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RE: The Other Painted Ladies of the Old West

in #history6 years ago

lol! that's too funny. you WERE trying to be funny right Blondie?
well sir they were paid in pure silver so that was their precious metals, I'm sure they didn't have any savings accounts handy and they were a long way from home.
most of them probably blew most of a month's wages in one night. first it cost to have the livery keep their horses, then they had to pay for baths and a barber for shaves and hair cuts, those things there were probably at least a dollar apiece and that was before the saloon.

I don't know what the black cowboys did because they weren't allowed in the saloons. probably the only ones that saved their money.
thank you sir!


Yes, I was trying to be funny. It's that dry pan humor.

It doesn't make sense to me to pay so much of your money for such a momentary pleasure. Yes, it's nice for a short time, but then it's gone and so is your money. I'm more of a saver... except when it comes to silver, but that's saving too, so I'm still good. ;)

Interesting that the black cowboys weren't allowed in the saloons even though they were equal everywhere else on the drive. You're probably right, they probably were the only ones who saved any money.

haha! the silver addiction is so different because even though you spend alot of money you are still being wise and investing! so you can't buy too much silver. just keep telling your wife that.
ya know, she should love this new hobby of yours and all your family should because you just became the easiest person in the world to buy gifts for, like at Christmas.

My wife is actually really happy about knowing what to get me. I've always been really difficult to shop for, but now anyone can know what to get me. Four Silver American Eagles? Sure! That's a great gift. Thank you very much! A silver ingot? That's great too! You really can't go wrong! Ha ha. :D

so true, so it's actually helping everyone, brilliant!

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