Today I Bust A Couple Of Old West Myths

in #history6 years ago

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas! Today I wanted to do another myth busting post about misconceptions people have about the Old West.

It's not their fault though, when you see the same style or specific type of scene in movie after movie then you accept those as facts or reality. So here are a couple of misconceptions that I see all the time in the media.

The classic cowboy hat

If you watch Western movies or tv series they often are wearing classic Stetson style cowboy hats like this Texas girl is:


And here is one of Hollywood's examples via The Lone Ranger, set in the mid 1800's:

The problem is, this style of hat didn't come out until the end of the Wild West period and didn't become popular until the 1930's and 40's. Here's the style most were actually wearing in the Wild West:

How would you like to get into an argument with those boys? But as far as their hats: Wide brims, good protection from rain and sun but not very stylish.

As far as the movies using the classic cowboy hat, I can see why.. they look cool and ARE much cooler in hot weather.

The gun that won the West!

This one cracks me up. There are a couple of guns that always seem to lay claim to that title. Most of the time the famous Colt .45 is named as the Gun That Won The West but the truth is that there WAS no single gun that was predominately used in the Old West.

colt 45 50ouk61wm9.jpgsource

As far as the Colt .45, it was and is a magnificent firearm and although it started production in 1873, it didn't make it out into the Western Territory in significant numbers until a decade later when much of the West was already settled.

Most of the heavy settling and fighting was done with cap and ball pistols like this one:

They were great guns too but the problem with those were that once you fired your six shots it took like ten minutes to reload and you had to have the gun powder, slugs and firing caps with you to do it. Something you don't see in the movies.

But the favored type of gun was not usually a pistol anyway, it was a rifle or a double barrelled shotgun. The bottom line: the guns that won the West were the ones that shot!

Whatever was shootable.. from ancient muzzle loaders to lever action rifles, to shotguns to the cartridge pistols, they ALL won the West.

Meanwhile back in redneck country

There's a little project I've been working on. It's a dang tree that just fell over onto one of our lawns. It's grown up along the edge of the pond and I reckon it's root system weakened.


The thing is, I decided to cut it up and remove it using tools like the pioneers had. I have a chainsaw but I thought it would be more challenging and more of a workout to use an axe, machete and a short, 12 inch hand saw.

I've made some headway.


But I still got a heck of a long way to go. With a chainsaw it would've taken 20 minutes! lol. It's a good sized tree. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'll probably do another myth-busting post tomorrow. If you see a Western movie or tv show take note of their guns and hats and see if they line up with the correct times in history..most likely not!

Thanks for reading guys!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck


PS- ya might just be a redneck if:

You've ever had to turn your pickup truck around because of bridge clearance restrictions! lol.


God bless you all!


Interesting, thanks

Howdy sir wales! Thanks for reading and commenting!

Okay after following you for months, I have come down to a conclusion that you love cowboy hats, thieves, arms and beautiful looking ladies :D

What? where did you get those wild ideas hananali? lol.. well ok, all but the thieves. I write about the thieves because they usually have entertaining stories with some action. You want me to write about a boring farmer and what he planted each year and how the crops turned out? I might have one or two readers!

hahaha I din't say don't write entertaining stories about I just noticed this interest of yours in thieves, am happy you were not alive in that era or I would be sitting here writing a story about you :D "Jonboy from the Northern Texas who dodged police for several months" kind of stuff lol

Apart from jokes, you write good and have many regular readers, this is something a lot of people here want but don't get so you are lucky and good at what you do

Morning janton, the cowboys in the movies have to look good you know! How else do they get the crowds to watch the action at the cinemas? lol.

Damn nuisance when tress fall over!

haha! yeah that's right angiemitchell! An ugly, uncool looking cowboy wouldn't attract many viewers. And cool looking hats are a big part of it! That tree is a pain in the neck but I'm making progress on it and it's all coming down with hand tools and being hauled away with a wheel barrow instead of a tractor.

Forget the hats I don’t think the woman looked like that eighter.

what woman? lol! Yeah I don't think they did either sir Wolf! lol. I'm going over to your blog right now, it's been too long.

Years ago I read a letter from the commander of Ft. Sill requesting woman from back east. They would work the fort. Laundry ect. But he wanted the ugliest woman that they could get because the men would marry them and the woman would quit and stay home leaving no one to work the infrastructure of the fort.

Good reading! I have read many of these Wild West myth-busting articles, but never seen mention of the guns or hats. Very interesting!

Well howdy sir dbooster! Thanks for the kind words. I see that you are in Japan! How it dramatically different from living in the United States? It seems like it woud be crowded with everyone living in small apartments or something.

I'd say it's about the same as the States. Smaller cities are not so busy with plenty of space, while larger places (like Tokyo) are super busy and crowded (like NYC). Apartments are in general smaller, but house sizes are similar. To me I don't seen huge differences between living here and in the States, beyond the obvious things like food and whatnot. But Japan has been very Americanized since the war, and that has only increases since the internet became common.

Howdy sir dbooster! how interesting...and what is the cost of living like, is that similar also?

Good myths to bust! Hollywood does change our perceptions. Good luck with that tree. I admire your effort.

howdy Melinda! oh my gosh I didn't know if was so late, are you still up?

I missed you last night. I went to bed shortly after midnight, my time. I simply could not keep my eyes open any longer!

I'm sorry I got so wrapped up in trying to catch up that I forgot the time, I didn't get all the comments answered so I still didn't catch up, nice problem to have, that hasn't happened for awhile. Hey I had a weird thing happen, I got a bunch of votes from one of the Belle Starr posts from a month ago, then quite a few from a post I did about Dodge City like 3 months ago! I have no idea why and we still have the 7 day voting time limit right?
I didn't even make it to your blog last night! I haven't even had time to make it over to the League results to see how we did!

I certainly hope that you feel like you can get caught up a little more today! Of course you did great with the EL numbers! Mine were far better than I expected. I skipped several days commenting on c squared posts, but I did really good there too! I will look around and see if I can figure out why you got votes on a post older than 7 days! I believe they are just wasted votes, right?
Do remember to check out the post that e-steemapp did about the leaderboard. Their screen shot doesn't show the best numbers for either one of us, but it was fun to be featured in their post! I resteemed it, so it's on my page.
I'm hoping for a good day here today! Maybe we will both feel more caught up!

Howdy again Melinda! So you had a great week all around, yay! I think people are doing alot of holiday things or something because I spent less time on commenting last week since I joined the League. Yes unless they changed the rules those are wasted votes so it makes no sense.

I'll check out the esteemapp post, thanks.

What an interestin post, @janton! You got your work cut out for you to clear that brush with hand tools!

I loved the photos of the old pistols, reminded me of the Steve Earle song, Devil's Right Hand:

My very first pistol was a cap and ball Colt
Shoot as fast as lightnin' but it loads a mite slow
Loads a mite slow and soon I found out
Get you into trouble but it can't get you out
So then I went and bought myself a Colt 45
Called a peacemaker but I never knew why
Never knew why, I didn't understand
Mama said the pistol is the devil's right hand

I guess I never knew "loads a mite slow" meant 10 minutes! Better make every shot count!

The stetsons were interesting too. Up here we have the stetson as part of the parade uniform for the RCMP. Doesn't look exactly the same as what you showed, but I think it's pretty close..



I enjoyed your post - like all of them! U+R :)

thank you sir Keith! what a cool song! Is that a country artist? Well I don't know how long it actually takes to reload a six shooter but they have videos showing that of course, it's a hassle! have you seen how they do it? you literally have 6 shots and then the fight is over unless you got more, now I know why most of those guys like Wild Bill always carried at least 2 pistols.
Stetson makes, or at least they did, I guess I should go to their website...anyway they made all kinds of hat shapes like the Bowlers. They're based right here in Dallas or maybe it's Austin. They're great quality and that one you show would sure work in cowboy conditions too! Thanks so much for the kind words.

Oh, I got blisters from using that axe so long today hacking sections of that tree away. lol. I don't know how the pioneers did it.

You don't know this song? You're going to love it! I think Steve Earle is a little country-rock, but Waylon Jennings released a cover version of this before Steve Earle even recorded it. Johnny Cash also did a version which I think is not great.. but here is the original Steve Earle version.... "about the time Daddy left to fight the big war, saw my first pistol in the general store... " I lOVE this song! :)

Here's another... this one's about you guys showing up late for WW II haha! "Johnny come Lately" Great song! About a US fighter pilot flying out of England across the channel on missions. Awesome stuff:

By the way, that RCMP Stetson has what's called a "Montana Peak"

Love it. Mythbusters Wild West.
Get the chainsaw. No one is keeping score except your back.

haha! I'm stubborn sir, I want to see if I can do it. I worked my butt off today with my axe and only got about 6 feet on two big limbs but that's okay, I'm down there by the pond and it's very peaceful and I can dream about all the fake money I'm making on steemit. plus I need the workout. lol.

Hot lady click bait lmao! I knew about the guns were not true but the hats? Makes sense tho, practicality and all. Lotta dust in them days.

Posted using Partiko Android

haha! hot lady click bait! lol...hey I was just looking for a good cowboy hat to demonstrate what it looks like! lol. Yes sir, good hats were very practical especially in scorching sun, rain, hail, dust, and sometimes using it to feed your horse grain. Thank you sir enginewitty!

The fallen tree giving you a good workout. :-)

howdy sir Vincent! yes sir it's a little tough, I think I'll stop for a couple of days because of blisters on my hands plus we're supposed to be getting some rain. But I'm making progress, just not a 20 yr old anymore! lol.

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