Wild Bill Hickok: His Early YearssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I'm starting a new series in my tales of Old West, this one is about the
famed gunfighter, lawman, scout and gambler known as Wild Bill
Hickok. I did 2 posts about him last week about his Sheriff jobs in 2
Kansas cow towns, Abilene and Hays City, but then I stopped because
I was having trouble finding verifiable information.

Luckily I had ordered a well researched book from the 1960's which
goes into painstaking details about his life and exploits, all very well
documented. This author spent years in research and worked with
dozens of historical societies and archives from many states as well
as court records and newspaper articles from the 1800's.

He also interviewed two of Wild Bill's nieces and one of his nephews
on many occasions and they gave him documents and many letters
which Wild Bill had written over the years so it was a treasure trove
of information which had never been disclosed before.

check out that mustache..I'm a little bit envious.


In fact, one of the reasons I didn't start this series yesterday was
because I got caught up in reading his letters to his mom, brothers
and sister and it was mesmerizing, lol...I lost all track of time because
it was such a rare look into the man's character and heart.

So anyway, wading through tons of facts and figures takes more time
than I counted on so this post is just an introduction to his life and
adventures. But I'll give you a brief rundown on his early life so you
can see where he came from.
He was born James Butler Hickok in Homer, Illinois in 1837 and he
had 3 brothers and 1 sister. His family lived outside town and they
farmed for their livelihood. Life was tough. They were poor. James
learned to handle firearms very early in age and he was a natural
with them and would spend most days out in the woods hunting to
provide food for his family.

His father was not in good health and passed away when James was
15 years old. As exhaustive as the book is regarding details of his life
there is not much known about his father except his lineage,
occupation, and the fact that he ran a stop on the Underground
Railroad for escaping slaves on their way North.

Even though Illinois was an anti-slavery state there were still ugly
people who were out tracking escaped slaves. This is a bit of a side bar
but I think it's an important part of United States history, albeit a
hideous part.

There were basically three groups of people who made the task of
running a station on the Underground Railroad very dangerous. One
was the Provost Marshalls who were legally tasked with taking
escaped slaves back.

Then there were the Kidnappers who would kidnap slaves and resell
them. The third group were the bounty hunters who would recapture
the slaves and return them to their owners for the reward money or
bounty on them.

James stated that many times his father was shot at for his activities
and recalled one time when he and his brother were riding with their
father in a wagon which was full of escaped slaves when they were
approached by a band of bounty hunters who gave chase and began
firing their guns at them.

When the shots began his father had him and his brother get down in
the wagon with the slaves. Jame's father knowing the area well, was
able to turn down a narrow path in the woods while the band rode on
down the main road.

While no records were known and probably weren't kept for security
reasons, Jame's relatives say that his family literally saved hundreds
of escaping slaves by hiding them and giving them safe passage on to

This gives you a little insight into how Wild Bill's character was
formed and why. He hated injustice his whole life and always stood
up for the less fortunate. The cruelties and injustice of slavery made
a deep impression on him.

this is the only known photo of young James. He was 21 years old.


When his father died the work of the farm was left to the brothers but
James was itching to get out of there, he was bored and destined for
more than plowing fields.

He stayed to support his family but also took jobs on neighbors
farms and took a job at a canal which used horses to pull cargo
barges along the canal.

This is the first instance which showed his character and intolerance
of bullies because his job ended when he threw his employer into the
canal for abusing the horses! lol. James was 17 at the time.

Starting to like this guy now?

Tomorrow we'll continue with James heading for Kansas where his
legend really begins.

Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know...you might just be a redneck if:

Jack Daniels makes you list of most admired people!



I am liking this guy already , can't wait for the next lot xx

howdy there winchestergirl! yes Ma'am his is one of the good guys and he has a great story that I think you'll enjoy, thanks for reading and commenting!

its a pleasure to read the tales you tell : )

howdy winchestergirl! well thank you, I just try to tell some history and not make it boring you know? that way people are forced to learn but they aren't bored.

yes that is my fave way of learning x

haha! yes! howdy winchestergirl! that's my favorite way to, like in movies that are historically accurate! I guess we're lazy. lol.

maybe not lazy @janton !!! but history telling is great , but there is loads more to it , like people who witnessed to shoot outs what was there take on it , did Bill do something nice for them , what is there story ??

howdy there winchestergirl! what is who's story?
The book I'm going through now is so detailed that I could give most of the other people involved, their story, but the posts would be very boring and most readers don't care about the side characters, they just want to know about Wild Bill and what happened.


This is the first instance which showed his character and intolerance of bullies because his job ended when he threw his employer into the canal for abusing the horses! lol. James was 17 at the time.

This sounds promising!


haha! yes he was very gentle most of the time but if you bullied someone or was a criminal he didn't mess around! thank you sir friendly-fenix!

This does sound promising . I figured out tonight I am reading all your posts in a Texan accent. Yes sireeeee

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haha! yes sir blanchy that would help, everyone should be doing that!

I don't blame him. Poor and plowing fields all day? NO thanks.

howdy there cosmiccrimes! ha! I know, it sounds horrible. The way they farmed back then behind and ox or a horse..no way.

I think I would go die somewhere lol.

I do like him already. I never heard of him so...yeah!!!!

howdy there squirrelbait! oh you've never heard of him..well I think you'll like him.

Hey, @janton.

Any time I do research on anything I'm interested in, be it for a post, a Sunday School lesson, a novel, my own personal edification, or anything else, I tend to find myself doing the exact thing: getting immersed in the details. Especially if they help or aid me in some way. It would be great if we could get paid for the research part of it before we even get to the post. I suppose knowledge is payment, too. :)

howdy back sir Glen! wow I've missed talking to you, how you doing and how is your wife?
regarding the research, it's so true that it's highly rewarding on it's own and I usually wish I could include everything I learn but then the posts would be way too long and it would take a ridiculous amount of time to put them together! lol.
are you back for Friday's cooking post?

I probably won't have a cooking post. I cooked last Saturday, but it was steak, and I didn't do anything different to them than normal. Tomorrow I need to come up with something. Have no idea what. As it is, I haven't really done a whole lot food related, unless I actually say something about a fortune cookie fortune. Does that count?

themanwithnoname mentioned you were inquiring after me. :) I'm not quite into full mode yet, but I could make a run for the Top 10 still if the mood strikes. It was weird but yesterday I had this nagging feeling for a good part of it that I needed to be doing something. There were some things, but those were taking care of fairly early. Not sure what I was thinking, but I don't need to be thinking I'm forgetting something when I'm not. :)

Surely, though, with everyone else you've got to comment with you couldn't have missed me that much. :)

My wife is doing well. She's been cleared to return to work the first of October, and right now, she's down with her sisters in Mexico. She might not want to come back. :)

haha! about your wife, so she is having a great time? Maybe she'll want to retire there!that would be different but then look at Lynn, it sounds wonderful.

What about job hunting, have you been forced to do any of that? Mrs. J put in for
the local jail to be a Corrections Officer! It sounds so weird but she thinks she wants to get into the criminal justice system and that's the best way to do it. So we'll see but it would be some decent money coming in but it's tough work, 12 hour shifts dealing with not nice people.

yes I miss talking to you everyday! dang.. I have some conversations with people but not the indepth ones that we have. besides we have quite a bit in common like our wives thinking we should probably go get a job! and what to do until we retire and where and quite a few things.

yes I say the fortune cookie counts! lol.

Usually when my wife goes to visit she ends up not wanting to come back. Over our nearly 30 year marriage, this is like the tenth or so time she's gone. I've been there twice.

She hasn't talked ever about retiring there. The Mexico City metropolitan area isn't much like a resort town. I've talked about Cancun. She's not really been interested.

re: corrections officer


I know very little about your wife, but what you have mentioned about her and stress associated with real estate does not equate to jail or the criminal justice system. :) So, there must be more to it.

Way more.

No job yet, but the pressure is still there. It probably will be there until STEEM goes up. I may have until the beginning of next year, though. Not sure but she was relenting a little.

haha! well in real estate we were responsible for people's livihoods in many cases and the work never ended, we couldn't get away from it, this kind of job you can.

But you are so astute! see I miss talking to you because you're such a good analyst and thinker. she is actually trying to get into the criminal justice system because we want to set up a home to help women who get out of prison, like a half way house.

But we need connections in the court system and we don't have any so that's her scheme to get in there. In fact it's the only way that we found that it could be "infiltrated" lol. it's just a starting point but would open up alot of opportunities and enable many connections to the court system.

Going to be another great read.

Nice intro. Looking forward to the story. :-)

I like James aka Wild Bill already - he was a compassionate man of principle. I am looking forward to the next chapter janton.

Hi @janton. I wondered where you had disappeared to as you are like a piece of furniture on here with your post every day lol. Research takes time as I teased you before maybe you just look back in the family photo album and see all your forefathers who roamed the wild west.

howdy sir cryptoandcoffee! yeah I hate to miss a day of posting but it happens. My family ancestors weren't in the wild west they got to Kansas around 1910 or something like that or else it would be interesting to do some research and find out where they were in the West.

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