
The Maori were/are one of the more warlike people. They came from the Pacific Islands where there were more of them than the land/sea could support. Might is right, if I can trick/stop you from eating/having that I will be better off.
then the loser of that episode wants revenge, right back to his grandfather x's 5s time.
They never forgot, they told stories about their wins and losses all the time so they couldn't forget.
keep going, there are some love stories coming

Make love not war... or something like that haha

they did lots of that as well, often with somebody else's girl, which, of course, led to more war

Typical bldy males thinking through there little man tut tut LOL :)

they had a few problems in those days, there were only rats, dogs, people as mammals, to give a supply of meat, rats and dogs were harder to catch, and didn't supply as much product.
If they knocked off the enemy, they had this big supply of meat to grow strong and mussily with. This meant that the next enemy was easier to knock off,
they had no diet problems then, the vegetables [kumuara, [sweet potato] patches were dug by stick, no shovels or spades, weeded by hand on knees, no hoes or rakes, dug up by hand, still no shovels or spades, carried in woven baskets, no trucks or carts, lifted chest high into the storage houses, no lifts or ladders, and if there was a leak the crop would rot before it could be used.

Glad i didn't live them or i wouldn't have survived very long. There must have been a MacDonalds near by haha :)

This was a primitive part of the world, no Mickey D, or Kentucky Ducky, no Subway's either.
Now we have them all. [less "come to dinner" invites as well]

Surely maccy ds have been around forever lol

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