New Zealand Gallantry Star NZGS

in #history6 years ago

Instituted in September 1999 as part of a Government
move to replace British Awards for Gallantry with
distinctive New Zealand Awards.

The NZGS replaced the Distinguished Service Order,
the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the
Conspicuous Gallantry Medals [navy and flying]

Awarded for

“Acts of outstanding Gallantry In Situations Of Danger”

Cpl David Steven ASKIN
1st NZ SAS
Acts on Afghanistan in 2011
Died on 14th February 2017 while flying a civilian helicopter
fighting fires in the Port Hills, Christchurch.

[Cpl Askin repeatedly faced heavy fire from determined enemies
and sustained several wounds in the line of Duty, while contributing
to the resolution of several incidents, the protection of Civilian life
And the undermining of enemy operations.]

Major Geoffrey Michael FARADAY
RNZ Armoured Corps [Retired]
Acts from 17th to 29th April 2014 in South Sudan
Awarded 2015

[On 17th April 2014, an armed mob of civilian demonstrators gathered in
Bar township, with the intention of moving on to the UN Mission in
Southern Sudan, to protest against the UN presence.

Major Faraday led a group of Military Liaison Officers to establish a
Mobile observation post and was able to issue a warning that the mob
was approaching a camp occupied by thousands of displaced persons.

The mob breached the camp perimeter and began to attack the occupants
with rifles and machetes.

Major Faraday arrived at the camp as the attack began and was able to
Co-ordinate the soldiers defending the camp.

The attack left 53 civilians dead.

Later he was tasked with getting a convoy of four barges with civilian
crews and a protection force of UN peacekeepers on board, loaded
with essential food and fuel supplies along the White Nile River to the
UN Camp at Malakai.

On the morning of 24th April 2014, the convoy came under heavy
attack from a company of the South Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army
[SPLA] who were occupying prepared positions on the West bank of the River.

During the attack the fuel barge carrying Major Faraday sustained damage
to one of its engines and it became detached from the rest of the convoy.

It began to drift towards the enemy on the river bank. It stopped 200 meters
from the SPLA position, where intensified fire from small arms weapons and
rocket-propelled grenades struck the barge.

The SPLA then tried to close in on the barge but were repelled by the UN
Soldiers on board, four of them were wounded during the fight.

The barges were under constant fire for four hours until mid-afternoon.

Because no assistance was available, he moved the UN troops, including
the wounded, to the two food barges, and abandoned the two fuel barges
and withdraw to safety.

He reported the two barges were adrift and they were later recovered and
taken to Malakai.

Cpl Albert Henry MOORE
RNZ Infantry Regiment
Acts on 3rd August 2010 in Afghanistan
Awarded 2011

[Cpl Moore was the commander of the rear vehicle of a NZ Provincial
Reconstruction Team Patrol when it was ambushed by insurgent forces

Near the town of Chartok in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan on 3rd August 2010.

The insurgents set off an Improvised Explosive Device which immobilized
the lead vehicle, and then began firing at all four vehicles with small arms
fire and shoulder-launched rockets.

In an engagement that was to last for 35 minutes, Cpl Moore immediately
reversed his vehicle to establish a firm firebase from which to support the
patrol’s withdrawal.

One of these vehicles was able to reach the base, the other was immobilized
30 meters away.

The Cpl then realized that they were under fire from the higher ground
and needed air support.

He remounted his vehicle and drove forward the 30 Meters to the
Immobilized vehicle, to recover the communications equipment.

He then returned to the vehicle twice, the first time to retrieve a
General Purpose Machine Gun, and the second for some more
Ammunition, at some stage during the retrievals he was wounded
in the shoulder by shrapnel from an enemy rocket.

The Cpl then took his vehicle 350 meters to the lead vehicle and
positioned it to give cover so the two remaining, wounded soldiers
could mount his vehicle and return to safety.]

Colonel Neville John REILLY ONZM
Colonel’s List RNZ Army
Acts during 1999 in East Timor
Awarded 2000

[Between June and September 1999 Colonel served with the UN
Mission to East Timor, UNAMET. Immediately the result of the
referendum was announced East Timor began to descend into a
state of anarchy.

Colonel Reilly was asked to take responsibility for the security
of the UN Mission.

During this period he displayed exceptional courage and presence
in the face of great physical threat from militia forces.

He often ventured unarmed and with complete disregard for his
personal safety to provide support to displaced UN staff and
Reconnoitre escape routes for possible emergency evacuation
of UN staff.

On one occasion he drove 5 km through militia controlled territory
to rescue a colleague who was trapped in a house being attacked
by the militia.

His diplomacy and Indonesian language skills were pivotal in
negotiating the safe evacuation of some two thousand people,
comprising UN staff from Dili and locals who had sought refuge
with the UN.]



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Great post. Well done!
I was wondering, is Major Faraday the Physicist? The one who discovered electricity, was he also a military personnel?

Michael Faraday would have been an old man by 2015.
the Physicist was born 22nd September 1791,
a 225-year-old Ghost would have been bulletproof, but not able to do much.

Bugger, didn't know when his was born. Lol

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