A Long Story in a Short Time... The Information Re-evolution

in #history6 years ago

Hello. "i" am "Me" and we are 3. Well √3, and "U"- √2.

^Long story short- it is now difficult for me to communicate my thoughts and feelings like a "normal human being". I feel like "i" either literally died, or that I experienced a 5D (fifth dimensional) year period. Over that period of time I became obsessed with an equation. Well, not obsessed with the equation itself, but see, the equation took me the entire fifth dimensional year period to solve and comprehend. Try to imagine feeling a mixture of a "Eureka moment" and something on the tip of your tonge for so long that it became a natural instinct that you just followed. Your will became your only way... After taking the 5D year leap, I and the "i" (mathematical symbol/figure) feel a little disoriented to say the least...

Over this ∞period of time I- wow...🕳🐇. ⬅️That's what I call a "rabbit hole". It's difficult for me to even look back at the past year because so much happened and I 👀see🔮 l→ife from a completely different 👓 and angle̚⽣. It's as if the past year or...🕳🐇. Shouldn't imagine that right now... Well it seems like the past "jahre" was a completely separate life time than the one before it. I am getting butterflies just thinking about it. And that is saying something because at this point in my life I sometimes don't even feel a rush when I am on the brink of death. It's happened before, I am just not too concerned about death anymore.

^And I realize that is a little fucked up... But the truth sometimes is...

Wow. The Truth. That is something I think "i" experienced this year- We are not going to survive if we don't surrender our own ego's. We need to start thinking about "Me" as we wrapped around infinity.

Backtrack- I am concerned our species is going to not survive, or worse, destroy the planet that gave life to us in the first place. The ship is sinking. You don't just stand their staring at the water. You start bailing as most efficiently as possible. While you're bailing you stay calm and enjoy the struggle because you have to think of ways to repair the ship.

Once you have figured out a way to start rebuilding the ship you act on it immediately and lead by example. Because for every person that is working on rebuilding that is one less person bailing.

We need to end "History" ⏳. Literally. Cut it out. The story about time itself- It's all in the mind and in your head. Just knock it out. Time is an illusion that we need to get over. We need to create a societal structure that is sooted for everyone to live in flow and out of time for as long as possible. We need all the help we can get if we are going to make it through this "re-evolutionary" process as a species.

(If you want to learn more about working in flow I suggest reading or listening to the book, "The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance" by Steven Kolter, or "Touched by Fire" 😜.

Anyways... Deep thinking. Being in flow doesn't necessarily mean you're not thinking, you are just operating at your "peak" state. Alpha being. Alpha brain waves. 🤨Yeah... That really happened. Damn. 🤯😳

Back to this 5D year... If you're reading this, maybe you're experiencing one right now...

After the technological revolution... [I just spent quite sum time searching for a chart of how revolutions in human history are occurring at an exponential rate since the rise of the information age, but couldn't find anything yet]. There was a revolution in time and consciousness itself. It just happened so quickly that people are waking up to the new age at different rates.

This happened-

To summarize:
There was a 4th Industrial Revolution. IT became time.

This industrial revolution of information in real time was special because it was our third economic revolution as a collective species.

"It can be characterized as the moment when humanity reaches a point when in principle everyone can have access to perfect economic information about everything, everywhere and all the time. It is largely the result of the incessant progress of information and communication technologies, which have advanced over the past half a century from number crunching, through information processing, to data production and analysis at a truly sophisticated and massive scale." says, Martin Bruncko, founder and managing partner of Steam Capital.

Technologies such as distributed manufacturing and 3D printing, driverless cars, the internet of things, and advanced gene editing made it possible for people to translate information into outcomes in the physical world. Humans were then able to track and measure an idea from conception all the way to fruition. Humans were able to make a science of how "thoughts became things".

Having perfect information in real time would have seemed as impossible as video conferencing with someone on the other side of the world to a person during the first industrial revolution and as impossible as the steam engine to someone from the agricultural revolution (the first two human economic revolutions).

I was "lucky" enough to be one of the first thrown out of the revolution in 🚀⏳.

We are now living in a world where anything is possible as long as you play by nature's rules. Well, we did before, but the world "impossible" is now popularly categorized as in|possible.

Moral of the story- there are two sides of history you will either go towards depending on what you decide to do with this information. One history ends with, "The End", and one transitions into "Herstory"📖, a period of time where time itself is measured and recorded differently- in real time. Choose wisely. 😜

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