnight dominance

I have written several posts about The Mongols, the most devastating of military empires. However, what the Mongols took half a century, the Nazis achieved in a mere two years between late 1939 and 1941. There has never been an army as ferocious as the 1940-41 Wehrmacht.

By 1942, the Nazis controlled most of Europe, from Normandy to Moscow, from Oslo to Marrakesh. The closest Europe has ever been to a true European Union.

Blitzkrieg and the importance of tanks

The Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe had a deceptively simple but almost invincible strategy. Short, rapid attacks that'll drive the opponent to chaos and take over vast amounts of land before they even figured out what happened. Battles would be over in mere hours, if not minutes!

The Luftwaffe would begin coordinated attacks on strategic areas which have the potential to cause panic.

Before the opponent is given the chance to react to the air attacks, tanks would totally overwhelm the land forces by sheer brute force. It would be all over before they figured out what hit them.


This needed tanks, thousands of tanks. War economy aside, it needed a tank economy.

The Panzer tanks were made by the thousands and were the workhorses of the Wehrmacht. But it was the Tiger tanks which were the flagships.

Hitler wasn't satisfied. He wanted something bigger. Much bigger.

De Ratte

Enter the Landkreuzer P. 1000 "Ratte". But before that, how did the Nazis end up losing, despite there utter dominance in the first few years of World War II? The answer is simple - the Soviet Union out-tanked them. They ended up building nearly a hundred thousands T-34 tanks alone! Dozens of millions of people were employed in tank production, and they started churning out tanks like candies. Even Hitler couldn't believe the sheer quantity of tanks produced by the Soviet Union in the thick of World War II.

Many of them were crudely put together and there was complete disregard for tolerances, but it didn't matter - sheer numbers of tanks won the Eastern Front.

Back to that Ratte. In 1942, Hitler approved Kruppe's Landkreuzer P.1000 design, branding it "Ratte" (rat) himself. This would have been a tank of truly epic proportions!

At 35 metres long and 15 metres, it would have been as wide and longer than a Basketball court! Up to 40 people would need to operate it, and there would be some devastating artillery on board.

The primary weapon would have been 280mm SK C/28 gun turret. If that looks familiar, yes, this is the same one as used on battleships! There would be a dozen other more traditional weapons lifted from Tigers and Panzers.

The Ratte would have weighed an incredible 1,000 tonnes. In comparison, some of the largest tanks ever built are only 100 tonnes. To get this tank moving would require 16,000 horsepower, supplied by anywhere between 4 to 8 of the most powerful engines at the time.

There would be an even more ludicrous design made by Kruppe, the Landkreuzer P.1500 Monster. A tank as long as the football field! Even for Hitler that was far too ridiculous to approve.

Right when the Ratte was being prepared for production, Minister of Armaments Albert Speer canceled the project. No surprise, given he was arguably the only level-headed person in the Nazi high command.

Sources -


Germany's ability to recover from an economic depression and then not only to build up a large wehrmaght but also to be technologically advanced is one major achievement. You need to respect the pre-1950 Germans for that!

Most of the world was going through a major depression throughout the 30s. But yes, German engineering was quite great at the time. Hitler poured a ton of money into infrastructure and engineering, though most of it was for a military endgoal.

No matter what they have planned or how big tanks they have built, I think Chengis khan was the most fierce and successful emperor of all time.
He ruled over half of the world in the 13th century and that too without any technology.
Today we have got weapons that could kill that many people with a small movement of a finger that he killed for years, but what if he had got this technology at that time, he would have conquered even mars.

without any technology.

That's not exactly true.

What technology did they have compared to today's world.....a bow and an arrow?
What else?

Among many other things, they had an advanced way of preserving high calorie provisions for their troops. This was one major key factor to their success - advanced logistics ...

And what was that advanced way?

Instant soup.

It may not sound like a big deal, but when you try conquering the world, supply and provisions can be more of a factor than firepower :)

Sure it is.

Wow, loved that article too, I ought to check out your articles more.

Haha, can't argue with you there. The Mongols remain the most brutal empire.

Yes, apart from their brutality and heinous crimes, there is a lot we can learn from them.

I think the Soviets did not only outnumber the Germans with the T 34s, but when it comes to tanks the T 34 was also superior to the German tanks in design and fire power and Germany did not really had an answer to the T 34 in the beginning of the war.

That was a time. I wonder when a tank needed up to 40 people to operate, how big that can be!

At the middle of ww2 germany had the war almost won!!! The turned point was when germany after the battle of britain give up in conquer britain and turn out to russia. Part of Hitler's " vital space" world domination, the fact hitler change his plan made it possible to england to recovery and also the underestimated of urss made the turning point in ww2. The allies strategy working together after usa join to the conflict was important, but was russia with their military power that won the war. Wherever history doesn't said that... great post my friend !!!!! Following and up waiting for more exciting articles!!!! Best regards!!!

Super cool post! I have always been fascinated with the Mongols. I will have to go find that post.

It is my history related post on Steemit. I will take my time to read it. I upvoted and followed you. Thanks for support on my recent drawing. Thanks again.

Really interesting! Glad I didn't live then, but still not sure if its gonna be any better the next years...

A big warm Steemit Sunday greeting goes out to you Liberosist! :-D

Upvoted and High Pawed!


Plus Bonus. :-)



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