
Yes I keep quoting that about living by the sword for these criminals. I think she may have been saved or at least her daughter thought so because of that inscription that she put on the tombstone, that's what made it so beautiful. At least I took it to mean that, maybe I'm just in wishful thinking mode!

Well there is still lots of karma she will have to deal with in her next life. It is possible that she is living now somewhere. It takes many lives for a souls to achieve perfection that they can move to a higher plane. At the level we are now we could not get there. Our vibration is too low for that. we go to a place after death in that fits our vibration, but that is only temporary. That is the 4th dimension. We go there to rest and prepare for the next life, suitable to our karmic pattern. It may seem like heaven for some. The criminals and such, are not going there unfortunately. They may be lost in darkness in company with some dark spirits, I am not sure. But I think they find a way to be reborn, because of the dark energy of this planet. I need that Essene Manuscript, I am sure it's all there. I am going order it from High Priest Brother Day next year. There is actually quite a lot of information on this website.

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