85 Years Ago Today, Hitler Carried Out a “False Flag” Showing How Gov’t Can Control With Lies and Fear

in #history7 years ago

The whole truth about the Reichstag fire will probably never be known. Nearly all those who knew it are now dead, most of them slain by Hitler in the months that followed.
~ Historian William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

On this date, 85 years ago, the headquarters for the German parliament, known as the Reichstag building, was burned down due to arson. Immediately after the fires, the Nazis passed a piece of tyrannical legislation called the “decree for the protection of state and people,” which gave them total police state control over the population.

The fires were blamed on Hitler’s political rivals, which allowed the regime to be extremely aggressive against anyone they deemed to be their enemies. However, many historians believe that it was actually the Nazi party who started the fire, in a plot to control the masses through fear.

This strategy is actually common in history, and has been used by many governments and has come to be known as a “false flag attack.” Unfortunately, over the years this legitimate military term has been grossly overused to the point where people think that it is some throw-away conspiracy theory. False flag attacks do happen though, and there is even verified proof that the US government has been involved in such operations.

For example, it was a false flag attack that caused the United States to enter the Vietnam war, but it wasn’t until 40 years later that we learned the truth about the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

Initially, the American public was told that American ships were attacked by North Vietnamese boats, but the whole story was a twisted web of lies. In reality, the US warships initiated conflict with the North Vietnamese, and then later staged an attack against themselves to justify further action in the region.

Since the beginning of empire, the ruling class has created chaos in their societies so they could be given more power, under the pretense that they would clean up the mess that they actually created. The first ruler that we know of to perfect the art of creating chaos was the Roman emperor Diocletian who came to power in 284 AD.

This is the “leader” that was responsible for changing Rome from a developing civilization into a covert dictatorship. Since the Roman people had a history of freedom and financial prosperity, they were not going to give up their rights unless they were carefully manipulated into doing so. Diocletian needed to create an enemy that he could use as a scapegoat so he could raise taxes, expand his military, and take away the rights of the Roman citizens.

His policies were unpopular and he was having difficulty getting his people to fall in line, so he set his own palace on fire twice in two weeks and blamed it on his political and religious rivals. With his new powers, Diocletian completely reorganized the Roman political system to work like a dictatorship, but he continued to call it a democracy so the people would still think they were free. Diocletian’s approach has been used over and over by authoritarian rulers throughout history who manipulated their people into giving up their freedom.

Many people doubt that these types of plots are possible since they seem so elaborate and require so much cooperation and secrecy, but it is not far-fetched to think that the government is capable of pulling something like this off, and there is evidence of this in history to prove this as well.

The US government has even released documentation, proving they planned multiple false flags.

According to minutes from a meeting on March 22, 1962, held by the “Special Group (Augmented),” which according to an encyclopedia on the Central Intelligence Agency, included Attorney General Robert Kennedy, CIA Director John McCone, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer, detailing the creation of a false flag attack on the United States to be blamed on the Soviets.

According to the documents, the US government wanted to manufacture or obtain Soviet aircraft so they could launch an attack on America or friendly bases and use those attacks as a pretext for war.

According to the previously Top Secret classified documents:

“There is a possibility that such aircraft could be used in a deception operation designed to confuse enemy planes in the air, to launch a surprise attack against enemy installations or in a provocation operation in which Soviet aircraft would appear to attack U.S. or friendly installations in order to provide an excuse for U.S. intervention.”

Many of the accusations that are brought up against the government that get labeled as conspiracy theories are eventually proven to be true way after the fact. The official stories of many world-changing events, including the USS Maine, USS Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, are all drastically different than the government and media have led us to believe.

(sources for article are hyperlinked at the site below)

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I'm not sure about many of the conspiracy theories.... but it is a fact that we're squandering so much of our resources on foreign war to enrich the lobbyists, to keep people divided, and to keep foreign lands in the state of perpetual war and instability.... which leads to things like terrorism and more sufferings. America does also have a role in training and funding terrorist groups, directly or indirectly... :/

We could be using all that resources to eliminate most forms of sufferings in America, to rebuild our entire infrastructures, and to ensure that everyone here can pursue any realistic dreams they have.... rather than the stagnation that we have now.

The propaganda machine convinced the American people not just that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction... but that he was behind 9/11!, thus facilitating the 2003 invasion of Iraq. We shouldn't disbelieve everything, but hopefully keep a healthy skepticism, always ask ourselves "who stands to benefit from this?," "is my anger being redirected to those with power or the powerless?" and demand solid evidence from our government.

That's a bipartisan thing too, and none of the people that voted for it feels any remorse about all the casualties. Everyone that voted yes for Iraq war should have been stripped of their position. So many lives were lost with the majority not even bothering to read the intelligence reports before voting for it. Even if they were just ignorant, rather than being directly malicious, they have failed to uphold their responsibilities.

Plus, even if the vote was not a unilateral permission to go straight into a war due to Section 3(b) of the 1973 War Powers Act requirement, they should have done their best to impeach Bush. They should be outraged that their vote was used inappropriately. An impermissible war should automatically be ground for impeachment.

It's sad that so many people are still voting for these people into office. The government office is about building connection, better at tricking people, and about patting each other backs, not about being good for the job. :/

I agree, the term false flag gets tossed around way to often. We have to make sure if we're making such a claim that we have facts that point to our claim. I cringe when, just minutes after an event, I see "truthers" hollering "FALSE FLAG! FALSE FLAG!" with nothing to give credit to their assumptions. This causes "normies" to dismiss the claim outright & later tune out others who, after looking at the facts of the case, present the evedence of a false flag. Folks who just want clicks for saying it first hurt those looking to expose the truth of an event.

Nowadays they don't really need to make them happen, they just let them happen. That makes it a lot harder to prove culpability.

so important to remember the proven false flags of the past. The big problem is that the people (of every time) always thought that this has happened in the past, but now we are in a different age and it cannot happen anymore. But it will happen again. We must wake up and defend our freedom as this is the only thing that will protect us against tyranny.

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