
Other than appointing people... Trump doesn't do anything yet. :) He tweets a lot.

I am not a Trump supporter. I am not a Hillary supporter.

Yet I don't blindly bash people for non-actions.

I should also say that my article predominantly was not so much about Trump. He is just one person in the events unfolding. Hopefully you could look past his NAME and see what I was trying to talk about in terms of history.

Also there is no OTHER SIDE. There are a lot of sides. The big issue here is... let's assume the Russians Hacked the DNC email server and were the source of the leak... which has not been proven. Yet let us assume that is true...

If the leaked emails show corruption and collusion should that be ignored?

Yes we can yell about HACKING regardless of the source. Yet what was revealed was criminal.

So it seems like a red herring, misdirection to spend all this effort talking about the HACKERS while ignoring the actual evidence of crimes and corruption.

I honestly don't give a shit about Trump. So I am NOT your "other side". I do care a great deal about hypocrisy, and eroding of our rights by misdirection.

Ahaha, I didn't thought about that one. Okay, that may be misleading. I just had Trump as an example for his McCarthy-esk verbal attacks. Nothing more.

But yes, he appointed people. Energy a climate denier+oil lobbyist. Work someone who has "problems" with worker protection laws. Finance minister someone who works for the bank that was main player in the biggest crash in 80 years.
He is emptying the swamp. To build a swimming pool for the frogs.

Why is that connected to McCarthy? Did you read he (or one of his tops) demanded a list of all people who work on climate change, regenerative energies etc.? THAT IS the first step for a witch hunt.

Yeah see my other responses... TRUMP is mentioned in a little black box in ONE of those images. Pretty tiny and poor choice of font and color when I made it so you really have to hunt for it.

I did not pick on Hillary, I did not aim for Trump.

I pointed out the media and what it is doing. My article really has very little to do with Trump other than he happens to be one of the Actors out there that people are focusing on.

Heheh.... sorry about multiple responses. Take it as a compliment that you made me think. Do you realize TRUMP was only mentioned as a single word in a little black box in one of my images? He was not mentioned anywhere else that I saw. That was intentional on my part. Like I said I don't really give a damn about Trump. Yet, I do find it concerning that THIS was the thing you drew from my article. You see "the other side" and mention Trump. Did you understand what I was writing and why? It really had very little to do with Trump. Yet he is often the excuse being used to justify some of my concerns. I think those justifications might come from other sources if not for Trump. So yes... it bothers me that I wrote the article... went and looked up things, made images, etc and from this I am implying from your response you believe I am the "other side" and endorse Trump. That seems a little messed up.

Yes, I got what you meant. Trump was just a side mention because the "hate speeches" he gives and the eco list, which is a symptom of which hunt. I didnt even see his name in your post.

It was really just a "here today example". A short one because I had no long time. As now. I am posting in between drops in the new game mode online since 2 hours ;)

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