Wild Bill Hickok And The World's Most Dangerous Job

in #history6 years ago (edited)



Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

Well guys when I left off last time in the story of Wild Bill's life and
times he had just gone through a trial for shooting a rival by the
name of Tutt and had been cleared in that case with a no guilty
verdict as it was very obviously self defense.

I also wanted to shed a little more light on the subject of the lady that
he allegedly got pregnant when he was serving in the Union Army.
Tutt held a fearsome grudge against Wild Bill because it was Tutt's
sister who got pregnant and Tutts family and friends claimed the
same story was true.

After I posted the last segment I had questions about what happened
to the lady and her son and I realized it sounded like Wild Bill had
abandoned them but that's not the case. He was off serving in the
war as a scout and spy when she left to go back East.

About 30 years later a researcher tracked her down and spoke with
her or attempted to at least, and she was 50 years old by that time.
But she didn't admit that Wild Bill was the father and so it was never
proven beyond a doubt that he was or wasn't.

But by all indications of his character I believe he would have done
what was right and supported her if not marry her if she had stayed.
So the bottom line is: he didn't abandon her like it probably sounded
because of my sloppy story telling. lol.

Ok, so after the trial he was summoned to Forty Riley, Kansas and
offered a Deputy United States Marshall position which entailed
mostly hunting down horse and mule thieves who had stolen
livestock from the Army. By my calculations he was about 28
years old at the time.

Now, for Wild Bill this wasn't the most exciting work he'd ever done
but tracking down horse thieves and taking them back to Fort Riley
sounds pretty interesting to me. He also worked as a scout and
guide for wagon trains during this time.

Fort Riley, Kansas in 1870


It was in this time that many of the myths and legends got out of
hand because Wild Bill and his other scouting friends loved to tell
tall tales to the green horns who were making it out West for the first
time and they would laugh and joke about it amongst themselves.

That wasn't the problem. The problem was that there were always
reporters around hearing these wild stories and then writing them up
in their papers or for Dime Novels to sell back East. Then in later
years researchers going through old newspaper stories about him
would read these wildly "enhanced" stories and present them as fact!

I think Wild Bill was addicted to danger though because his next
choice of work was the most dangerous job in the country at that
time which was as a scout for the Army.

Scouting for the Calvary..

I have to give a little bit of background information here so you'll
have a clear picture of what was going on. During the Civil War many
Indian tribes took advantage of a lack of troops in the West to take
back territory and carry out raids on settlements.

I mean, you can't blame them. They were losing their lands to the
White man who wanted their land and didn't really care how he got it.
So there was havoc in many areas of the West so Washington ordered
the Army to go out there and put an end to it and to reopen the mail
carrying operation which had been lost during the war.

So this is where the Calvary scouts came in. Their job was to run
information or dispatches, between Army units and carry letters also.
They were also tasked with keeping the Army informed of the
location of Indians and the movements of the Indians....all of this
done on their own.

They would travel at night and rest during the day. Does this sound
dangerous enough to you? They used, hardy, fast ponies like the
Indians used and they owed their lives to their horses, their wits,
their speed, their knowledge of the land which they raced for their
lives through, and their ability to shoot.


Unfortunately many of them were killed.. many disappeared without
a trace, others their scalped and mutilated bodies were found by
their fellow scouts or a patrol.

Sometimes their fate could be guessed by a riderless pony returning
to the fort with a blood splattered saddle and wounded with a bullet
or arrow in the horse.

It was common along the mail route for people to receive mail with
the blood stains of the rider who gave their lives getting the mail
through. So this is the work that Wild Bill volunteered to take on.

Wild Bill wore buckskin when he scouted:



There is only one verified account of his scouting during this time.
There are lots of tall tales and I'm sure some of them have an
element of truth to them but no proof.

The one incident was recorded by the Army but is short on details.
We know that he got into a skirmish or they tried to take him out
on his way to the fort. He had a lance in his leg, he eventually lost
his horse so the horse must have been wounded too.

A patrol from the fort found him on foot and using the lance as a
crutch but he made it. But then again, he always made it..either
by Lady Luck or the Hand of Providence!

By the way, I found this copy of an original poster for Pony Express
riders which I found profoundly interesting. The Pony Express was
not the same task as Army Scout but the dangers were similar.
Check out the small print:

I'll continue with his life, hopefully in the next post.
Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!

-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know...you might just be a redneck if:

Redman sends you a Christmas card!
lol. I love this one but for those who don't know, Redman is
famous for their chewing tobacco.



Enjoying following along janton.
And I really like seeing the photo's too...

howdy again annephilbrick! yes Ma'am I really enjoy the old photos too!

Hi @janton. You worried the ghost of Wild Bill going to come terrify you. That was a quick back pedal and I am sure you are right about him looking after the child etc if it was his. The poster speaks volumes with the words preferred orphans and willing to risk death daily. I am sure $25 was a good weekly wage then if you survived to spend it. Look forward to the next episode.

hey now..I'm not back pedaling I just didn't explain it well enough the first time..and then I had all these women asking me about it! lol. The ladies didn't like him anymore because they thought he abandoned the girl.
yes sir, a good wage was $75 a month so $100 was great money! hard to believe.
thank you sir.

Lol. Most guys wouldn't abandon a child and a mother if they are aware and know they are responsible.So it was very good money ,but had very high risks hence the rewards.

yes sir cryptoandcoffee the question is...if you were back then.. young, ambitious, brave, with no family would you try to get ahead by doing that job?

Probably not unless I had modern equipment like a machine gun , a motorbike instead of a horse and some night vision. Being scalped would have been a terrifying experience and a reason not to do it.

yes sir I agree, I think you had to be a little bit crazy to do that job!

Wild bill was once hell of a survivor

howdy there empress! so good to see you here..yes he was, very amazing. I suppose ya'll had that kind of guys in your country's past?

Thanks for your hard work janton in getting the posts out on this really fascinating man.

thank you angimitchell! yeah I kind of felt bad today because there wasn't any big famous action in this one but I wanted people to know about his time as a scout because it was such dangerous work!

I think it is good to get a big picture - there has to be a balance in life. By the way, thank you for always communicating.

howdy again angiemitchell..well I agree about the big picture and you are so welcome about communicating and thank you for communicating also!

Quite a character. Must be hard sorting legend from fact as this late date and time.

well sir the book that I have is an old one from 1964 and the author interviewed Wild Bill's nieces and nephew who had lots of personal letters and documents, then he spent many years traveling around the country searching through old archives and records at court houses, newspapers, state historical societies and on and on so he was able to pin down most of the well known tales to know if they happened or not and the correct facts if they did. that's one long sentence! lol.

Like the Springfield Square face off. So if he says it can't be determined then I leave the story out.

Wow. Nicely done!

Wow. Check out that poster. That's some history right there. I look forward to more of my history lesson. Thanks so much for all your efforts on this topic. I can't believe how poor my education was.

howdy there squirrelbait!~ was it that poor? I mean I think most kids didn't even take history and if they did it wouldn't be but very broad strokes and main events. You probably had the average so everyone needs to learn on their own!

History was boring, unlike this, inaccurate etc. I like your history lessons. Interesting, rich. These people come alive in your stories.

howdy there squirrelbait! well thank you so much for the kind words, I may just keep the work up for a little while then!

We all know it was a fashion trend to wear a knife in your belt in those years. It was very "in" and practical too, you never know when you will need to cut a steak! 😂

hahaha! it was just the fashion huh? you had to wear a knife like that or you'd be out of it! lol. and how about both those ivory handled pistols?

Pistols goes with mustache. Its a fashion thing too, big mustache needs big pistol! All cowboys knows that!

howdy again blacklux! all cowboys know that? lol. well I suppose they should know that, I didn't so shame on me!

Yeah, shame on you!!

lol..I agree. I'm embarrassed too!

This wild bill lad couldn't hold down a job! Did he have OCD? Bit snowflakey?

hahaha! sir blanchy those words would have got you killed back then! lol.

Hey @janton lovely bedtime story for me thank you! Interesting fact about me I was a cavalry scout in the army 19delta we didn't ride horses but we rode humvees, and jumped out of planes! (I was 82nd Airborne out of Ft. Bragg). Still pretty dangerous job, but way different these days I'm sure. Anyways lovely storytelling sir! Also, I always got Copenhagen coupons in the mail does that count? ;) have a great one buddy heading stateside tomorrow for my brother's wedding so might be offline for a few days. Take er easy

oh how cool sir badger! I mean coming here for your brother's wedding! congratulations to him!
I wonder how that will feel to come back? How long has it been? not that long if I remember.

Yes sir that is very interesting that you were an Army scout! wow.

Yes! Copenhagen is close enough you redneck you! lol.
I keep threatening to start a Redneck Brigade on here. everyone's welcome, no qualifications required! lol.

hey we're gonna miss talkin to ya if you're gonna be gone for awhile.

Good day janton...wow! was that how they published for those looking for jobs? Not the "Uncle Sam Wants You!" Well, today you don't see those kinds of qualifications, no one would apply I think. Good read and story janton.

what? you wouldn't want to go out there and risk your life for $100 per month? That was darn good money! you could buy a new horse!

Lol. No not for a hundred bucks. Forget the horse janton just have your jack, your best buddy.

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ahaha! well hey roger5120 a hundred bucks a month back then was really good money! I wouldn't put Jack in that kind of danger though. lol.

Howdy janton! How are you doing this lovely day?
Ha ha that’s funny...real good money ..but you and your buddy wouldn’t want to partake and be like Wild Bill - the town hero, right? He he

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lol, adrenaline junky. $2K that's still not enough janton. it's not worth it. No wonder you don't let jack come or go with you. lol

ha! me be a hero? no way, he did things that I would never consider but then I think he had a need for excitement, I think he was an adrenaline junky! I think $100 a month back then was roughly like $2,000 per month in today dollars so it was pretty good money especially in the West.

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