
Woah! Never thought you served that way, I though you only had a 'good memory'.
Moreover, I've not been really active for some time now that's why I've not been able to reply in such a long time. I beg your pardon.
I appreciate your replies, you are still cool even if you are actually a very old bloke.
The Bible said at Proverbs 20:29;
"The glory of young men is their strength,And the splendor of old men is their gray hair."
Yes with age comes wisdom and experience, I've already learnt a lot from you and hope to learn more.
I'm also glad to share what I've known so ask friend and I'll tell

the RNZAF was the first half, then 35 years selling vegetable machinery, and mainly parts, to the growers
so as you can guess, there is plenty of grey hairs there, the ones that are left anyhow.

Lol! Keep them beautiful. The Bible say "Gray hair is a crown of beauty When..." (Prov 16:31) which is true, after all people buy hair die to tint their hair white but you've got a similar thing naturally.
Oil and Brush it with smile and admiration. Touch it tenderly when you do. It's your crown of beauty of like an award life and undeserved kindness from our maker

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